Page 44 - Inspire Health May/June 2016
P. 44
UpY ur
Fat Burning Power

Your body’s ability to burn fat for energy is a key factor
in losing weight. These 3 tips will help power up your

fat burning furnace to melt fat away naturally.

Turn Up the Heat beans and lentils. Some whole grains like Well, your liver plays a vital role in
Thermogenic foods are foods that quinoa are high in both protein and fiber metabolizing food. Your liver is also a
making it an excellent thermogenic food handy helper to your kidneys; if you are
produce extra heat, causing your body choice. Fruits and vegetables are another dehydrated, you can put a strain on your
to burn additional calories after you high fiber food choice and should kidneys, which causes your liver to kick
eat them. Food sources like cayenne certainly be included in your fat burning in and support the kidneys. If your liver is
peppers, garlic, curry and green tea have diet plan. (Example of a rev it up meal: 4 busy performing other duties, it will not
a small thermogenic effect. Including ounces grilled Tiliapia lemon pepper and be able to do its job of metabolizing fat.
these in your diet on a regular basis a splash of extra virgin olive oil, ½ cup of When fat misses the opportunity to be
can help increase your metabolism. broccoli and ½ cup of sun dried tomato used as fuel, it is stored in the body. Do
Additionally, curry is known to flush quinoa). your body a tremendous favor; always
fat from the body. Foods that contain Water Works stay properly hydrated so that your body
protein and fiber are even more can readily use fat.
thermogenic. Protein requires about 30 Water does not burn fat; however, if The Power of C
percent of the calories it contains just for the body is going to burn fat and calories
digestion and processing. This includes adequately, it needs to be properly Drinking lemon water is an easy,
lean meats, eggs, hydrated to do so. Dehydration can effective way to flush fat from the body.
dairy The secret lies in the vitamin C that
sources, slow the fat burning lemons contain. Vitamin C actually helps
process. Why? the body process fat at a faster rate
and stimulates the amino acid carnitine,
which speeds up metabolism. Whether
you prefer grapefruit juice or lemon

water, taking advantage of the vitamin
C found in these fruits is a
fantastic way to get fat
moving naturally.

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