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Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 T he Lehigh Valley public charter school that tional core courses to pre- Courtesy of Lehigh Valley Charter School for the Performing Arts
Charter High School provides a comprehensive professional courses in the Charter Arts students participate in many performances throughout the school year. David Macbeth,
for the Arts (Charter curriculum for high school arts. director of vocal music, leads the award-winning Touring Choir at Foy Hall, Moravian College.
Arts), located in students, grades 9-12, who
Bethlehem, is excited to have a passion for the arts. Charter Arts’ rigorous
celebrate its twelfth year as The Charter Arts regional curriculum fosters both
one of the most respected model enables students academic and artistic excel-
high schools for the arts in from a wide geographic lence. The school’s impres-
the nation. Charter Arts area to maximize their sive PA School Perform-
graduates are accepted to special talents in the arts, ance Profile (SPP) Academ-
prestigious universities, while building a strong, ic Score of 88, AP and
colleges and arts conserva- developmental foundation Keystone exam statistics,
tories in the country such as for post-secondary educa- prestigious artistic acco-
Cornell University, Muhlen- tion and the work force. lades, and 99 percent gradu-
berg College and Boston ation rate are a testament to
Conservatory; and students The school offers a full the outstanding education
pursue various careers complement of core courses Charter Arts provides.
including science, engineer- at the College Preparatory
ing, education and profes- (CP), Honors, and Ad- To learn more about an
sional careers in the arts. vanced Placement (AP) education at Charter Arts,
levels. The course catalog visit
Charter Arts is an audi- consists of more than 50 or call 610-868-2971 ext.
tion-based, tuition-free, courses ranging from tradi- 137 to speak with the regis-
Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 T he Lehigh Valley public charter school that tional core courses to pre- Courtesy of Lehigh Valley Charter School for the Performing Arts
Charter High School provides a comprehensive professional courses in the Charter Arts students participate in many performances throughout the school year. David Macbeth,
for the Arts (Charter curriculum for high school arts. director of vocal music, leads the award-winning Touring Choir at Foy Hall, Moravian College.
Arts), located in students, grades 9-12, who
Bethlehem, is excited to have a passion for the arts. Charter Arts’ rigorous
celebrate its twelfth year as The Charter Arts regional curriculum fosters both
one of the most respected model enables students academic and artistic excel-
high schools for the arts in from a wide geographic lence. The school’s impres-
the nation. Charter Arts area to maximize their sive PA School Perform-
graduates are accepted to special talents in the arts, ance Profile (SPP) Academ-
prestigious universities, while building a strong, ic Score of 88, AP and
colleges and arts conserva- developmental foundation Keystone exam statistics,
tories in the country such as for post-secondary educa- prestigious artistic acco-
Cornell University, Muhlen- tion and the work force. lades, and 99 percent gradu-
berg College and Boston ation rate are a testament to
Conservatory; and students The school offers a full the outstanding education
pursue various careers complement of core courses Charter Arts provides.
including science, engineer- at the College Preparatory
ing, education and profes- (CP), Honors, and Ad- To learn more about an
sional careers in the arts. vanced Placement (AP) education at Charter Arts,
levels. The course catalog visit
Charter Arts is an audi- consists of more than 50 or call 610-868-2971 ext.
tion-based, tuition-free, courses ranging from tradi- 137 to speak with the regis-