Page 18 - Education Guide
P. 18
Choose KU and choose to have it all
Kutztown University
W hen you
choose Kutz- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 cation/Visual Impairment Courtesy of Kutztown University
town Univer- program and clinically- Founded in 1866, KU has nearly
sity, you’re SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL based Reading program are Go the extra mile Chart your own path Experience unique 9,500 undergraduate and
choosing to become part of three of the country’s only KU’s Honors Pro- Scale our indoor rock- campus features graduate students, more than
a community defined by programs of this nature. 100 areas of study, 200 student
bright, ambitious students; Also new this year, an gram will challenge you climbing wall. Volunteer Showcase your organizations, and 21 NCAA
brilliant, dedicated faculty; Autism Certificate pro- in new and exciting with Special Olympics. Host artwork in one of our Division II athletic programs —
and a diverse, vibrant gram. ways while offering your own radio show. Be- 9 student art galleries. all housed on a beautiful 289-
learning atmosphere. ■ College of Liberal Arts unprecedented perks and come an NCAA student- Stargaze as you enjoy acre campus.
and Sciences: Majors privileges. Access spe- athlete. Enjoy the camarade- a show in our plane-
Kutztown University is include anthropology, bio- cialized courses and rie of Greek life. With an tarium. Participate in Smaller class sizes means stu-
a four-year public institu- logical sciences, chemistry, internships. Take ad- array of living, dining, recre- activities at the Multi- dents can get more focussed
tion located 30 minutes computer science, criminal vantage of a long list of ation, organization, athletic, cultural Center. attention from professors.
from Allentown and Read- justice, English, environ- unique academic oppor- and volunteer options, the Courtesy of Kutztown University
ing, 90 minutes from Phil- mental science, geography, tunities. choice is yours.
adelphia, and two hours geology, German, history, Make the most of your
from New York City. marine science, mathemat- investment
Founded in 1866, KU has ics, philosophy, physics,
nearly 9,500 undergraduate political science, public With numerous schol-
and graduate students, administration, profes- arship, grant, loan, and
more than 100 areas of sional writing, Spanish, campus employment oppor-
study, 200 student organi- sociology, and social work. tunities; affordable tuition;
zations, and 21 NCAA Recent highlights include and highly successful stu-
Division II athletic pro- an NSF grant for environ- dent outcomes, it’s easy to
grams — all housed on a mental and marine science see the tremendous value
beautiful 289-acre campus. scholarships and programs, that is Kutztown University.
significant undergraduate Choose KU and choose to
Find your perfect match research, and new and have it all.
Choose from over 100 exciting internships.
■ College of Visual and
majors and minors and Performing Arts: Arts
prepare to enter today’s programs include art edu-
fastest-growing fields. cation, communication
From biochemistry, educa- design, communication
tion, and marketing to studies, crafts, our EMMY
communication design, Award-winning electronic
criminal justice, and soft- media program, music,
ware development, KU has music education, and stu-
what you’re looking for: dio art. Students benefit
■ College of Business: from close proximity to
Programs in accounting, vibrant arts communities in
finance, sports manage- Philadelphia, New York
ment and leadership devel- City, and Baltimore/Wash-
opment, management, and ington, D.C. Visual arts
marketing. Learn the fun- and music programs are
damentals of business housed in the Sharadin
while taking advantage of Arts Building and the re-
programming and intern- cently renovated Schaeffer
ship opportunities through Auditorium.
KU’s Entrepreneurial
Leadership Center. As an enhancement to
■ College of Education: coursework, KU students
Programs in elementary have the opportunity to
and secondary education, study away from campus,
special education, library both nationally and interna-
science, and instructional tionally, through more than
technology. KU’s Library 150 student exchange pro-
18 Science and Special Edu-
Kutztown University
W hen you
choose Kutz- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 cation/Visual Impairment Courtesy of Kutztown University
town Univer- program and clinically- Founded in 1866, KU has nearly
sity, you’re SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL based Reading program are Go the extra mile Chart your own path Experience unique 9,500 undergraduate and
choosing to become part of three of the country’s only KU’s Honors Pro- Scale our indoor rock- campus features graduate students, more than
a community defined by programs of this nature. 100 areas of study, 200 student
bright, ambitious students; Also new this year, an gram will challenge you climbing wall. Volunteer Showcase your organizations, and 21 NCAA
brilliant, dedicated faculty; Autism Certificate pro- in new and exciting with Special Olympics. Host artwork in one of our Division II athletic programs —
and a diverse, vibrant gram. ways while offering your own radio show. Be- 9 student art galleries. all housed on a beautiful 289-
learning atmosphere. ■ College of Liberal Arts unprecedented perks and come an NCAA student- Stargaze as you enjoy acre campus.
and Sciences: Majors privileges. Access spe- athlete. Enjoy the camarade- a show in our plane-
Kutztown University is include anthropology, bio- cialized courses and rie of Greek life. With an tarium. Participate in Smaller class sizes means stu-
a four-year public institu- logical sciences, chemistry, internships. Take ad- array of living, dining, recre- activities at the Multi- dents can get more focussed
tion located 30 minutes computer science, criminal vantage of a long list of ation, organization, athletic, cultural Center. attention from professors.
from Allentown and Read- justice, English, environ- unique academic oppor- and volunteer options, the Courtesy of Kutztown University
ing, 90 minutes from Phil- mental science, geography, tunities. choice is yours.
adelphia, and two hours geology, German, history, Make the most of your
from New York City. marine science, mathemat- investment
Founded in 1866, KU has ics, philosophy, physics,
nearly 9,500 undergraduate political science, public With numerous schol-
and graduate students, administration, profes- arship, grant, loan, and
more than 100 areas of sional writing, Spanish, campus employment oppor-
study, 200 student organi- sociology, and social work. tunities; affordable tuition;
zations, and 21 NCAA Recent highlights include and highly successful stu-
Division II athletic pro- an NSF grant for environ- dent outcomes, it’s easy to
grams — all housed on a mental and marine science see the tremendous value
beautiful 289-acre campus. scholarships and programs, that is Kutztown University.
significant undergraduate Choose KU and choose to
Find your perfect match research, and new and have it all.
Choose from over 100 exciting internships.
■ College of Visual and
majors and minors and Performing Arts: Arts
prepare to enter today’s programs include art edu-
fastest-growing fields. cation, communication
From biochemistry, educa- design, communication
tion, and marketing to studies, crafts, our EMMY
communication design, Award-winning electronic
criminal justice, and soft- media program, music,
ware development, KU has music education, and stu-
what you’re looking for: dio art. Students benefit
■ College of Business: from close proximity to
Programs in accounting, vibrant arts communities in
finance, sports manage- Philadelphia, New York
ment and leadership devel- City, and Baltimore/Wash-
opment, management, and ington, D.C. Visual arts
marketing. Learn the fun- and music programs are
damentals of business housed in the Sharadin
while taking advantage of Arts Building and the re-
programming and intern- cently renovated Schaeffer
ship opportunities through Auditorium.
KU’s Entrepreneurial
Leadership Center. As an enhancement to
■ College of Education: coursework, KU students
Programs in elementary have the opportunity to
and secondary education, study away from campus,
special education, library both nationally and interna-
science, and instructional tionally, through more than
technology. KU’s Library 150 student exchange pro-
18 Science and Special Edu-