Page 3 - A Holiday To Remember 2014
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Bombas socks, from left, Kammok Roo hammock, LSTN headphones, Panda sunglasses, Shea Yeleen shea butter soap and Yami Cross Body Contrast Bag from Raven & Lily.

Supporting companies that do good

By Danielle Braff CHUCK BERMAN/TRIBUNE NEWSPAPERS Kammok outdoor gear is helping Malaria each pair of sunglasses purchased.
No More (visit its page on Facebook), For information:
Special to Tribune Newspapers A zoo membership makes a great gift. which is battling malaria in Africa.
Raven & Lily employs marginalized wom-
You can make a holiday gift even more Many more companies are also offering You buy: A Roo (hammock, $99), Glider en around the world, including Cambodia,
meaningful by buying it from a company charitable incentives with every purchase (hammock shelter, $230) or Dragonfly Pakistan, Kenya, India and the United
that does good. you make. Here are just a few that let you (mosquito net, $75) for the adventurous States, at fair trade wages.
give, and give again. traveler or camper.
The obvious choices are donations to You buy: Everything from hand-beaded
causes that you know the recipient is pas- Bombas Socks has teamed with Han- They give: With each purchase, they jewelry from Maasai women in Kenya and
sionate about. (And, when giving gifts, it’s nah’s Socks (, an Ohio- provide malaria treatment to five children handbags crafted in Ethiopia to hand-
best to focus on the recipient’s passions not and Michigan-based nonprofit. in Africa. poured soy candles made by formerly
your own.) homeless women in Los Angeles. Wide
You buy: A pair of Bombas, high-pow- For more information: price range.
Memberships ered athletic socks for the sports enthusiast
in your life. Prices start at $9. LSTN Headphones is working with the It gives: Wages give the women access
to nonprofit institutions: Popular op- Starkey Hearing Foundation (starkey to sustainable incomes, health care, educa-
tions are as close as the nonprofit organiza- They give: A pair of socks to someone tion and safe jobs. Each collection has a
tions in your area. A membership to a zoo, who needs them. story behind it (click on an item on the
botanical garden or museum, for instance, You buy: A pair of environmentally website to learn more about the people
provides a yearlong gift while helping that For more information: friendly wooden headphones. Designs who made it).
institution. If your price point is a bit lower, include ebony, cherry and beech, from
consider buying gifts from those institu- $99.99, or earbuds from $49.99. For more info:
tions’ gift shops, which also helps them
raise money. They give: Every pair sold provides Shea Yeleen
hearing assistance to those in need around
“When you give a gift knowing that it’s the world through the Starkey Hearing International Inc.
having a broader impact, it comes with a Foundation.
rewarding feeling,” said Jeff Spitko, direc- You buy: A shea butter product — soap,
tor of membership at the San Diego Zoo, For more information: lstnheadphones body balm, body butter and lip balm —
which uses its membership money to pay .com produced in small batches by women in
for the care and feeding of its animals, female-owned cooperatives in Africa using
along with its conservation projects (via its Panda Sunglasses has teamed up with traditional methods. Prices start at $3 for
Wildlife Conservancy), which have helped Optometry Giving Sight (, lip balm.
more than 165 endangered species and based in Golden, Colo.
reintroduced many species back into their It gives: Half of the proceeds go directly
habitats. “The person you’re giving it to You buy: A pair of handcrafted sun- back to these women’s communities and
will get to enjoy it, and they will know that glasses made from sustainable bamboo. help them through economic development,
their gift has a broader impact.” Choose from multiple colors and styles for training and education.
men and women. $120 a pair.
For more information:
They give: An eye exam and a pair of
prescription glasses to someone in need for

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