Page 19 - Inspire Health September/October 2015
P. 19
P HEALTHY LIVINGenny Dennis loves to swim. Every included a course of antibiotics at the
summer when the pool opens Easton Hospital Infusion Center. of advanced wound healing services,
for excellent patient outcomes, high
near her house near Fountain Hill, “I went there seven days a week,” she patient satisfaction and outstanding
she’s the first one in the water to swim said. After three weeks, the infection was clinical performance. Only 173 centers
laps for an hour. But in 2014, her healthy gone. She was thrilled. in the country have been recognized for
habit led to an infection. But her journey wasn’t done. The meeting the measures.
She had a bunion on her foot, and wound was still open. So she began After 52 treatments, the wound
soon a callus formed on her big toe. hyperbaric oxygen treatments — two was healed. “The staff gave me a
Her podiatrist at the time scraped the hours a day, five days a week. diploma on my last day,” Penny says.
callus off. That open sore combined “Dr. Kozinn called it the icing on the “Everyone there was so fun and nice.
with pool water led to pain, redness cake,” she says. They care about what they do and
and a bad infection. Body tissue needs more oxygen made me feel comfortable.”
Over the counter cream didn’t help. to heal from an injury. Hyperbaric And Penny knows a thing about
An antibiotic didn’t help. Soon an X-ray treatments increase the amount of good service. For 20 years she and her
indicated the infection was in the bone. oxygen carried in the blood and husband operated a convenience store
The podiatrist wanted to amputate, stimulate healing. on Bushkill Street in Easton that was
but Penny didn’t like that plan. Easton Hospital Wound Healing open every day of the year.
Instead she called the Easton Center was recently recognized by “Customers counted on us being
Hospital Wound Healing Center for a Healogics, the nation’s largest provider there,” she says. “Just like I counted on
second opinion. She had used the people at Easton Hospital.”
the center a few years earlier GOOD SERVICE
when another toe was infected. “Dr. Kozinn saved my big toe
That’s where she met which has helped save my life,”
infectious disease specialist Penny says. She is back swimming
Wesley Kozinn, M.D. again, caring for her grandchildren
“He was a lifesaver,” she and creating crafts for her booth
says. “In fact, I remember what at Tilghman Square.
he said to me that day. ‘I’m in “Dr. Kozinn was extremely
the business of keeping toes kind and conscientious,” she says.
attached to people.” “He scheduled my appointments
That was just what she for tests, called me at home with
wanted to hear. updates, answered when I called
SAVING THE TOE his office and even stopped by to
But the infection was a bad say hi when I was having infusion
one. To clear it up, she needed treatments. He really cared about
intense treatment. Her regimen Photo courtesy of Easton Hospital me…from head to toe.”
September § October 2015 INSPIRE HEALTH 19
P HEALTHY LIVINGenny Dennis loves to swim. Every included a course of antibiotics at the
summer when the pool opens Easton Hospital Infusion Center. of advanced wound healing services,
for excellent patient outcomes, high
near her house near Fountain Hill, “I went there seven days a week,” she patient satisfaction and outstanding
she’s the first one in the water to swim said. After three weeks, the infection was clinical performance. Only 173 centers
laps for an hour. But in 2014, her healthy gone. She was thrilled. in the country have been recognized for
habit led to an infection. But her journey wasn’t done. The meeting the measures.
She had a bunion on her foot, and wound was still open. So she began After 52 treatments, the wound
soon a callus formed on her big toe. hyperbaric oxygen treatments — two was healed. “The staff gave me a
Her podiatrist at the time scraped the hours a day, five days a week. diploma on my last day,” Penny says.
callus off. That open sore combined “Dr. Kozinn called it the icing on the “Everyone there was so fun and nice.
with pool water led to pain, redness cake,” she says. They care about what they do and
and a bad infection. Body tissue needs more oxygen made me feel comfortable.”
Over the counter cream didn’t help. to heal from an injury. Hyperbaric And Penny knows a thing about
An antibiotic didn’t help. Soon an X-ray treatments increase the amount of good service. For 20 years she and her
indicated the infection was in the bone. oxygen carried in the blood and husband operated a convenience store
The podiatrist wanted to amputate, stimulate healing. on Bushkill Street in Easton that was
but Penny didn’t like that plan. Easton Hospital Wound Healing open every day of the year.
Instead she called the Easton Center was recently recognized by “Customers counted on us being
Hospital Wound Healing Center for a Healogics, the nation’s largest provider there,” she says. “Just like I counted on
second opinion. She had used the people at Easton Hospital.”
the center a few years earlier GOOD SERVICE
when another toe was infected. “Dr. Kozinn saved my big toe
That’s where she met which has helped save my life,”
infectious disease specialist Penny says. She is back swimming
Wesley Kozinn, M.D. again, caring for her grandchildren
“He was a lifesaver,” she and creating crafts for her booth
says. “In fact, I remember what at Tilghman Square.
he said to me that day. ‘I’m in “Dr. Kozinn was extremely
the business of keeping toes kind and conscientious,” she says.
attached to people.” “He scheduled my appointments
That was just what she for tests, called me at home with
wanted to hear. updates, answered when I called
SAVING THE TOE his office and even stopped by to
But the infection was a bad say hi when I was having infusion
one. To clear it up, she needed treatments. He really cared about
intense treatment. Her regimen Photo courtesy of Easton Hospital me…from head to toe.”
September § October 2015 INSPIRE HEALTH 19