Page 9 - A Holiday To Remember 2014
P. 9

Holiday living made easy HOLIDAY MEMORIES

With so much on our Stark beauty of snow
plates between Thanks- before Christmas
giving and New Year’s
Day, the holiday season It was on Christmas Eve park! At that moment I
can be hectic. Fortunately, day in 1966 as an 11-year- was struck by the stark
there are many ways to old boy that I awoke with beauty of the white snow
save time and make the anticipation for what was set against the dark back-
holiday season more man- to come. As I looked out ground of the sky and
ageable. snow started to fall. So I leafless trees. I stood there
■ If you don’t have plastic was ready for a white mesmerized!
clips to hang lights around Christmas.
windows and to the eaves By that evening the
of your home, inexpensive That morning I walked snow had covered the
clothespins will work just from my home above Jor- plastic Santa in our front
as well. If you’re con- dan Park to Baus’s drug yard so that only a glow
cerned about the color of store to look over the train appeared through the snow.
the wooden clips, paint accessories they carried for Each year when I put up
them holiday hues before the holidays. That after- my train display for the
stringing the lights. noon I decided to visit holidays and look at the
■ Put a bath mat, rug-side Baus’s again. As I walked pieces that were purchased
down and rubber-side up, home through the park the at Baus’s my mind drifts
beneath your Christmas storm had developed into a back to that special Christ-
tree stand. This allows you full-blown blizzard. mas Eve.
to spin the tree as you hang
lights and ornaments with- Suddenly I realized I Joseph A. Heidenwolf,
out damaging the floor was the only person in the Allentown
underneath. It also makes it
simple to undress the tree Metro Creative Connection Celebrate the Holidays At The State Theatre!
once the season is over.
Use a tree skirt to hide the A few simple strategies can help you save time and reduce stress this holiday season. The only venue where it snows over the audience!
■ Squeeze artificial tree can be screwed to the wall colored suitcase or flashy to its dimensions. Staple A Christmas Carol,
portions into concrete form in a craft room to neatly tape to make your suitcase holiday lights to the frame The Musical
tubes. First wrap the tree hold spools of ribbon. stand out from others at the and then easily slip the
portions in twine and then Simply pull the length you airport. frame in and out of place Thu., Dec. 11 - 7:30 PM
slip them into the concrete need from the spool and ■ Place hardened brown each year.
sleeves. Each tube can be cut for easy decorating. sugar in a baking dish, ■ Hang a live wreath or $40/$35/$20 (child 10 & under)
stowed in attic or garage ■ Mount a tree stand to a cover it with a moist paper some boughs of evergreen
rafters, freeing up precious piece of wood with screws towel and either micro- in your home to give it that Sponsored by Carrabba’s Italian Grill,
space. or glue. This prevents wave it on high for 20- fresh pine scent if you have
■ Use empty squirt bottles spills from reaching the second intervals or place it an artificial tree. Bazzini, 100.7 WLEV
to make baking and cook- floor while stabilizing the in a 300 F oven for five ■ Color-code storage con-
ing easier. Pancake and tree. minutes. This will soften tainers so you can easily and
cookie batters can be ■ Old maps make inter- the sugar, making it easier find holiday decorations in
squirted from the contain- esting gift wrap and are a to use the sugar to prepare the attic or basement. Moscow Ballet’s
ers for less mess. nice change of pace from your favorite holiday cook- ■ Pack for a holiday ex- Great Russian
■ Store one or two strings commercially produced ie recipes. cursion using a collapsible
of lights in a plastic shop- paper or newsprint. ■ Save plastic bread ties, clothing storage hanger for Nutcracker
ping bag to keep the ■ Wrap duct tape or anoth- which can be used to make closets. Fold clothes on
strands from getting tan- er type of sticky tape tags for the wires on cer- each fabric shelf and then Sat., Dec. 13 - 3 PM & 7 PM
gled. Hang the bags from a around your hand. Pat over tain devices. Such ties also collapse it into your suit-
hook in a garage or stack fallen pine needles that can be used to organize case. When you get to your $43/$38/$33 (child 10 & under)
them in a storage bin. accumulate around the decorating components and destination, unfold and
■ Use plastic zip ties to tree. In hard-to-reach areas, to keep your place on a roll hang it in a closet so all of Sponsored by B104, The Morning Call,
attach garland and lights to wrap the tape around a of tape. your clothes will be at the Allentown Art Museum and 100.7 WLEV
bannisters. They’re easy to broom or a floor sweeper. ■ Measure the inside of ready.
assemble and will not ■ When traveling for the your picture window and The Holiday Ice
damage the bannisters. holidays, use a brightly construct a wooden frame Metro Creative Spectacular
■ A paper towel holder Connection
Fri., Dec. 19

7:30 PM - $25/$18

Sponsored by Easton Hospital
and 69 WFMZ-TV

Family series sponsored by
Capital BlueCross

453 Northampton St., Easton, PA
610-252-3132 w 1-800-999-STATE
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