Page 6 - A Holiday To Remember 2014
P. 6

Making new traditions can enhance the old

Traditions make the old photo album (scaven- with your family in an may discover something
holidays unique. Everyone ger hunt-style) of one of entirely new way. you never observed in your
has a different experience your family trips, and your favorite holiday before. Find new ways to celebrate Christmas without presents.
based on things passed present to your family is In the spirit of giving Suddenly, you feel like
down from prior genera- the gift of a performance. back, rather than buying you’re a kid all over again, people to experience the to spend them with the
tions or groups of friends, Act out the funniest part of your brother another blue experiencing something for food rather than just sitting people who love you the
or even something that was the trip while you sit hoodie from his favorite the first time! down to eat it. most!
inspired by a little too around the tree Christmas store, there are some really
much of the spiked eggnog morning. Gift wrap can cool organizations where And, of course, we With the holidays, the Julia Price/
one Christmas Eve. make for an excellent prop. you can actually buy a can’t forget about the holi- most important tradition is
It’s a great way to relive village, community or day food. When it comes
However, sometimes the some old, and potentially family a goat, some chick- to food, people tend to be
best traditions happen out forgotten about, memories ens, a pig, or other sustain- unshakable. But in the
of necessity. For example, while inspiring new memo- able options that can spirit of abundance, you
if your family is trying to ries. change their entire year. can always add to and
watch their finances this Check out the website for slightly amend what you’re
holiday season, you can If you want to skip a Oxfam America Un- already working with.
use this as an opportunity formal meal this year, wrapped for more informa- Pinterest is a great source
to create a fun, new experi- consider starting a tradition tion on gifts that give back. for adding an updated flair
ence. Instead of buying a of helping those in need. to some of the holiday
bunch of gifts for one Volunteering is a great way Religious traditions favorites; check out recipe
another, you can come up to take the focus off mate- tend to be harder to make boards for some new ideas.
with handmade alternative rial possessions and giving unique. However, if they You can even add an extra
presents. Be as creative as back. It not only is an are an important part of element by incorporating
you want with these new extremely rewarding ges- your holiday, and you whatever meal you’re
traditions, making the rules ture to help make someone would like to find a new creating with one of your
fun and challenging. Per- else’s holiday a special spin on things, why not try favorite holiday stories.
haps you have to find an one, but also will bond you a completely new church, With this, you are inviting
temple or service? You


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This may come as a big selections back, which I I have many memories parents all I wanted for
surprise, but some of my am sure made my grand- of Christmas. One, putting Christmas was that “Lost
fondest Christmas memo- mother one happy camper. up our tree Christmas Eve. in Space” robot. I did not
ries involve one of my We wouldn’t decorate it, care if I got any other
favorite spots — Down- Years later, during the that was for Santa to do. presents.
town Allentown. Christmas season of 1995 When we got up in the
when the former Hess’s morning the tree was deco- Christmas morning my
Many years ago my flagship store was closing, rated, and gifts left by brother and I got up early.
maternal grandmother I assumed that meant the Santa under the tree. We snuck past my parents
took my sister, my two end of Pip the Mouse. I bed to the platform at the
cousins and me to the wanted to capture this The second is leaving top of the stairs. As we
Little Shopper’s Shop at holiday tradition for all of peanut butter cookies for looked at the presents, I
Leh’s Department Store. eternity, so I smuggled a Santa and peanuts for pointed to a box and said
Each child was given a recorder into the store to Rudolph for a snack. In the that is my “Lost in Space”
bag to fill with gifts for record it. The following morning they would be robot. Later, when we got
family members. I filled year Pip the Mouse, now gone. With thank you notes up to open the presents, my
the entire bag with gifts an orphan, was adopted by from Santa and Rudolph. parents gave me the box I
— let’s just say at this ADIDA, and is still per- had pointed to earlier and
age, I was not a very gen- formed to this day at the My favorite Christmas when I opened it. It was
erous person when it came Liberty Bell Shrine, so I memory is when I was 6 or my “Lost in Space” robot.
to giving and receiving; went through all of that 7. One of the big toys that
receiving was my friend. trouble for nothing. year was the robot from Samuel F. Nuttall Jr.,
The litte helper made me “Lost in Space.” I told my Lower Saucon Township
put the majority of my Billy Ehrlacher,

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