Page 9 - Top Workplaces 2018
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Operator: lwahowskidoellDesc: Time: 02-14-2018 12:26Jobname:
We’re stocking our
shelves with awards!
Employee Justin McCauley at work at Uline’s Allentown campus.
night shift and is responsible for the two
Continued from Page 8 buildings on Uline’s campus on the west-
ern side of Allentown.
He and his coworkers have seen that ALDI named as one of the Top Workplaces
One thing it does have is employee the nightside gets the same treatment and
satisfaction in spades. the same perks as those who work stand- by the Morning Call.
“There’s a whole family atmosphere at ard Monday-through-Friday hours.
all kinds of levels,” said Joe Ungrady, a Uline’s financial success is equaled by
department manager on the night shift its willingness to do what it believes it
who has been with Uline for almost eight should to keep its employees happy. The
years. “There’s a great work-life balance. parties, summer carnivals with bounce
“There’s no expectation that I have to houses and ziplines for the kids, allowed
take my work home. I’m not pressured time off, as well as the pay and benefits
into checking my emails all day before I make it hard for anyone to want to leave. Being named a Top Workplace is a
come in. If it’s that important, I’ll get a “They spare no expense in keeping us
phone call.” happy,” Ungrady said. “They go above huge honor, but we didn’t do it alone.
What Uline employees get is many and beyond to keep that family atmos-
reasons to go the extra mile for the com- phere and reward people on the hard work We’re all working hard to make ALDI
pany. they do on a daily or nightly basis.”
There are family movie nights in the Henritzy has noticed that many of her a leading retailer and employer!
summer, a companywide picnic each clients feel some of that same love from
summer, cookies with Santa Claus every Uline. She gets that during her sales calls
December, a visit from the Easter Bunny, Tuesday through Friday in a typical work
company-sponsored bus trips to New week.
York City, holidays including Thanksgiv- “People love doing business with us
ing, Christmas and New Year’s off, and and we handle them with care,” she said. To learn more about what it is like
on-site functions several times a year. “I walk into a sales call and people want
“It’s hard to maintain a waistline when to do business with us because of how to work in a Top Workplace, visit:
we’re getting fed all the time,” Ungrady well we are doing.
said, laughing. “I am a believer in this company 100
Ungrady, Henritzy and others also percent, and that’s what makes Uline
have experienced opportunities for ad- great. The culture is very strong. Once
vancement. Both have climbed the corpo- you’re here and see how everything
rate ladder. works, it’s amazing.”
Henritzy started as one of the first
sales representatives in Pennsylvania. Mandy Housenick is a freelance writer.
Within three years, she was a sales man-
Ungrady was hired as a manager train- ULINE SHIPPING SUPPLIES
ee. He worked days before moving to
nights, which is from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. ■ Founded: 1980
Sunday through Thursdays. He went from ■ Ownership: Private
assistant manager to department manager.
“It is what you make of it,” Henritzy ■ Sector: Distribution ALDI is an equal opportunity employer
said. “Those opportunities are there if you ■ Employees: 700
want them.” ■ Website:
Ungrady oversees 140 people on the