Page 28 - Inspire Health January/February 2015
P. 28
continued from page 27 —
Shortly after bringing the babies home, Jamie and her family with Royal and Janice, the parents of Cameron, her donor.
she encountered another roadblock.
Feeling more and more symptomatic, The two families met face-to-face for ROCKMYRUN feedYOUR SOUL
Napolitano was unable to hold her babies, the first time at the Transplant Games,
vacuuming was a major chore, she was where Cameron’s parents cheered Looking for inspiration and motivation
frequently sick to her stomach and her lab Napolitano on at every event, with off-and- to run faster, longer and have fun while
results verified that her low energy was not on tears and smiles. your legs are pumping? How about
surprising. Finally conceding to be placed a free app? Download RockMyRun
on the transplant list, she received a heart There are definite connections and you will find workout and running
on New Year’s Day, 2009. between Napolitano and her donor. Not DJ-selected music individualized for
only are they both Texas natives, but there your body and your musical taste. The
“I had a great life before but I had no is also the running tie.“I never had the app is easily customized to change the
idea how sick I was until I had a heart that endurance to run before the transplant,” energy level of playlists to be in sync
was working,” she explained. “I was starting she explained.“Afterwards, I started setting with your body. A MatchMe™ feature
to feel warm as I lay in the hospital bed goals for myself, and when Cameron’s dad syncs music to your steps or you can set
and was scared I was getting a fever. When learned I had completed several half- the Beats Per Minute feature for a push
the nurse came to check on me, I told her marathons, he was truly touched because to achieve better performance.
my ears were hot. Her answer was simple, Cameron was a track star. It’s free, fun and easy – give it a try.
‘You have circulation.’ I thought that was
amazing, to have blood flowing through “Cameron was only 19 when he
my body like it is supposed to do. All the passed away and it is important to me that
time I thought the doctors were crazy, it they know what his heart and their gift has
was me. I never realized how sick I had done for me and my family. I have been
been because that was my normal life. I felt blessed. I feel good and live a very normal,
like Superwoman after the transplant. I did very active life.”
need a new heart.”
An active volunteer within the
Now, her heart is healing, she is transplant community and who has also
achieving her dreams as a wife, mother, served as a recent spokesperson for the
Child Life Specialist on a pediatric unit and American Heart Association, Napolitano
the track star she wanted to be at 10. In and her family are committed to living and
the last five years, she has run in numerous eating healthy.“I have the gift of Cameron’s
competitive races and completed three heart and I am obligated to take care of my
half-marathons. At the Transplant Games health, for my family and his family.”
she came home with gold medals in the
400 meter and 1500 meter run; a silver in
the 200 meter, and a bronze in shot put.
Winning the gold took second
place, however, to meeting her donor’s
family.Three months after the transplant,
Napolitano wrote letters of gratitude
to her donor’s family, expressing thanks
and describing how her life had changed.
“I did not hear back from them for four
and a half years, but I was blessed again,
to receive a letter from Cameron’s mom,”
she said with a glint of tears forming in
her eyes.“We were able to exchange
information back and forth. I know his
parents are hurting – Cameron was a very
loved and very special young man, but they
have been very supportive of me.”
For information on organ donation, contact your local Organ Procurement Association.
For information about the Transplant Games, visit
28 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February 2015
Shortly after bringing the babies home, Jamie and her family with Royal and Janice, the parents of Cameron, her donor.
she encountered another roadblock.
Feeling more and more symptomatic, The two families met face-to-face for ROCKMYRUN feedYOUR SOUL
Napolitano was unable to hold her babies, the first time at the Transplant Games,
vacuuming was a major chore, she was where Cameron’s parents cheered Looking for inspiration and motivation
frequently sick to her stomach and her lab Napolitano on at every event, with off-and- to run faster, longer and have fun while
results verified that her low energy was not on tears and smiles. your legs are pumping? How about
surprising. Finally conceding to be placed a free app? Download RockMyRun
on the transplant list, she received a heart There are definite connections and you will find workout and running
on New Year’s Day, 2009. between Napolitano and her donor. Not DJ-selected music individualized for
only are they both Texas natives, but there your body and your musical taste. The
“I had a great life before but I had no is also the running tie.“I never had the app is easily customized to change the
idea how sick I was until I had a heart that endurance to run before the transplant,” energy level of playlists to be in sync
was working,” she explained. “I was starting she explained.“Afterwards, I started setting with your body. A MatchMe™ feature
to feel warm as I lay in the hospital bed goals for myself, and when Cameron’s dad syncs music to your steps or you can set
and was scared I was getting a fever. When learned I had completed several half- the Beats Per Minute feature for a push
the nurse came to check on me, I told her marathons, he was truly touched because to achieve better performance.
my ears were hot. Her answer was simple, Cameron was a track star. It’s free, fun and easy – give it a try.
‘You have circulation.’ I thought that was
amazing, to have blood flowing through “Cameron was only 19 when he
my body like it is supposed to do. All the passed away and it is important to me that
time I thought the doctors were crazy, it they know what his heart and their gift has
was me. I never realized how sick I had done for me and my family. I have been
been because that was my normal life. I felt blessed. I feel good and live a very normal,
like Superwoman after the transplant. I did very active life.”
need a new heart.”
An active volunteer within the
Now, her heart is healing, she is transplant community and who has also
achieving her dreams as a wife, mother, served as a recent spokesperson for the
Child Life Specialist on a pediatric unit and American Heart Association, Napolitano
the track star she wanted to be at 10. In and her family are committed to living and
the last five years, she has run in numerous eating healthy.“I have the gift of Cameron’s
competitive races and completed three heart and I am obligated to take care of my
half-marathons. At the Transplant Games health, for my family and his family.”
she came home with gold medals in the
400 meter and 1500 meter run; a silver in
the 200 meter, and a bronze in shot put.
Winning the gold took second
place, however, to meeting her donor’s
family.Three months after the transplant,
Napolitano wrote letters of gratitude
to her donor’s family, expressing thanks
and describing how her life had changed.
“I did not hear back from them for four
and a half years, but I was blessed again,
to receive a letter from Cameron’s mom,”
she said with a glint of tears forming in
her eyes.“We were able to exchange
information back and forth. I know his
parents are hurting – Cameron was a very
loved and very special young man, but they
have been very supportive of me.”
For information on organ donation, contact your local Organ Procurement Association.
For information about the Transplant Games, visit
28 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February 2015