Page 36 - Inspire Health January/February 2015
P. 36


LOVEforofthYeOURHEART First, get comfortable.
Find a comfortable seated position
By Meg Pearson
either in a chair or cross-legged on the
The health of your heart is something to think about. floor, making sure that your body is fully
Perhaps even something to meditate on? supported. Keep your posture strong, but
your body relaxed. Notice your heart
When it comes to heart health, So what exactly is meditation? In short, beating in your chest. Close your eyes.
most of us know the basics: it is the simple practice of becoming aware Try the 100 breaths technique.

Exercise is important, smoking is terrible, of the present moment and letting go Take 100 breaths in and out.
and eating a well balanced diet that of distracting thoughts. It is holding time Count them and try not to think about
anything else.
includes lots of plants and not a lot of and space for yourself to breathe and just Or, set a timer.

saturated fat, is key. One area that many be. Cultivating a sense of connectivity to For your first time, perhaps just set
of us tend to dismiss, however, is how our not only your true self, but also to the a clock for five minutes. Sit and breathe,
perhaps imagining something steady like
stress levels can affect our ticker, too. world around you, whether through acute a candle’s flame to focus on. Or maybe
just notice how your belly expands as
Enter meditation. awareness of your surroundings, or by you inhale, and the way the warm air
tapping into the direct line of energy that feels as it passes across your upper lip as
you exhale. Do this until the timer goes
This mind-body practice produces a hooks you into the universe and all of its off, and then notice how you feel. Maybe feedYOUR SOUL
next time set the clock for a little longer,
deep state of relaxation and tranquility, greatness, is the essence of this ancient eventually working up to sitting for 20 to
both of which we could all use more of practice. Sound intriguing, albeit tough? 30 minutes at a time.

in our fast-paced lives. Mindfulness is not Well, the great news is there are many You will feel calmer, less stressful and
your heart will be stronger.
only associated with feeling less stressed, different techniques you can try, ranging
but it can literally help calm you down by from meditations with movement such as YOGAGLO

decreasing the levels of the stress hormone walking in nature or doing yoga, to guided Are you having a little trouble meditating
on your own or need a little guidance?
cortisol circulating in your bloodstream. meditation, mantra, mindfulness, Qi gong, Check out YogaGlo’s video selection of
Regular meditation has been shown or Tai chi.You needn’t sign up for a class, meditation classes. Start slow then work
your way into longer, more advanced
to offer significant benefits that can better or invest a ton of money in order to get stages of meditation by filtering the types
of classes you want to see.
your beating heart, including lowering blood started! The relationship you have with
Check it out here:
pressure, reducing depression episodes, your body is the most intimate one you
and lowering rates of heart attack, stroke have, so why not show yourself the love

and death. It has also been used to treat you deserve and honor your heart with

hypertension, one of the primary risk factors some one-on-one time today.

for cardiovascular disease.

“Breathing in, I calm body and mind.
Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present

moment I know this is the only moment.”

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