Page 32 - Inspire Health January/February 2015
P. 32

By Michael Kabel

Your doctor says “walking the symptoms, leaving the patient feeling How Walking Pneumonia
pneumonia” is the diagnosis for exhausted and overwhelmed, oftentimes Gets Around
the achy, exhausted, yucky feeling you’ve unable to get out of bed.
experienced for a few days. But don’t take Highly contagious, the walking
the finding lightly and head out the door Walking Pneumonia: pneumonia bacteria is transmitted mostly
for your after-work walk.You may feel well Have Infection, Will Travel by inhaling and ingesting sinus or other
enough to return to work, but you might bodily fluid from an infected person – for
want to take a few days off to rest.Walking The term “walking pneumonia” was example, breathing air after someone
pneumonia is not life-threatening, but it is first coined in the 1930s to suggest nearby has sneezed or coughed. But
not a condition you should take lightly. its relatively slight impact compared the disease’s incubation time is slow:
to better-known forms of pneumonia. Symptoms can take up to three weeks to
Caused by a bacterial or environmental At the time (decades before modern develop. Patients with the infection remain
infection of the lungs, walking pneumonia antibiotics), a pneumonia diagnosis required contagious for about 10 days.
is contagious.The condition is similar hospitalization in virtually all cases. Today,
to bacterial pneumonia, which can lead walking pneumonia is more officially known Most cases develop around late
to hospitalization, but less severe in its as “atypical pneumonia” because it is not summer and early fall.Though close
symptoms. spread by the same kinds of pathogens as contact is believed necessary to contract
traditional, bacterial pneumonia. it, widespread outbreaks happen every
Traditional Pneumonia: several years.
The Serious Kind TREATMENT

Doctors define pneumonia as an If you are diagnosed with
infection of the lungs by pathogens walking pneumonia, your
including bacteria, viruses, fungi and other physician will likely prescribe
respiratory agitators found throughout a course of antibiotic
nature.The symptoms are severe and can treatment. Rest as necessary,
last several weeks.They’re similar in variety wash your hands frequently
to a sinus infection or severe cold: to avoid passing germs to
others and monitor your
- headaches symptoms. If you feel worse
- phlegmy cough instead of better as the days
- fatigue and soreness go on, be sure to contact
- sinus congestion your doctor.
- fever
The primary difference between a
cold and pneumonia is the severity of the
signs. Pneumonia is intense, magnifying

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