Page 15 - Inspire Health September/October 2016
P. 15
ht disease and boost healing with Rosemary
these 5 root vegetables Sweet
1. Sweet Potato 4. Parsnips Bites
Although named “sweet,” A member of the same
this delicious root is lower plant family as carrots, parsley INGREDIENTS
on the glycemic index than and celery, parsnips are • 4 sweet potatoes peeled and chopped into
regular white potatoes and great sources of fiber, folate,
even aids in stabilization of potassium and vitamin C. small bite size pieces
blood. Sweet potatoes supply Parsnips’ fiber is soluble, which • 5- 6 sprigs of fresh rosemary
potassium, vitamin B5 and decreases the risk of diabetes • 4 Tbsp. coconut oil
vitamin C, are high in fiber and and high blood cholesterol. • Salt and pepper to taste
are slow absorbing starch. INSTRUCTIONS
5. Beets 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
2. Russet or Beets can increase 2. In a large mixing bowl, combine above
endurance during athletic
Yukon (White) performance and aid in ingredients and fold until potatoes are covered
Potato recovery from intense with coconut oil.
exercise. They contain nitrates, 3. Spread potatoes evenly onto nonstick baking sheet.
White potato nutrition used by the body for muscle 4. Bake for 30 minutes or until desired texture.
benefits include a high source recovery, improved circulation, 5. Enjoy as a side dish or a healthy snack!
of potassium, important reduced inflammation
for building strong bones and increased physical SEPTEMBER | OCTOBER 2016 INSPIRE HEALTH 15
and supporting heart performance. Beets alkalize
health. White potatoes also and detoxify the body, support
contain manganese; provide hormonal health, and provide
antioxidants and other high levels of phytonutrients
important nutrients. To called betalains.
maximize the nutrient density
benefits, eat the skins and only Want to keep your
lightly cook the potato. No root vegetables
french fries.
fresher longer? Before
3. Carrots storing them in the
Carrots can be consumed refrigerator, cut the
raw, cooked or juiced. leafy green tops off
They get their orange color
from antioxidants called carrots, turnips, beets,
carotenoids, which protect the radishes, etc. The green
eyes and skin. Carrots have
high levels of vitamin A, C, top will constantly
D, E and K and are excellent draw moisture from
sources for magnesium, the root, leaving it dry
potassium and calcium.
and flavorless.
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