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                                                              TOP WORKPLACES FACTS

               50 facts about this year’s Top Workplaces

        ■ Apollo Grill pioneered the historic  nies in the country three years in a row.  Charter School has had five graduating
        downtown Bethlehem restaurant scene  ■ Dun & Bradstreet is a 175-year old  classes in a row with 100 percent gradu-
        when it opened in 1999. Nearly two  company that has seen four presidents  ation and college enrollment rates.
        decades later, Apollo Grill is one of the  with credit reports in the company’s  ■ Liquid Interactive’s history dates
        Valley’s most popular restaurants.  lineage, including Abraham Lincoln,  back to the early ’90s when the internet
        ■ Active Learning Centers works    Ulysses S. Grant, William McKinley  was just getting off the ground. They
        hard to put together a balanced team of  and Grover Cleveland.        built Mack Trucks’ very first website.
        caretakers.                        ■ Fellowship Community is contin-  ■ MassMutual Eastern Pennsylvania
        ■ Aldi carries more than 90 percent  ually accredited with a Gold Seal of  is one of the largest life insurance com-
        exclusive brand products on its store  Approval and Post-Acute Care Certifi-  panies globally and was ranked 94th in
        shelves.                           cation by the Joint Commission for  the Fortune 500 list (as of 2015).
        ■ Allentown Rescue Mission offers  quality care and outstanding patient  ■ Moravian College is the nation’s
        over 100 beds, including 66 emergency  safety.                        sixth oldest college. It was the first
        shelter beds, across four buildings.  ■ Fitzpatrick Lentz & Bubba P.C. is  school in the country to focus education
        They also offer meals, clean clothing,  one of the 100 largest law firms in the  on women.
        chapel services, medical attention and  state, and is consistently recognized  ■ Mortgage America Inc. is a locally
        community resources.               among Pennsylvania’s best firms for  family-owned and operated mortgage
        ■ ATAS International Inc. –        hiring and retaining female attorneys.  company founded by brothers Bob and
        BRIGHTSMITH Coaters celebrated     ■ HindlePower Inc. has a recognition  Dan Barrett over 35 years ago.
        “marching forth” on March 4 to pro-  program where employees nominate  ■ Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus
        mote staff goal setting and successes.  fellow employees for good work or just  P.A. has been around the Lehigh Valley
        ■ Barry Isett & Associates first op-  being a kind person.            for 100 years. They strive to be a lead-
        erated from a rented second floor office  ■ Historic Hotel Bethlehem boasts a  ing member of the great community in
        in an 1860s farmhouse.             long list of famous former guests, in-  which they live, work and play.
        ■ Bennett Automotive Group has     cluding Henry Ford, Sir Winston    ■ OraSure Technologies Inc. is
        won many area awards, including Read-  Churchill and Thomas Edison.   bringing to market several “first-of-its-         HARRY FISHER/THE MORNING CALL
        ers’ Choice, Top Workplaces, Business  ■ Howard Hanna The Frederick   kind” products, including the first in-  Head cook Cathy Schlosser replenishes pizza
        of the Year nominee, Best Foreign  Group may be the only real estate  home rapid HIV test and the first OTC  during the lunch hour inside the Parkland High
                                                                                                                 School cafeteria.
        Dealer, the Award of Excellence, the  company with its own resale division,  point-of-care infectious test approved
        President’s Award and Dealer of the  commercial division, new construction  by the FDA.
        Year.                              and land development division, busi-  ■ Parkland School District serves  ple could make a reservation to spend a
        ■ Buckeye Partners L.P. became an  ness sales division and appraisal divi-  North Whitehall Township, South  night in Allentown. Civil War soldiers
        independently publicly owned company  sion.                           Whitehall Township, Upper Macungie  once stayed at the building, then known
        after Standard Oil’s dissolution in 1911.  ■ Ideal Concepts Inc. excelled during  Township, and part of western Allen-  as the Eagle Hotel.
        ■ Buckno Lisicky & Co. PC’s two    a time when many other insurance   town.                              ■ Salisbury Township School Dis-
        founding partners are still active within  marketing groups actually got out of the  ■ Paxos Restaurants is owned by  trict was ranked 89th of 489 Pennsyl-
        the firm, which was formed in 1969.  industry.                        local entrepreneur George Paxos, who  vania school districts in 2013 by the
        ■ Cintas Corp. is proud to be recog-  ■ Intelliquip LLC has over 120 years  also owns and operates Paxos Homes, a  Pittsburgh Business Times.
        nized for their partners’ attention to  of experience using artificial intelli-  developing townhome community in  ■ Scott Cars Inc. was founded in
        customer service and cultural commit-  gence, specifically expert systems.  Whitehall, and Primo Produce, a pro-  1969 and employs over 140 Lehigh
        ment to excellence.                ■ Jerdon Construction Services     duce supply company in Allentown.  Valley residents.
        ■ Ciocca Subaru’s Eco-Friendly     LLC was selected by Lehigh Valley  ■ Paychex Inc. has HR solutions to fit  ■ Service Access & Management
        Retailer Program demonstrates the core  Business as one of the Top 10 Fastest  the needs of any size business.  Inc. just celebrated its 20th anniversary.
        values of Subaru as a company and a  Growing Companies in the Valley for  evaluated 10 human resource providers  ■ Stitch Fix customers fill out a “style
        brand by positively impacting the com-  2014, 2015 and 2016.          and named Paychex the overall best HR  profile” online, which helps Stitch Fix
        munity and local environment.      ■ Jim Thorpe Neighborhood Bank     outsourcing solution for small business.  understand the person’s size, style,
        ■ Community Services for Children  was formed in 1955, a year after the  ■ Penn Treaty Network America   shape, budget and lifestyle. From there,
        had more than 4,700 children receive a  neighboring towns of Mauch Chunk  holds various events throughout the  the company’s algorithm takes that
        subsidy for child care last year, and had  and East Mauch Chunk merged.  year including a picnic, holiday lunch-  information and suggests items the
        more than 30,000 children served at  ■ King, Spry, Herman, Freund &   eon, teambuilding events, cook-offs &  person would like. Finally, a stylist
        703 STAR sites.                    Faul LLC is unusual in that it operates  bake-offs and an ice cream truck.  takes over, selecting five items for the
        ■ Computer Aid Inc. is proud to say  a nonprofit training institute (Greyfri-  ■ Pinebrook Family Answers’ goal is  customer.
        that 38 percent of CAI associates are  ars) for the purposes of professional  to help all types of families become  ■ Trifecta Technologies Inc. is a
        directly involved in CAI Cares pro-  development.                     healthy and flourish by providing serv-  trusted partner for some of the most
        grams, including initiatives such as  ■ Kitchen Magic Inc. has a gnome in  ices and programs to overcome chal-  widely recognized and successful com-
        adopting families in need for the holi-  their logo because gnomes are known  lenges and succeed in daily living.  panies in the world, including Walt
        days.                              as hardworking craftsmen.          ■ Presbyterian Senior Living origi-  Disney Resorts, Pfizer, Glaxo Smith
        ■ D’Huy Engineering’s structural   ■ Krause Toyota is the oldest Toyota  nated in 1927 when Mrs. Ellen Parker  Kline, and Starwood Resorts and Ho-
        group has completed over 100 brown-  dealership in the country, and on the  donated her farmhouse near Newville,  tels.
        stone renovations in the New York City  fourth generation of owners.  Pa. Today, the organization includes  ■ Uline Shipping Supplies is a lead-
        metro area.                        ■ Lehigh Valley Center for Inde-   volunteers donating over 100,000 hours  ing distributor of shipping, industrial
        ■ Dream Live Prosper was named the  pendent Living serves more than 1,000  per year of their time.       and packaging materials to businesses
        No. 8 real estate team in the nation by  people with disabilities and their fam-  ■ Renaissance Allentown, when  throughout North America.
        the Wall Street Journal, and named one  ilies each year.              opened in 2015, became the first place  ■ Yocco’s Inc. has been serving hot
        of the Inc. 5000 fastest-growing compa-  ■ Lincoln Leadership Academy  in more than three decades where peo-  dogs in the Valley since 1922.

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