Page 8 - Inspire Health September/October 2016
P. 8
ural beauty
The Beauty of Turmeric not only
helps to clear up those
By Whitney Alexandra unflattering bumps,
but it can help to
If you’re anything like me, prevent them as well.
then keeping your skin healthy
is a big priority. There are tons Using food as though, turmeric is fantastic
of products on the market, ‘medicine’ with helping to lighten and
especially organic ones that for your skin diminish those unflattering
can help you achieve that, provides you with amazing scars and uneven skin tone.
but lately I’ve been into health benefits, plus it’s easy
incorporating super foods and convenient. I highly 3. Unwanted Facial Hair
into my beauty routine. recommend turmeric as Another unfortunate
my go-to super food of
CONCUSSION • TBI • NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER the moment. Turmeric problem that can occur is
NO HELP! NO ANSWERS! NOTHING BUT MEDICATIONS! has been used as a natural annoying facial hair; it comes
WRONG… beauty product for many in more often and thicker
years and for good reasons. when our hormones are out
H.O.P.E. LASER INSTITUTE is breaking through the barriers. As an antiseptic and anti- of balance. Turmeric is an
Patent pending protocol is another option for greater wellness. inflammatory, it’s an amazing easy way to remove the hair
help with skin impurities and in a gentle and soothing way.
Call today for your free consultation!! 4. Removes and Fades
THERE’S MORE TO DO THAN WAIT! Here’s a list of reasons Dark Circles
why you should definitely add
(610) 417-2448 • turmeric to your everyday Dark circles can occur for
beauty routine: many reasons, including lack
Low Level Light Therapy • Nutritional and Health Scans & Screening of sleep, stress, hormone
Weight Loss Programs • Stress Management Therapies 1. Helps Acne imbalance, iron deficiency
Smoking Cessation Program Since turmeric is a natural and sometimes simply
Corporate Wellness Training and Speaking Engagements genetics. It’s a buildup of
anti-inflammatory, it is blood that causes dark
perfect for treating acne. blemishes and swelling
Pimples are a form of a flare- under and around your eyes.
up, when your pores become Religiously applying turmeric
clogged and begin to swell to your under-eye area will
beneath the skin, eventually help fade those pesky dark
causing unattractive and circles over time. Awesome,
unwanted imperfections on I know!
your face. Not fun, right?
Well, turmeric not only helps So, the next time you’re at
to clear up those unflattering the grocery store or at your
bumps, but it can help to favorite local farmers market,
prevent them as well. be sure to pick up the little
miracle known as turmeric.
1. Fading of Acne Scars Your skin will thank you.
Unfortunately, with
acne-prone skin, comes the
unwanted scarring that can
be left behind, long after a
breakout clears up. Fear not
The Beauty of Turmeric not only
helps to clear up those
By Whitney Alexandra unflattering bumps,
but it can help to
If you’re anything like me, prevent them as well.
then keeping your skin healthy
is a big priority. There are tons Using food as though, turmeric is fantastic
of products on the market, ‘medicine’ with helping to lighten and
especially organic ones that for your skin diminish those unflattering
can help you achieve that, provides you with amazing scars and uneven skin tone.
but lately I’ve been into health benefits, plus it’s easy
incorporating super foods and convenient. I highly 3. Unwanted Facial Hair
into my beauty routine. recommend turmeric as Another unfortunate
my go-to super food of
CONCUSSION • TBI • NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER the moment. Turmeric problem that can occur is
NO HELP! NO ANSWERS! NOTHING BUT MEDICATIONS! has been used as a natural annoying facial hair; it comes
WRONG… beauty product for many in more often and thicker
years and for good reasons. when our hormones are out
H.O.P.E. LASER INSTITUTE is breaking through the barriers. As an antiseptic and anti- of balance. Turmeric is an
Patent pending protocol is another option for greater wellness. inflammatory, it’s an amazing easy way to remove the hair
help with skin impurities and in a gentle and soothing way.
Call today for your free consultation!! 4. Removes and Fades
THERE’S MORE TO DO THAN WAIT! Here’s a list of reasons Dark Circles
why you should definitely add
(610) 417-2448 • turmeric to your everyday Dark circles can occur for
beauty routine: many reasons, including lack
Low Level Light Therapy • Nutritional and Health Scans & Screening of sleep, stress, hormone
Weight Loss Programs • Stress Management Therapies 1. Helps Acne imbalance, iron deficiency
Smoking Cessation Program Since turmeric is a natural and sometimes simply
Corporate Wellness Training and Speaking Engagements genetics. It’s a buildup of
anti-inflammatory, it is blood that causes dark
perfect for treating acne. blemishes and swelling
Pimples are a form of a flare- under and around your eyes.
up, when your pores become Religiously applying turmeric
clogged and begin to swell to your under-eye area will
beneath the skin, eventually help fade those pesky dark
causing unattractive and circles over time. Awesome,
unwanted imperfections on I know!
your face. Not fun, right?
Well, turmeric not only helps So, the next time you’re at
to clear up those unflattering the grocery store or at your
bumps, but it can help to favorite local farmers market,
prevent them as well. be sure to pick up the little
miracle known as turmeric.
1. Fading of Acne Scars Your skin will thank you.
Unfortunately, with
acne-prone skin, comes the
unwanted scarring that can
be left behind, long after a
breakout clears up. Fear not