Page 13 - Top Workplaces 2018
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Operator: lwahowskidoellDesc: Time: 02-16-2018 12:56Jobname:
Dun & Bradstreet employees believe they are given opportunities to grow.
Continued from Page 12 ees in Lower Saucon participated in
Tai-Chi and yoga classes, “healthy
snacks Thursdays” and company-wide
number assigned to each business as an monthly walking marathons, all part of
identifier — serving as the key. Carrigan’s reboot.
Over 15,000 companies, he said, Quarterly awards are given to those
provide Dun & Bradstreet with accounts who most exemplify sustainable high
receivable data. performance values, said Cindy Kneis-
The Upper Saucon Township loca- ley, lead human resources business
tion, said Nicodemo, is “by far” the partner.
largest holder of that data within the Carrigan, she said, “really embodies
company. that kind of culture that a corporation
The new platforms, he said, enable would want to have.”
Dun & Bradstreet to use that data more Kathy Attinello, a global customer
effectively. service leader, oversees a team of 130
“Creating meaning in data so you employees split between the Lehigh
can actually do something with it — it Valley and Austin, Texas that handle
makes it actionable,” he said. high-revenue and smaller-sized clients.
Nicodemo, a company employee for “We expedite their requests with
34 years, said Dun & Bradstreet pro- high-quality solutions; they want their
vides opportunities to grow and devel- questions answered quickly and accu-
op. rately,” she said.
“It challenges you — you really get a Her greatest satisfaction is “seeing
chance to do different things,” he said. the excitement and morale” of her team.
Catherine Mahoney, a quality and “The camaraderie, the feeling that
training analyst and 20-year employee, we are making an impact,” Attinello
said Dun & Bradstreet allows her to said.
branch out in her responsibilities. “Satisfied team members equal satis-
“The people around me offer me fied customers.”
opportunities to do things not necessari- Martyak feels the same.
ly in my job description,” she said. “I don’t look at this as a job, I have
She monitors outbound calls for fun coming to work every day,” he said.
quality and training, and maintains “You’re given empowerment and flex-
random quality checks. ibility each day.”
“We’re focused on the quality of
product and data that goes out to cus- Kevin Duffy is a freelance writer.
tomers — it’s all about helping the
customer get what they need when they
need it.”
Mahoney also helps oversee Carrig- DUN & BRADSTREET
an’s sustainable high performance ini- ■ Founded: 1841
tiative, which identifies “movement,
mindset, nutrition and recovery” as the ■ Ownership: Public
four pillars of wellness for employees ■ Sector: Financial services
that can lead to better health and more ■ Employees: 827
effective job performance. ■ Website:
Last year Dun & Bradstreet employ-