Page 31 - Inspire Health January/February 2015
P. 31

David Lotierzo at HE LIVED WITH SLEEP
home after surgery APNEA FOR YEARS UNTIL HIS
Courtesy of
Easton Hospital

When it comes The results went to a local pulmonologist Prager is an independent member of
to health care — David was a severe case. the medical staff at Easton Hospital where
concerns, David “My numbers were bad,” David says. In David had his procedure.
Lotierzo is like most fact, his breathing stopped or slowed to 22 “After surgery my nose was packed
men … he waits. times per hour. with gauze, so I was pretty uncomfortable,”
Most men think their condition will improve He started on a CPAP machine, which David says. “But the staff at Easton were
with time. And when most men see a is essentially a mask connected to an air kind and checked on me regularly.”
doctor, they probably won’t bring it up. pump. But he struggled with it.
Like a typical guy, David suffered for “With that mask on, I felt like I was THE EXPERT
years. It began in 2006. He’d wake up suffocating,” he says. “I knew I’d try wearing David’s recovery went well. After a
twice an hour. Over the course of a night, it but would slowly stop using it.” So he week of rest, he was soon back at work and
he’d be up 10-12 times. Back then he needed other options. active with his twin 4-year olds. He visited
dismissed it as an overactive bladder since Prager regularly for progress updates.
he went to the bathroom each time. He MORE OPTIONS The results on his follow-up sleep study
lived with this for years. One option was a dental device that were much improved, but that was no
But then he started to gasp — deep would thrust his lower jaw forward and help surprise since David was already feeling so
fearful gasps that jolted him awake. Again, keep his airway open. Again, David didn’t much better.
he lived with this for years. trust that he would wear it every night. “I didn’t wake up at night or gasp,”
Finally, he had a big scare. He woke in Another option was surgery. That’s David says. “I felt so rested. I no longer had
the night, jumped out of bed and couldn’t when he met with ear, nose and throat that the drop-off in my energy level that
breathe. He made the choking sign to his specialist David Prager, MD. happened every afternoon.”
wife and then fell to the floor. He waited in “Dr. Prager talked about the CPAP, “Sleep apnea is an all too prevalent
a panic for nearly 30 seconds until his throat dental device and surgical options instead problem,” Prager says. “And yet only about
relaxed enough to breathe. of only pushing surgery,” David says. “I 20 percent of patients ever get diagnosed.
Afterward, he knew he should call a liked that.” This is unfortunate since treatment is simple
doctor, but life intervened: a move, a new The surgery would do several things and effective. If left untreated, sleep apnea
job and caring for twins. — tighten the loose tissue in his throat, can lead to heart attack, stroke and high
increase the breathing room in his nose and blood pressure.”
THE NUDGE correct a deviated septum. Since he is now the one encouraging
A typical guy can have a typical wife — David liked the idea of a permanent fix others to seek treatment, he had to find a
the type who gently reminds a husband to and discussed the surgery with his wife and way to thank his wife.
take action. David’s wife nudged him until he parents. While the results could vary with “I was a terrible snorer,” he says. “While
finally mentioned it to his family physician. surgery, David trusted Prager. it hasn’t gone away, my wife says that the
He immediately had a sleep study. He “He was knowledgeable, professional surgery has really helped take the edge off.”
had a restless night sleep at the center, but and made me feel confident in his ability,” Now everyone gets a better night’s sleep.
the technicians got the data they needed. David says. That’s a pretty good gift from a typical guy.
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