Page 2 - A Holiday To Remember 2014
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A look back
at the Lehigh Valley

Give the gift of complete with crop marks, favorite sports team finally won
memories this photographer notes, photographer the big game with a reprint of
holiday season. name, captions and date of The Morning Call’s front page.
For a unique gift publication. In addition to the
that will spark historic images, you’ll be able Or do you have what it takes to
conversations and stories for years to search for many of the more be a Lehigh Valley Trivia Master?
to come, consider a photo from recent daily news photos. Test your knowledge against your
The Morning Call archives. family and friends with the newest
If you don’t have a specific game to hit the Valley. Lehigh
Start your search at www. photo in mind, a front page reprint Valley Trivia Quest features from a special day is a fun way to questions on sports, history,
This collection offers photo remember that important event. culture, people and more! Check
reprints and even one-of-a-kind Commemorate the day your child out these and more items for your
original photos that may come was born or the day that your gift-giving needs.

Morning Call file photos

Counterclockwise: Downtown Easton’s Peace Candle illuminates the night sky. Downtown Bethlehem’s Hotel Bethlehem decorated in its traditional fashion for the
holidays. Downtown Allentown before the streets’ four-legged friends were replaced with four-wheeled vehicles.


A Southern California Christmas Sledding on a closed street the best fun

I grew up in a place Shutterstock
where snow was a mere
decoration in storefront As children, my broth- would stop at Farmer’s Hill our shoes and socks off
windows or seen in movies er and I couldn’t wait to as it was called then. The and put our feet against the
like “White Christmas.” go sledding by the old streets were blocked off for register in the wall. We
And yet I still enjoyed Washington School at all the sledders. knew how to have fun!
magical and wintry experi- Ninth and Washington
ences growing up in sunny streets in Allentown. We went home cold and Suzanne Markowitz,
southern California! From the first hill all the wet as a snowman, took Allentown
way down to Sumner
From the time I was 6 Avenue and across, we
years old until I graduated
from high school, my fam- Shutterstock ‘Santa’ solves a cash-register crisis
ily and I had a consistent
holiday tradition. We are a reigning over this mall sultry lounge piano or It was the only thing she
theater-going bunch and kingdom, we would then request a tune from a wanted from Santa. Nothing
always enjoy dressing up, drive through misty beach strolling quartet of Christ- else would do! It was a red,
every other year seeing one communities to enjoy hot mas carolers. metal cash register with
of many great productions cocoa and martinis, the white, numbered keys to
of “The Nutcracker” ballet latter for my parents, at the It was then a short ride press. A bell rang as the
or a fantastic adaptation of Ritz Carlton hotel to see home after a day full of drawer sprang open reveal-
Dickens’ “A Christmas the fresh gingerbread activity! ing paper play money and
Carol,” which is now into house creation, listen to the plastic coins. It was my
its 35th year in Orange Cameron Yanoscik, 4-year-old daughter’s only
County. Seal Beach, California choice from the Sears cata-
log. I ordered it.
Afterward, we would
then go window shopping Waiting in line at the
at a large mall complex store, I soon realized some-
known as Fashion Island thing was wrong. With
and have dinner at one of three other children — all
our favorite Italian restau- sons — I had a large order.
rants. After marveling at “Your order is here,” I was
the gigantic Christmas tree told, “except for one item
— it’s lost in the bins.” My
Family makes Christmas the heart sank. It was the cash Shutterstock
best season register! It couldn’t be
found. “No longer avail- who delivered it was there.
Shutterstock ding. I love sledding be- with family. Meanwhile able,” they told me. brown box with red bin No one knew what I was
cause it’s fun and you can another best part is the numbers on it. It was the talking about. But 49 years
My favorite holiday play with family. Well tree. We decorate the tree On Dec. 24, still looking cash register! Who? How? ago a Santa did deliver this
memory is about Christ- there is a story behind it. every year to see orna- in the catalog, my daughter When? Stunned by our find, on Christmas Eve in 1965.
mas. First example of why On a cold afternoon we all ments we made. It’s like chattered about playing we wrapped it and placed it
I like Christmas is sled- went sledding. It was fun reliving life. Finally the with it — tomorrow. under the tree. Janet M. Samusevich,
and cold. Then I backed very best part of all is Tucked in bed, the four Whitehall
up and I got a running family. Family is like a children soon were asleep Next morning, my
start. Finally, I jumped school of fish, you al- as carolers from Seibert’s daughter shrieked with joy For more
then I bounced up and slid ways stick together. Also Church approached our and exclaimed, “I said Holiday Memories
down the mountain on my you get to go to other door. Opening it, my foot Santa would bring it!” And
face. family houses. In conclu- touched something — a some Santa did. See Pages 4-9
sion, Christmas is the
Another thing I love best season of all. I went back to Sears
about Christmas is baking. days later hoping the Santa
Baking makes it joyful Kacey Pasquarella,
because you get to do it fifth grade, Allentown
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