Page 17 - Indulge October/November 2016
P. 17

man cave

                                              By  Patrick  O’Donnell        O’Donnell

                                                                By Patrick

I’m not a golfer. I lack the patience,        how extensive it was — or how popular       have never shot before are highly            OCTOBER/NOVEMBER 2016 • INDULGE | 17
   skill and budget. Which means when         the sport had become. The last time I’d     encouraged to take a lesson. We
 it comes to those “close the deal on the     shot clay pigeons, they’d been tossed by    have a minimum of two to three-plus
 golf course” meetings, I’m not your man      a buddy using a hand-held thrower.          Range Safety Officers on the course
 — unless, of course, you need someone                                                    at all times.”
 to drive the cart.                               LVSC takes the experience to an
                                              entirely different level. Our shoot             Over at The Heritage Guild, a
     So I was a bit worried when, back        involved 100 targets at 17 stations         range and firearms shop in Easton,
 in May, two of our advertising directors     in a former stone quarry. Each station      Training Academy Manager Matt
 asked, “Can you shoot?” I’d just read        offered something different — clays         Vollers tells me they’ve also seen a lot
 an email about a golf fundraiser, so long    that crossed overhead or rolled along the   more people coming in.
 irons instantly came to mind.                ground, some that came from old quarry
                                              buildings, some over the quarry itself.         Alyssa Holdorff, manager of
     “Ahh. Ummm,” I stammered, trying                                                     marketing and events there, says
 to gracefully find a way to say “No.”            Event manager Lori Strohl says          that’s due, in part, to firearms
                                              the sport’s popularity has seen a huge      manufacturers. “I think the industry
     Turns out they had a different iron in   increase over the last five years and is    itself has done a much better job of
 mind: the kind that has a trigger. They      still growing. “We average over 1,300       appealing to female shooters, through
 needed someone to fill out their roster      new shooters every month.”                  advertising and manufacturing —
 for Good Shepherd’s Conrad W. Raker                                                      manufacturers are now producing
 Sporting Clays Invitational at Lehigh            And it’s not just a bunch of good ol’   female-specific products, they’re doing
 Valley Sporting Clays in Coplay.             boys. The sport of shooting is growing      female oriented events; and we do
                                              more popular among all walks of life,       female-oriented classes,” she says.
     “Well, I used to shoot clay pigeons      including women and youth. “On
 …” I started to say.                         average, 30 to 35 percent of our guests         Vollers says manufacturers are making
                                              are women,” Strohl says. “We have also      some shotguns — and handguns — more
     “Sold. Sign him up.”                     seen a huge increase in the number          compact. For a shotgun, he says, that
     “…. But it’s been a long, long           of youth shooters … we host several         involves a different balance point. If you
 time and …”                                  Boy Scout outings and fundraisers           have a lot of weight at the front, it makes
     “Be there by 9.”                         throughout the year.”                       it harder for someone with a smaller
     Come Friday morning, I was stuck in                                                  frame to achieve accuracy, especially
 Cedar Crest Boulevard traffic, muttering         And, in good news for non-golfers like  when you’re trying to follow a target.
 to myself that arriving late to an event     me, they host corporate events, bachelor
 where my bosses were wielding shotguns       (and bachelorette) parties and more. “In        As for the Conrad Raker event,
 did not bode well.                           2015 we hosted over 300 events,” Strohl     I led my coworkers, managing to
     But I lucked out and arrived first. I’d  says. “We have hosted a bridal shower,      obliterate 58 clays. Based on that
 heard about the facility, but had no idea                                                alone, I think I’m due for a promotion.
                                                  weddings and several birthday parties
                                                   consisting of all women.”                  Though I might benefit from a
                                                                                          few lessons. I came in second in
                                                       Safety, of course, is the          our group, behind Robert Crow,
                                                   priority. “All shooters new to         sales manager for sporting clay
                                                   our facility are required to go        manufacturer White Flyer. He shot
                                                   through a course introduction,         92 — and said he was having an
                                                    which explains our safety rules,”     “off” day.
                                                    she says. “Individuals that

                                              Our group had a blast — lots of them — at Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays.
                                              Photo by Omar Zucco
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