Page 13 - Inspire Health September/October 2016
P. 13
heeky campaign raises
prostate cancer awareness By Patrick O’Donnell
Iwhen it comes to doctor visits for tests that
t’s no secret that men can be obstinate. Especially Any male 50 and older should get regular

screenings, he says. “However, if there is a history

involve nitrile gloves and dropping their pants. of prostate cancer in the family, a man should get

That’s why an ad campaign appearing across the screened beginning at the age of 40.”

Lehigh Valley encourages women to “Do Whatever According to The American Cancer Society,

it Takes” to get a loved one in for a potentially life- six out of 10 cases are diagnosed in those 65 and

saving prostate exam — even if it involves some older. Prostate cancer is the second-most common

deception. “Tell him you’re taking him to a history of cancer and second-leading cause of cancer death in

the bikini exhibit,” declares one. American men.

It’s a light-hearted approach aimed at getting a But it doesn’t have to be that way.

serious message across, says Dr. Joseph Trapasso, a “Most men diagnosed with prostate cancer do not

urologist with Urology Specialists of the Lehigh Valley. die from it,” the ACS states. “More than 2.9 million

“Most men are vain and stubborn,” Trapasso says. men in the United States who have been diagnosed

“It takes a woman to get them motivated, especially with prostate cancer at some point are still alive.”

when it comes to health care. At our free screening “Catching prostate cancer early is the key to

events, most of the men are accompanied by their effective treatment,” Trapasso says. “The two most

significant other.” popular forms of treatment, surgery and IMRT

About one man in seven will be diagnosed with radiation, both offer a much higher probability

prostate cancer during his lifetime, Trapasso says. of cure (greater than 90 percent) when the

“There are no symptoms. There are hundreds of men disease is detected in an early stage. Once the

in the Lehigh Valley who have prostate cancer and do disease advances, treatment becomes much more

not know it because they have not been screened. The complicated and the cure rate diminishes.”

Do Whatever it Takes ad campaign is designed to So do whatever it takes to get him in for that

reach out to those men and get their attention.” screening — even if it means stretching the truth.

Tell him you’re taking him to the


Do whatever it takes
to get his prostate screened.
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