Page 25 - Education Guide
P. 25
to get accepted to the school of your choice

With tuitions at an all- ing college students and The same applies to relationships with their Brandpoint
time high, the cost of col- parents can do to prepare, extracurricular activities, network of teachers, family When choosing a school, try to think outside of the box and look for
lege and the increasingly according to Dr. Katherine select a few that are of friends and coaches — to the school that would be the best fit for your needs.
competitive job market Cohen, LinkedIn Higher Ed interest and engage deeply. help provide insight into
have become major consid- expert and Founder and Admissions teams consider suggested schools, how to and gaining admission to your job prospects and SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
erations for aspiring college CEO of IvyWise. As one of fit as well, and want to tackle college applications the best fit college for you career path once you gradu-
students and their parents. the nation’s top college attract students who they and to provide recom- is an incredible challenge, ate.
Students are not only fo- admissions consultants, feel will thrive and contrib- mendations. particularly as it pertains to
cusing on where they can Cohen offers tips on maxi- ute to the campus commu- Brandpoint
get in, but where they can mizing college preparation, nity. Perhaps the most Don’t forget to also
get the best education that including leveraging your important way to prepare is connect with admissions
will set them up for a desir- network, to get you onto by doing careful and exten- officers, they hold the keys.
able career. The most chal- the path towards acceptance sive research. A college Introduce yourself at col-
lenging part of the journey into college, and ultimately should be a great fit for lege fairs, on college visits,
to success is oftentimes the your dream job: your career aspirations, as and request their contact
first step — gaining admis- well as your academic, information in order to
sions. Make the most of your social, and financial goals. establish a line of commu-
college prep — start early, Don’t limit yourself to just nication. Ask meaningful
Where it was once con- be prepared, and stay or- a short list of name recog- questions but don’t bom-
sidered common practice to ganized: The key is to start nition universities. bard them — you don’t
only apply to three or four early and think ahead. Take want to be remembered for
colleges, today’s students the most rigorous courses Connecting is king the wrong reasons.
apply to 10-15. So how available at your high Even though students
should today’s students school, particularly in the Use connections to seek
tackle the daunting college field of your intended ma- don’t have decades of pro- out internships or volunteer
admissions process? jor or in something that fessional experience, they opportunities to get hands-
might interest you. can still develop strong on experiences in a particu-
There is a lot that aspir- lar field. Finding, applying,

Academic opportunities with flexible learning options

Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School

PA Cyber is one of the Internet access, and have tional help from compas- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015
largest, most experienced, an adviser serving as liai- sionate, trained staff.
and most successful online son, mentor and monitor. Courtesy of Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School
public schools in the na- The school maintains a
tion. Serving students in PA Cyber offers an network of support offices The Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School has a Lehigh Valley office for supplemental learning opportunities. 25
kindergarten through 12th unprecedented degree of throughout the state –
grade, its online learning flexibility: students have including in the Lehigh
environments, personalized more course choices, and Valley – that provide in-
instructional methods, and different options for how person art enrichment
curricula choices connect and when they access in- classes, orientation, test
students and their families struction and interact with preparation, tutoring, and
with state-certified and teachers and peers. Parents enrollment services. It is
highly-qualified teachers, and other caring adult the only cyber school in
and rich academic content mentors have the opportu- Pennsylvania to earn ac-
that is aligned to Penn- nity to be more active creditation from the presti-
sylvania standards. participants in the teaching gious Middle States Asso-
and learning process. ciation.
As a public school, PA
Cyber is open for enroll- PA Cyber’s rich curricu- Imagine your child
ment by any school-aged lum features 250 courses brighter, happier and more
child residing in Penn- that go beyond core sub- confident. Imagine your
sylvania, and does not jects, offering seven for- child at PA Cyber, where
charge tuition. Students eign languages, an engi- the learning never stops.
receive free laptops, in- neering track and a science
structional materials and series. Students struggling Now enrolling; call
academically receive addi- 1.888.722-9237 or visit
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