Page 8 - Moravian College 275th Anniversary
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Celebrating 275 years of being a LITTLE REVOLUTIONARY.
A revolutionary partnership
For nearly 20 years,SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 2017 for specialists in health- are in various stages of in a select group of three
Moravian College and care inspired Moravian development, and all liberal arts colleges to of-
St. Luke’s University College President Bryon await anticipated ac- fer this experience, which Most Moravian College nursing students do their clinical
Health Network have Grigsby to explore a creditation, but students allows collaboration placements at St. Luke’s sites.
enjoyed an extraordinary new venture. “We have working toward a Master across fields. James “Jay”
relationship, collaborat- SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL a phenomenal nursing of Science in Athletic Scifers, chair of the Mora- patient’s strength prior to Distance-Learning Classroom.
ing to build exceptional program, which we devel- Training, which began vian College department and during rehabilitation. This room allows a
nursing programs at the oped in partnership with accepting students in of rehabilitation sciences,
college and now develop- St. Luke’s,” says Grigsby. 2016, enjoy an educational explains that this integra- Take a peek inside professor, practitioner or
ing a leading rehabilita- “I began to consider space unlike any other. tion mimics real-world researcher from anywhere
tion sciences department what else we could do professional experience, The new learning in the world to teach a
to the benefit of both together.” The new center houses where athletic trainers space in Moravian Col- class remotely to Moravi-
institutions and the com- state-of-the-art class- often collaborate with lege’s Sports Medicine an College students. Video
munity. On March 23, 2016, rooms and labs along- physical therapists in the and Rehabilitation Center cameras and microphones
Grigsby; Richard An- side a St. Luke’s sports treatment and recovery provides students with allow real-time student-
In the mid-90s St. derson, president and medicine clinic. Students of a patient, and physi- dynamic classrooms and faculty interaction.
Luke’s University Health CEO of St. Luke’s; and in athletic training, cal therapists confer with cutting-edge labs.
Network was looking for Ken Rampolla, chair of occupational therapy, occupational therapists Functional Rehabilitation Lab.
a local baccalaureate pro- the board of trustees for physical therapy and over how best to return Orthopedic Assessment Lab In this space, athletes
gram in nursing and hired Moravian College, cut the speech pathology are able someone to the activity of In this room, examina-
Janet Sipple to help them ribbon at the grand open- to simply walk down the daily living. recovering from injury
develop one. At the time, ing of Moravian College’s hall to observe and gain tion tables are arranged can practice sports skills
Priscilla Payne Hurd was brand new Sports Medi- experience working hand- Sharing extends to like the spokes of a wheel on a surface that mim-
the chair of the board at cine and Rehabilitation in-hand with profession- physical resources as well, around a central hub ics the real-life playing
St. Luke’s and Moravian Center at 1441 Schoeners- als from St. Luke’s. It’s including an Alter G anti- where a circle of video surface, whether that be a
College, and she helped ville Road in Bethlehem. a medical-school model gravity treadmill, which monitors display demon- field or court.
forge a partnership that is unique among allows recovering athletes strations of techniques as
between the two institu- A revolution in liberal arts institutions, to rehab and build cardio- students practice them on Therapeutic Modalities Lab
tions. In 1999, Moravian Rehabilitation Sciences and provides the ideal vascular fitness without their “patients” (fellow Here students learn
College accepted its first Education experiential education for impact; a Biodex Balance students).
nursing students. anyone pursuing these System, which improves and practice ultrasound,
The planned mix of disciplines. balance using a movable
The college and the programs in rehabilita- platform and a computer-
hospital jointly owned tion sciences includes That students in all ized program to challenge
and governed the nurs- athletic training, occu- disciplines will study the patient’s stability;
ing program until 2013 pational therapy, physi- under the same adminis- and a Biodex isokinetic
when St. Luke’s relin- cal therapy and speech trative and physical roof strength machine to test a
quished full governance pathology. The programs puts Moravian College
to Moravian, but that
foundational relationship The Sports Medicine and
has continued to this day. Rehabilitation Center
“We have a wonderful opened in March 2016.
clinical partnership with
St. Luke’s,” says Kerry
Cheever, chair of the Hel-
en S. Breidegam School
of Nursing at Moravian
College. “Most of our
students do their clinical
placements in the various
St. Luke’s sites — their
hospital, clinics, VNAs,
hospice, and so forth.”
The relationship
with St. Luke’s and the
8 ever-increasing demand