Page 14 - Top Workplaces 2019
P. 14

14 THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019                                                                                  THE MORNING CALL

                                                                                                        PHOTOS BY APRIL GAMIZ/THE MORNING CALL
        Every July, staff members get out of the office and take part in “Do Good Week,” where employees volunteer their time at a dozen local nonprofit organizations.

        Continued from Previous Page    sales calls, staff members are encour-
          The company promotes ongoing  aged to re-energize by pausing to play
        learning development by encouraging  pingpong or shoot hoops.
        peer-to-peer career coaching, in areas  “We do a huddle first thing in the
        such as soft skills like interpersonal  morning to get the day going,” Holley
        communication, public speaking and  said. “Every morning they can cele-
        building confidence.            brate; we show appreciation for their
          “It’s OK to ask for help,” Martyak  hard work.”
        said. “It’s not frowned upon, it’s en-  Employees offer each other a round
        couraged.”                      of high fives and get pumped for the
          The company hosted a week called  day ahead.
        “It’s Your Journey” with courses on  “Dun & Bradstreet gave me a plat-
        leadership and career paths, and a ca-  form to lead and to inspire and that’s
        reerdevelopmentfairwithinternaljob  what I love,” Holley said. “As soon as
        postings, highlighting people who  it’s over, they [the sales staff] scramble
        made internal career moves.     back to their seats and they work so
          Teamleadershelpstaffmembersat-  hard.”
        tain goals on their career path. Sean  Staffmembersconnectovercultural
        Carolan, a 34-year employee who  events, such as the annual on-site fair
        heads a group of engineers, said he is  that brings together food and informa-
        happy to move around team members  tion from countries around the world.
        who are seeking new skills or want to  Holley lauds the firm’s inclusion and
        try a new direction in their career.  diversity efforts and the existence of
          “IfIseeanopportunitytohelpthem  the Culture Committee. He says there  Dun & Bradstreet encourages staff members to re-energize during the day by
        in their career path, I’m happy to cre-  are many reasons to be there besides a  playing pingpong or shooting hoops at its Upper Saucon Township campus.
        ate that space for them,” Carolan said.  job. Ongoing training with a focus for-
        “It adds new tools to their toolbox.”  ward gives staff a “chance to get bet- your soul to stay focused,” Martyak she said.
          Carolan said there is a good energy  ter.”                    said.                             Carolan never had to miss a cello re-
        between the seasoned staff and young  “The atmosphere is highly con-  Lisa Stitt, senior HR business part- citalorballgamebecausehissuperiors
        employees. Fresh perspectives are  ducive to being highly productive ner and member of The People Team, respected time off for family matters.
        welcomed from new hires.        while balancing work-life,” Martyak was eager to join the firm in 2018 after  “That sort of balance is something
          James Holley, a senior director of  said.                     witnessing how Dun & Bradstreet re- I’ve always loved,” he said.
        saleswhohasbeenwiththefirmfor20   Carolan finds the sustaining high spects and values its staff.  “The culture has always been about
        years, oversees an energetic sales staff  performance team the most exciting.  “Right away, I saw they’re inher- the people who work here,” Carolan
        of150 on the campus. Many of his staff  The group emails employees with in- ently generous,” Stitt said. “I love to said.
        members are young and eager. Holley  spiring information to help them look work for a company that prioritizes  In a firm that once employed Abra-
        starts each morning with a team hud-  forward and stay energized.  community service.”          ham Lincoln, Ulysses S. Grant, Grover
        dle on the open-floor recreation area  Martyak said the team offers on-site  A mother of two young children, Cleveland and William McKinley, it is
        amid the cubicles. An in-house staff  yoga classes and healthy snacks, nutri- Stitt said the company is a leader in easy to see that Dun & Bradstreet fos-
        member blasts upbeat tunes and the  tional tips and regular emails with ide- paid time off for new parents, granting ters an environment of success.
        previous day’s successes are cele-  as for mental performance.  16 weeks of leave.
        brated. Later in the day, after logging  “It reinvigorates your mind and  “That’s pretty much unheard of,” Sarah Fulton is a freelance writer.
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