Page 10 - Moravian College 275th Anniversary
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Celebrating 275 years of being a LITTLE REVOLUTIONARY.
Celebrating heritage by serving the community
SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 2017 Serving the com- with Lehigh County Heritage Day joins the
munity is a central Office of Children and many other Moravian
tenet of Moravian Youth Services College annual tradi-
tradition and hence of tions and will be held
Moravian College’s ¦ 168 scarves for the again in fall 2017.
foundation. To honor homeless
that history and put in
practice that tenet of ¦ 100 kindness rocks
service, the college held painted with inspirational
its first Heritage Day on messages for Comfort
Sept. 21, 2016. Students, Cottage
faculty and staff gath-
ered in Johnston Hall to ¦ 53 units of blood for
learn about the history the Red Cross
of the college, take part
in the Moravian tradi- ¦ 27 fleece blankets for
tion of a Lovefeast (the the homeless
sharing of food among
members of a group to In the cleanup of
nurture goodwill and Monocacy Creek and in
harmony) and then go service of the Downtown
out to serve the sur- Bethlehem Association,
rounding community. In the college community
the afternoon, everyone collected the following
regrouped for a time of items:
reflection. Heritage Day
was indeed a celebration ¦ 75 bags of trash
and a success. Here are ¦ 2 tires
the day’s numbers: ¦ 1 shopping cart
¦ 1,195 students, fac- And at the end of
ulty and staff gave 2,390 the day, 1,300 children
hours of service to 27 benefited from the day’s
nonprofit organizations. service.
dents, staff and faculty
delivered the following Students, faculty, and staff volunteer during the ?rst Heritage
gifts to the community: Day last fall.
¦ 900 take-home lit-
eracy kits for Jumpstart
Philadelphia at Temple
¦ 600 jump ropes for
Nitschmann Middle
School and Broughal
and Marvine Elementary
¦ 400 grab-and-go
bags for children
¦ 346 nonslip socks
for New Bethany Min-
istries, Kids Peace, and
Comfort Cottage
¦ 250 greeting cards
10 for foster care children