Page 16 - Education Guide
P. 16
What does it mean to be a mentor?
Mentors can serve as not to solve all of his or
trusted confidantes to her mentee’s problems.
young people in need of Delegate tasks and provide
professional guidance, advice to lead the mentee
providing the support or in the right direction.
advice many need to break Encourage a mentee to
into a given industry. take on more respon-
sibilities, which can instill
While mentoring is confidence and facilitate
most commonly associ- personal growth.
ated with the professional
arena, it need not be re- Enjoy the experience
stricted to corporate envi- Mentors benefit from
ronments. When looking
to give back to their com- mentoring, which can
munities, men and women provide satisfaction and a
may not think of mentor- sense of accomplishment
ing. However, mentoring that results from knowing
can be a powerful empow- you played an integral role
erment and personal de- in the success of another
velopment tool, for both person. If your career is in
mentors and the people a slump, mentoring may
being mentored. The fol- provide the breath of fresh
lowing are a handful of air you need to recharge.
tips to foster a successful Mentoring also may give
mentoring relationship. you insight into another
person’s life, which can be
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Ask a lot of questions Mentors can serve as advisers and counselors with regard to personal and professional affairs. /Metro Creative Connection used in your own personal
Mentors should expect development. As long as
and situations they may with them on his or her tance in a mentoring rela- trust is essential to the your goal is the success
to field a lot of questions, find themselves in. This own. tionship. The person mentor-mentee relation- and support of the mentee,
but they also should ask will help shape the person you’re mentoring should ship. mentoring can be a self-
their share of questions. you’re mentoring into an Ensure confidentiality feel comfortable coming less act that touches the
Asking questions is a good individual who can antici- Confidentiality should to you with any situation Stretch a person’s abilities lives of others.
way to challenge people pate situations and deal and have your support, as The goal of a mentor is
and get them thinking be of paramount impor- Metro Creative
about various scenarios
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL As industry sectors continue to recover, jobs grow
As much of the world of South America. Trade begin to raise the federal the demand side of the pate strong hiring growth of accounting, law, computer
slowly recovers from the surpluses in Germany are funds rate in 2015 continues American economy will recent college graduates and design, and engineering
far-reaching economic likely to shrink in 2015. to loom over the American have solid growth, but the others with industry experi- services.
downturn that began in There is still steady growth economy. The higher the supply side is still sketchy. ence.
2008, the International in areas of Asia, but China’s federal funds rate, the more Higher taxes and a loss of Health and wellness
Monetary Fund has pre- projected 7.1 percent expensive it is to borrow benefits to lower-income Growth in information services appear recession-
dicted a 3.2 percent growth growth, though high com- money. Since the end of workers may impact the job services, which includes proof as well. IBISWorld
for the global economy in pared to other nations, is the 2008, the federal funds rate market and overall econo- telecommunications, pub- Industry Research notes
2015. country’s lowest in 15 years. has been unusually low. The my. lishing, motion pictures and pilates and yoga studios
low rate was essentially an broadcasting, is expected to were highly resistant to the
Some countries, in- With regard to the emergency measure in the But certain industries surge. Finance and insur- recession. With a predicted
cluding the United States, American economy, job wake of the financial crisis, have emerged as the safest ance remain strong and safe annual growth of 4.8 per-
have already witnessed an growth and more qualified and it’s still an unknown if bets for employment pos- bets for employment as cent, these health and well-
uptick in industrial growth. people returning to the the country’s economy can sibilities and success in banks now will make up for ness industries are targeted
But other nations are not marketplace continue to survive without the low 2015. A recent survey from cutbacks during the reces- for growth and increased
seeing the same level of benefit the economy. But rate. researchers at Michigan sion. Other strong employ- success in 2015.
success. Slow growth and uncertainty as to whether State University found ment contenders include
inflation is plaguing areas the Federal Reserve will Forecasters are saying certain job sectors antici- management consulting, Metro Creative
Mentors can serve as not to solve all of his or
trusted confidantes to her mentee’s problems.
young people in need of Delegate tasks and provide
professional guidance, advice to lead the mentee
providing the support or in the right direction.
advice many need to break Encourage a mentee to
into a given industry. take on more respon-
sibilities, which can instill
While mentoring is confidence and facilitate
most commonly associ- personal growth.
ated with the professional
arena, it need not be re- Enjoy the experience
stricted to corporate envi- Mentors benefit from
ronments. When looking
to give back to their com- mentoring, which can
munities, men and women provide satisfaction and a
may not think of mentor- sense of accomplishment
ing. However, mentoring that results from knowing
can be a powerful empow- you played an integral role
erment and personal de- in the success of another
velopment tool, for both person. If your career is in
mentors and the people a slump, mentoring may
being mentored. The fol- provide the breath of fresh
lowing are a handful of air you need to recharge.
tips to foster a successful Mentoring also may give
mentoring relationship. you insight into another
person’s life, which can be
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2015 Ask a lot of questions Mentors can serve as advisers and counselors with regard to personal and professional affairs. /Metro Creative Connection used in your own personal
Mentors should expect development. As long as
and situations they may with them on his or her tance in a mentoring rela- trust is essential to the your goal is the success
to field a lot of questions, find themselves in. This own. tionship. The person mentor-mentee relation- and support of the mentee,
but they also should ask will help shape the person you’re mentoring should ship. mentoring can be a self-
their share of questions. you’re mentoring into an Ensure confidentiality feel comfortable coming less act that touches the
Asking questions is a good individual who can antici- Confidentiality should to you with any situation Stretch a person’s abilities lives of others.
way to challenge people pate situations and deal and have your support, as The goal of a mentor is
and get them thinking be of paramount impor- Metro Creative
about various scenarios
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL As industry sectors continue to recover, jobs grow
As much of the world of South America. Trade begin to raise the federal the demand side of the pate strong hiring growth of accounting, law, computer
slowly recovers from the surpluses in Germany are funds rate in 2015 continues American economy will recent college graduates and design, and engineering
far-reaching economic likely to shrink in 2015. to loom over the American have solid growth, but the others with industry experi- services.
downturn that began in There is still steady growth economy. The higher the supply side is still sketchy. ence.
2008, the International in areas of Asia, but China’s federal funds rate, the more Higher taxes and a loss of Health and wellness
Monetary Fund has pre- projected 7.1 percent expensive it is to borrow benefits to lower-income Growth in information services appear recession-
dicted a 3.2 percent growth growth, though high com- money. Since the end of workers may impact the job services, which includes proof as well. IBISWorld
for the global economy in pared to other nations, is the 2008, the federal funds rate market and overall econo- telecommunications, pub- Industry Research notes
2015. country’s lowest in 15 years. has been unusually low. The my. lishing, motion pictures and pilates and yoga studios
low rate was essentially an broadcasting, is expected to were highly resistant to the
Some countries, in- With regard to the emergency measure in the But certain industries surge. Finance and insur- recession. With a predicted
cluding the United States, American economy, job wake of the financial crisis, have emerged as the safest ance remain strong and safe annual growth of 4.8 per-
have already witnessed an growth and more qualified and it’s still an unknown if bets for employment pos- bets for employment as cent, these health and well-
uptick in industrial growth. people returning to the the country’s economy can sibilities and success in banks now will make up for ness industries are targeted
But other nations are not marketplace continue to survive without the low 2015. A recent survey from cutbacks during the reces- for growth and increased
seeing the same level of benefit the economy. But rate. researchers at Michigan sion. Other strong employ- success in 2015.
success. Slow growth and uncertainty as to whether State University found ment contenders include
inflation is plaguing areas the Federal Reserve will Forecasters are saying certain job sectors antici- management consulting, Metro Creative