Page 18 - Indulge October/November 2016
P. 18

ENHANCE YOUR APPEARANCE                                                                      be discussed at length during the initial
                                      WITH A TUMMY TUCK                                                                            consultation,” Iyer says. Liposuction and
                                                                                                                                   tummy tucks treat different body problems.
                                      Aflat, well-toned abdomen is                  repositions muscles and skin while             If the issue is simply extra fat, liposuction
                                                 something many of us strive for    removing fat. The scar is completely           is generally the best option. However,
                                      through exercise and weight control. Yet      hidden by the patient’s underwear.             if there is loose skin and muscle wall
                                      despite diet and exercise, such goals                                                        weakness — not unusual in women who
                                      sometimes are not achieved. Weight            MINI TUMMY TUCK                                have given birth — a tummy tuck may be
                                      changes, aging, pregnancy and prior surgery   	 This procedure is ideal for patients         preferable. Liposuction cannot eliminate
                                      often cause multiple wrinkling or folds that  who have only a small to moderate              stretch marks or cellulite and may even
                                      develop in the stomach area.                  amount of excess abdominal skin that’s         make them more pronounced depending
                                                                                    located mostly below the belly button. A       on how toned the body is. Liposuction,
                                            Tummy tuck surgery, medically           smaller, Cesarean section-type incision is     however, “is still considered the best
                                      referred to as abdominoplasty, is a           made, which allows for a less noticeable       surgery for fat removal,” Iyer says.
                                      procedure designed to restore the             scar. The belly button is left in place
                                      shape and contour of the abdomen to a         without alteration, and the muscles below      RECOVERY FROM LIPOSUCTION
                                      firmer, more youthful appearance and is       the belly button can be tightened. It is       	 After liposuction surgery, you can return
                                      suitable for both men and women.              important to note that excess skin or
                                                                                    loose muscles that extend above the belly      home the same day. Bruising, swelling and
                                      FULL TUMMY TUCK / ABDOMINOPLASTY              button typically cannot be addressed with      tenderness in the treated area is normal. The
                                           The most commonly performed tummy        this technique.                                patient will wear special, tight garments to
                                                                                                                                   keep the skin compressed after the procedure.
                                      tuck procedure is a full abdominoplasty,      EXTENDED TUMMY TUCK                         	
                                      says Dr. Manny Iyer of Iyer Plastic Surgery                                                  CIRCUMFERENTIAL TUMMY TUCK /
                                      in Bethlehem. The procedure addresses         	 Some patients will have significantly        LOWER BODY LIFT
                                      the midsection above and below the belly                                                     	 “Also known as a lower body lift, this
                                      button. The tummy tuck is an outpatient       more excess skin, particularly around          procedure is more commonly performed
                                      procedure and is performed under general                                                     on patients who have experienced dramatic
                                      anesthesia by a board-certified plastic       the waist, than can be addressed               weight loss and have excess skin all the way
                                      surgeon. It reduces excess skin, tightens                                                    around the waist, as well as on the thighs
                                      underlying muscles, removes fatty tissue      by a full tummy tuck procedure. In             and buttocks,” Iyer says. An incision is
                                      and helps minimize the appearance of                                                         created that spans the entire circumference
                                      stretch marks.                                this instance, Iyer says, the plastic          of the abdomen. This allows the doctor
                                      	 “An incision is carried out                                                                to tighten and elevate the skin above
                                      immediately above the pubic area              surgeon will recommend an extended             and below the incision line. “In addition
                                      extending laterally toward the hip.                                                          to achieving a flatter, firmer midsection,
                                      Through this lower abdominal incision         abdominoplasty. A long incision will           this surgery can enhance the shape and
                                      the skin and fatty tissue may be lifted                                                      appearance of the hips, thighs and buttocks
                                      to the rib cage,” Iyer says. After the        be utilized in this technique, allowing        in one procedure,” he says. This procedure
                                      proper amount of skin and fat has been                                                       typically requires an overnight stay in a
18 | INDULGE • OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016  removed, a new navel is created. The skin     the doctor to contour the upper hip            hospital or surgery center.
                                      is then stretched and any excess skin and
                                      fatty tissue is removed. The procedure        and sides of the body as well as the           TUMMY TUCK RECOVERY
                                      generally strengthens the stomach                                                            	 Bruising, swelling and tenderness in the
                                      muscle, because an abdominoplasty             midsection. “The purpose of the longer
                                                                                                                                   treated area are normal. The patient can
                                                                                    incision is to help ensure the skin can be     resume regular activity in about two weeks;
                                                                                                                                   heavy lifting can be performed after about
                                                                                    re-draped and closed without bunching          six weeks.

                                                                                    or folding at the sutures,” Iyer says.                                  Dr. Manny Iyer is a
                                                                                                                                                            board certified plastic
                                                                                    LIPOSUCTION                                 	                           surgeon at Iyer Plastic
                                                                                                                                                           Surgery in Bethlehem.
                                                                                    	 A combination of liposuction surgery

                                                                                    and a tummy tuck has given certain

                                                                                    patients excellent results. “Whether

                                                                                    this is applicable for the patient will
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