Page 9 - Moravian College 275th Anniversary
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electrical stimulation,    all-Steinway school.       tients to restore daily-liv-  PREMIERE PROGRAMS
laser therapy and more.                               ing skills. An apartment
And the equipment?         Apartment                  that includes a kitchen,          Once the entire vision for the rehabilitation science programs is realized
You guessed it — state-        Physical therapists    bedroom and bath allows       and full accreditation is awarded, Moravian College will be able to claim the
of-the-art, befitting our                             students to try out their     following:
status as an all-Apple,    and occupational thera-    therapy skills.
                           pists often work with pa-                                    ¦ The only athletic program in the country to offer clinical immersion
                                                                                    across the entire curriculum.
                                                                                        ¦ One of only 11 colleges and universities in the United States to offer
                                                                                    graduate programs in all three of the disciplines of athletic training, occupa-
                                                                                    tional therapy and physical therapy.

                                                                                        ¦ The only school in the country to offer doctoral degrees in all three of
                                                                                    the rehabilitation sciences: athletic training, occupational therapy and physical
                                                                                    therapy. And in 2018, it will be one of only five schools in the country and the
                                                                                    second in the Northeast to offer a doctorate in athletic training.

                                                                                        ¦ One one of only eight schools in the United States with an accredited
                                                                                    entry-level doctor of occupational therapy program.

                                                      James Scifers, chair                                                                                                 SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
                                                      of the rehabilitation
                                                      sciences department at
                                                      Moravian College, was
                                                      recently awarded the
                                                      prestigious NATA 2017
                                                      Professional Development
                                                      Excellence Award.

T he implementation of the vi-        honors an individual who has made             Students practice their skills in athletic training in Moravian College’s functional   SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 2017
       sion for the Sports Medicine   outstanding contributions to the              rehabilitation lab.
       and Rehabilitation Center and  profession of athletic training in the
       its programs has been and      area of continuing education and              The therapeutic modalities lab allows students to practice electrical stimulation and
will continue to be in the hands of   professional development.                     other skills.
department chair Scifers and John
Hauth, senior director of sports          Moravian College and its stu-
medicine relationships at St. Luke’s  dents are very fortunate to call him
University Health Network — two       their own, and Scifers is thrilled
giants with unmistakable com-         to be fulfilling this ideal vision for
mitments to excellence both in the    rehabilitation sciences education.
classroom and in the field of reha-
bilitation sciences.                      Commenting on the progress to
                                      date, he says, “We have frequent in-
    Scifers is a leading national     teraction between professional gradu-
authority on health sciences and      ate students and residents in athletic
athletic training, and recently was   training, physical training and sports
named the recipient of the National   medicine through St. Luke’s Univer-
Athletic Trainers’ Association’s      sity Health Network. The breadth
(NATA) 2017 Professional Devel-       and depth of the partnership has
opment Excellence Award, which        grown beyond what any of us could
                                      have imagined.”

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