Page 42 - Inspire Health May/June 2016
P. 42
You need to plan for
after‑sun care, too
Photo courtesy of St. Luke’s University Health Network Media Services WBy Linda Doell the taste of water boring — add lemon from proper treatments can be truly
hile making plans for or berries!” remarkable,” she says. “However, the most
fun this summer, don’t important thing you can do for your skin
forget to get your skin She also recommends avoiding is to protect it, and wear sunscreen daily. I
ready, and plan for after‑sun care, too. alcoholic drinks. always tell my clients that high quality skin
care is much more valuable in the long run
After all, you’ll be outside where the If you ever wondered what the sun than professional treatments.”
sun’s rays have the potential to burn and does to your skin, Ferris compared it to
damage your skin. Lise Ferris, LME, CLS, using a clothes dryer. If you should need help from the pros,
a clinical aesthetician/laser technician you really do need to consult with a
with Body Evolution — The Center for “UVA and UVB rays damage qualified skin care professional before
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the delicate fibers and cells of your starting a treatment.
St. Luke’s in Bethlehem, points out the unprotected skin,” she says. “Have you
skin on your face and neck is the most ever noticed what happens when you “There are many different treatment
delicate on your body and is therefore put elastic fabrics (think bathing suits and options available, including medical‑grade
more susceptible to damage. leggings) through the dryer too many skin care, chemical peels, manual
times? They lose their elasticity and their exfoliating treatments, IPL, radio
“Don’t forget to cover your face and color fades. Our skin reacts to too much frequency and laser treatments,” Ferris
channel your inner Audrey Hepburn by sun the same way.” says. Body Evolution is a full‑service
wearing a brimmed hat and sunglasses,” aesthetic and surgical center.
she says. Always use a sunscreen of And when it comes to your skin,
between 30 and 35 SPF and after a while there have been advancements in “However, not all skin types are
day of outdoor fun, one of the most professional treatments, taking precautions eligible for every treatment, so be sure
important things to do is rehydrate. is important to prevent damage. to consult with a qualified skin care
professional and do plenty of research
“Drink plenty of fluids to replenish “Aesthetic technology advanced before initiating a treatment regimen.”
the water loss created by sun exposure tremendously over the last few decades,
and apply moisturizers infused with and the improvements resulting
hyaluronic acid, lipids and ceramides,”
she says. “Between one‑half and
two‑thirds of your body is water, and
your skin is the largest organ of the
body. Your body needs water in order
to function properly. Quite often, many
skin conditions such as rosacea, dryness,
breakouts and fine lines will resolve once
the body is properly hydrated. If you find
Lise Ferris, LME,
CLS, a clinical
laser technician.
You need to plan for
after‑sun care, too
Photo courtesy of St. Luke’s University Health Network Media Services WBy Linda Doell the taste of water boring — add lemon from proper treatments can be truly
hile making plans for or berries!” remarkable,” she says. “However, the most
fun this summer, don’t important thing you can do for your skin
forget to get your skin She also recommends avoiding is to protect it, and wear sunscreen daily. I
ready, and plan for after‑sun care, too. alcoholic drinks. always tell my clients that high quality skin
care is much more valuable in the long run
After all, you’ll be outside where the If you ever wondered what the sun than professional treatments.”
sun’s rays have the potential to burn and does to your skin, Ferris compared it to
damage your skin. Lise Ferris, LME, CLS, using a clothes dryer. If you should need help from the pros,
a clinical aesthetician/laser technician you really do need to consult with a
with Body Evolution — The Center for “UVA and UVB rays damage qualified skin care professional before
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the delicate fibers and cells of your starting a treatment.
St. Luke’s in Bethlehem, points out the unprotected skin,” she says. “Have you
skin on your face and neck is the most ever noticed what happens when you “There are many different treatment
delicate on your body and is therefore put elastic fabrics (think bathing suits and options available, including medical‑grade
more susceptible to damage. leggings) through the dryer too many skin care, chemical peels, manual
times? They lose their elasticity and their exfoliating treatments, IPL, radio
“Don’t forget to cover your face and color fades. Our skin reacts to too much frequency and laser treatments,” Ferris
channel your inner Audrey Hepburn by sun the same way.” says. Body Evolution is a full‑service
wearing a brimmed hat and sunglasses,” aesthetic and surgical center.
she says. Always use a sunscreen of And when it comes to your skin,
between 30 and 35 SPF and after a while there have been advancements in “However, not all skin types are
day of outdoor fun, one of the most professional treatments, taking precautions eligible for every treatment, so be sure
important things to do is rehydrate. is important to prevent damage. to consult with a qualified skin care
professional and do plenty of research
“Drink plenty of fluids to replenish “Aesthetic technology advanced before initiating a treatment regimen.”
the water loss created by sun exposure tremendously over the last few decades,
and apply moisturizers infused with and the improvements resulting
hyaluronic acid, lipids and ceramides,”
she says. “Between one‑half and
two‑thirds of your body is water, and
your skin is the largest organ of the
body. Your body needs water in order
to function properly. Quite often, many
skin conditions such as rosacea, dryness,
breakouts and fine lines will resolve once
the body is properly hydrated. If you find
Lise Ferris, LME,
CLS, a clinical
laser technician.