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P. 20
Career opportunities abound in the nonprofit sector

Nonprofit organizations pany, nonprofits have to fill Metro Creative Connection ments of government con- Otherwise, all of them may
require the talents of many certain roles in an organi- The nonprofit sector can provide rewarding career options. tracts. be grouped under the um-
different types of workers zation. The following are brella fundraising title.
and not just those looking some common job descrip- employees. CFO may branch out be- Fundraisers
to volunteer. tions as they pertain to yond complex finance and Fundraising is a key Public relation specialist
nonprofit organizations. Chief financial officer investment activities to A public relations or
According to the Na- The size of a nonprofit, take on functional and even component for nonprofits
tional Center for Charitable Executive officer problem-solving capa- and how many of them marketing professional
Statistics, more than 1.4 The executive director the complexity of its pro- bilities. At larger nonprof- remain operational. Por- works with senior manage-
million nonprofit organiza- grams and its revenue its, the CFO may be more tions of fundraising efforts ment or independently to
tions operate within the or president of a nonprofit sources will drive the re- involved with reporting are devoted to corporate develop a communications
United States alone, so reports directly to the or- sponsibilities of the CFO. and meeting the require- operations, while the re- plan for the organization.
individuals who hope to ganization’s Board of Di- At smaller nonprofits, the mainder will be allocated He or she will develop the
work in the nonprofit sec- rectors. He or she will have for the cause. Fundraising nonprofit’s core messages
tor have many organiza- strategic and operational can be broken down further and ensure consistency
tions to choose from. responsibility for the non- into various niches, de- across various media. A
profit’s staff, expansion, pending on the nonprofit’s PR professional also will
Even though they do not programs, and daily mis- size. Annual funds, alumni respond to inquiries about
aim to turn a profit, non- sion. The ED will serve as affairs, direct marketing, the organization. In times
profit organizations still a coach to help retain and grant seeking, and donor of crisis, the PR profes-
face the same challenges develop the nonprofit’s relations are various parts sional will downplay any
and have the same needs, senior management team, of the larger fundraising negative news and work to
including the need for depending on the size of picture. If the nonprofit has shed positive light on the
competent staff members, the organization. He or she a large fundraising staff, organization.
as many for-profit busi- also will serve as a liaison each of these divisions may
nesses. between the board and the be handled separately. Metro Creative
As with any other com-

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