Page 30 - Inspire Health January/February 2015
P. 30
women who inspire
HfoErFAFEAuRMtGuTrAievFSLinUuEgcEcSeLssS ethnicity they should not feel limited,
because everyone doesn’t have to look
Let’s face it: Sixth grade science and math are not the alike.”
easiest subjects. Fifth graders who consistently score “A’s”
in those courses, however, should continue that path in not Questions from the students and
answers from Alsie are frank and honest.
only sixth grade but also through high school. “One of the first questions is ‘How much
money do you make?’” she smiled.“Once
That’s not necessarily so. According to Now the Motiva Enterprises refining you establish a good relationship with
numerous research studies, girls and process chemist is sharing her experiences them, the questions are more about career
boys perform equally well in math and with the next generation. Every other options, which courses to take and what
science during elementary school. Around Friday during the school year, she meets profession would be best for them.They
sixth grade, those numbers change – males with her STEM GEMs unit, one of 40 also ask me about obstacles along the way.”
outscore females on a regular basis. similar groups throughout the country.The
GEMS mentoring project focuses on girls Mentoring 15 girls, essentially by
Chemical engineer and chemist Alsie excelling in math and science, introducing herself, is a challenge. Dunbar points to
Dunbar is looking to change those statistics them to different professions, arranging networking, peer support and her own
by example, community involvement and field trips and sharing experiences. mentoring experience for guidelines.“I have
mentoring through STEM GEMS (Science, a core of female friends, including a dentist,
Technology, Engineering and Math and Girls “I give the girls my personal career pediatrician, a nurse anesthetist, all science
Excelling in Math and Science). In her pilot insight and be a mentor to them,” Dunbar majors, who are working to inspire change
year in the nationwide program, Dunbar explained.“Mentoring can entail so much in younger girls,” she said.
mentored 15 STEM GEMS, high-achieving — giving them an ear to listen to, providing
sixth through eighth graders selected by opinions, sharing experiences and offering “I really like giving back,” continued
their teachers. encouragement. Girls need that support Dunbar, who has completed several
to enter fields that are served under with missionary trips to under-privileged
Dunbar is easily recognized as women.” countries.“My grandmother was a giver, my
an achiever, a giver, and is also a self- mom is a giver — one of the most selfless
proclaimed perfectionist – traits that are “I tell the girls it is OK to ask people I know. I have some pretty big
second nature and “just the way I was questions and to not worry about being a shoes to fill.”
raised,” she explained. A south Louisiana perfectionist, but just make an approach to
native, she holds a degree in chemical career options. I also let them know that Those who know Alsie Dunbar would
engineering from Louisiana State University just because they are girls or of a different say she is filling those shoes very well.
and a degree in chemistry from Southern
University — earning those credentials in a Alsie, left, is also pictured above with Alyssa
dual degree program. Carson, a 13-year-old who speaks five
languages, will be taking graduate-level courses
A little persuasion and role modeling in 2015 and is already contracted by NASA to
from an aunt, a Lockheed Martin engineer, fly to Mars/or the Moon in 2033.
paved Dunbar’s way to engineering and
chemistry. “She always talked to me about
engineering,” she said. Encouragement from
her mother also was a major factor in the
decision to pursue a career in the sciences.
“My mom was an elementary school
librarian for almost 40 years and her sisters
are teachers,” she continued.“I have had
good female mentors, encouraging me to
seek out challenging fields.”
30 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February 2015
HfoErFAFEAuRMtGuTrAievFSLinUuEgcEcSeLssS ethnicity they should not feel limited,
because everyone doesn’t have to look
Let’s face it: Sixth grade science and math are not the alike.”
easiest subjects. Fifth graders who consistently score “A’s”
in those courses, however, should continue that path in not Questions from the students and
answers from Alsie are frank and honest.
only sixth grade but also through high school. “One of the first questions is ‘How much
money do you make?’” she smiled.“Once
That’s not necessarily so. According to Now the Motiva Enterprises refining you establish a good relationship with
numerous research studies, girls and process chemist is sharing her experiences them, the questions are more about career
boys perform equally well in math and with the next generation. Every other options, which courses to take and what
science during elementary school. Around Friday during the school year, she meets profession would be best for them.They
sixth grade, those numbers change – males with her STEM GEMs unit, one of 40 also ask me about obstacles along the way.”
outscore females on a regular basis. similar groups throughout the country.The
GEMS mentoring project focuses on girls Mentoring 15 girls, essentially by
Chemical engineer and chemist Alsie excelling in math and science, introducing herself, is a challenge. Dunbar points to
Dunbar is looking to change those statistics them to different professions, arranging networking, peer support and her own
by example, community involvement and field trips and sharing experiences. mentoring experience for guidelines.“I have
mentoring through STEM GEMS (Science, a core of female friends, including a dentist,
Technology, Engineering and Math and Girls “I give the girls my personal career pediatrician, a nurse anesthetist, all science
Excelling in Math and Science). In her pilot insight and be a mentor to them,” Dunbar majors, who are working to inspire change
year in the nationwide program, Dunbar explained.“Mentoring can entail so much in younger girls,” she said.
mentored 15 STEM GEMS, high-achieving — giving them an ear to listen to, providing
sixth through eighth graders selected by opinions, sharing experiences and offering “I really like giving back,” continued
their teachers. encouragement. Girls need that support Dunbar, who has completed several
to enter fields that are served under with missionary trips to under-privileged
Dunbar is easily recognized as women.” countries.“My grandmother was a giver, my
an achiever, a giver, and is also a self- mom is a giver — one of the most selfless
proclaimed perfectionist – traits that are “I tell the girls it is OK to ask people I know. I have some pretty big
second nature and “just the way I was questions and to not worry about being a shoes to fill.”
raised,” she explained. A south Louisiana perfectionist, but just make an approach to
native, she holds a degree in chemical career options. I also let them know that Those who know Alsie Dunbar would
engineering from Louisiana State University just because they are girls or of a different say she is filling those shoes very well.
and a degree in chemistry from Southern
University — earning those credentials in a Alsie, left, is also pictured above with Alyssa
dual degree program. Carson, a 13-year-old who speaks five
languages, will be taking graduate-level courses
A little persuasion and role modeling in 2015 and is already contracted by NASA to
from an aunt, a Lockheed Martin engineer, fly to Mars/or the Moon in 2033.
paved Dunbar’s way to engineering and
chemistry. “She always talked to me about
engineering,” she said. Encouragement from
her mother also was a major factor in the
decision to pursue a career in the sciences.
“My mom was an elementary school
librarian for almost 40 years and her sisters
are teachers,” she continued.“I have had
good female mentors, encouraging me to
seek out challenging fields.”
30 INSPIRE HEALTH January § February 2015