Page 35 - Indulge May 2017
P. 35

 Ways to Increase Your
Daily Protein WithouT Meat

Protein is an essential part of any             vegan. Made from quality plant-based
         diet, particularly for those who are   protein and a variety of superfoods,
 physically active. And while you can always    including whole grain brown rice, yellow
 turn to chicken, meat or fish to get a boost,  peas, quinoa and sunflower butter, they
 you may be seeking ways to increase your       come in four flavors and offer 19 grams
 protein intake without meat.                   of protein per bar, amongst a wealth of
                                                antioxidants, vitamins and nutrients. For
     Eating less meat is more                   nutrition information, visit
 environmentally sustainable, as a serving
 of vegetables requires less energy to              n Dip it: Not just a delicious snack or
 produce than a serving of meat. What’s         appetizer, hummus atop pita or veggies
 more, a well-planned vegetarian diet           is also a good source of protein. Whether
 may provide health benefits in the             you go for a store-bought variety or whip
 prevention and treatment of certain            up your own batch, there are many ways
 diseases, including heart disease, cancer      to jazz up your dip with add-ons like
 and diabetes, according to the American        roasted red peppers, fresh herbs or even
 Dietetic Association.                          pine nuts — bonus protein!

     Whether you are simply looking to              n Back to basics: Getting your protein
 reduce meat intake or you are going            at lunch doesn’t have to be complicated.
 entirely meat-free, here are five great        A peanut butter and jelly sandwich
 ways to skip the burger today and still get    takes seconds to make, is delicious and
 a sufficient dose of protein:                  satisfying, and delivers the protein you
                                                need midday to make it to your next
     n A classic staple: Rice and beans         meal. Go with the classic construction or
 are simple to prepare and affordable. Plus,    use fresh fruit in place of jelly for extra
 when legumes are paired with grains, they      fiber and nutrients. If you’re at home,
 form a complete protein. Don’t get bored       make it gooey and extra delicious by
 though; there are many preparations to         grilling your sandwich.
 try, as well as ingredient combinations.
 Also, each meal can be flavored in its own         n Simple swap: When making a stir-fry,
 way with spices like turmeric, cumin and       stew or soup, use tofu, tempeh or seitan in
 cayenne — that can add important health        place of meat. These ingredients are high-
 benefits of their own.                         protein additions to your meal, and easy to
                                                prepare. They also take on the flavors of
     n Grab-and-go: Need a quick                the spices, sauces and broth with which
 breakfast solution, on-the-go snack or         you are cooking.
 post workout dose of protein? Think smart
 protein bars. For instance, you can grab           From grab-and-go items to easily-
 a Sol Good Protein Bar from Sunwarrior.        prepped meals at home, it can be easy to
They are USDA-Certified Organic, soy-free,      get the protein you need in your diet, even
 gluten-free, non-GMO, dairy-free and           while you reduce your meat intake.

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