Page 37 - Inspire Health May/June 2016
P. 37
h busters:
Clearing up the fiction over breast implants

Maybe you want to look good an impact on the final result of the scars will be as inconspicuous as
in that bathing suit. Or maybe procedure including your health before possible,” Wahhab says. The incision is
you want to boost your surgery, your size, the condition of your typically made just under the breast in
self‑confidence heading into the warm skin and where the implant is placed. a natural skin crease and once the scars
summer months when more attention is n Myth: Breast augmentation are fully healed, they are barely visible.
paid to a woman’s figure. Or maybe you’re corrects severely drooping breasts.
just looking for a change in your body shape. During the surgery, the surgeon will
Whatever the reason for a breast The procedure itself won’t correct this lift your breast tissue and skin to create
augmentation, there are still misconceptions issue, but if you want your breasts to look a pocket, either directly behind the
surrounding the procedure, despite it fuller and be lifted, a breast lift may also breast tissue or underneath your chest
being one of the most common cosmetic have to be done, Wahhab says. Your doctor wall muscle, called the pectoral muscle.
surgeries performed in the country. can explain your specific options to you. The implants are then centered beneath
Dr. Samina Wahhab of Allentown, n Myth: Everybody will know your nipples.
who is certified by the American Board I had plastic surgery. n Myth: Breast implants
of Plastic Surgery and is a member always look fake.
of The American Society of Plastic Before you decide to have surgery,
Surgeons, took time out of her schedule think carefully about your expectations Most women are looking for a
to clear up some of the misinformation and discuss them with your surgeon. fairly natural look and not an overly
around breast augmentation. Breast augmentation can enhance your augmented appearance and with the
n Myth: My friend had breast appearance — and give a boost to your current variety in implant styles and
augmentation. If I get the same self‑confidence in the process — but it shapes, this is readily accomplished.
implant, I’ll get a similar result. doesn’t necessarily need to be a drastic n Myth: Breast implants need
Each woman’s body is different change that people would notice. to be replaced every 10 years.
and there are many factors that have n Myth: I’ll be left with obvious scars.
Although implants cannot be considered
“Every effort will be made to assure “lifetime” devices, there is no specific
that the incision is placed so the resulting schedule for implant replacement.

May | June 2016 INSPIRE HEALTH 37
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