Page 23 - Inspire Health November/December 2014
P. 23
can you get your share of of special white blood cells, thus determining FOODUCATE feedYOUR SOUL
potent vitamins to build your your overall immune status. Since white blood
defenses and reduce your risk cells have the ability to attack bacteria, viruses Reading labels but still
of getting sick during the infamous cold and and even cancer cells, eating foods that enhance can’t figure out which
flu season? Powering up your pantry with their performance is a very good practice. peanut butter is the healthier
antioxidant-rich foods is a great place to start. option? Fooducate app to
While all vitamins have noteworthy benefits, Citrus fruits are another seasonal food that the rescue! Scan the barcode
vitamins A and C are among the best-known can increase immune function. Not only are these and Fooducate will grade
antioxidants for supporting the immune system. fruits delicious, but oranges, tangerines, Satsumas, the product (A, B+, B-, C,
Adding foods high in these particular vitamins lemons and grapefruit are very high in vitamin C. etc…), tell you hings to know,
can do much to help you build strong immunity. The vitamin C found in a fresh-squeezed glass calories per serving, recommend
Whole foods like pumpkin, squash, sweet of citrus juice can be especially good for fighting healthier options similar to
potatoes and carrots are easily available this bacteria, viruses and infections. Vitamin C also the product you scanned, and
time of year.Their rich yellow and orange hues improves the body’s ability to repair wounds so much more. Is the product
mean they are teeming with carotenoids and and it can act as an antihistamine, reducing minimally processed? Are
vitamin A.The nutrients in these foods have the inflammation brought on by cold and allergies. It there controversial artificial
potential to enhance your immune response to has even been proven to reduce histamine levels, sweeteners used? Does it
infections. Carotenoids stimulate the production possibly shortening the duration of colds. contain trans fat? Find out
everything with Fooducate at
SUPPLEMENT your fingertips!
Available for iPhone, Android
FOOD. and online.
While whole foods are typically the best
option for obtaining vitamins and
minerals, each person must decide
whether or not a vitamin supplement is the right
choice for them. According to, studies
have shown there is a definite connection between
eating foods high in vitamin C and a reduced risk
of cancer. However, studies that were conducted
using a vitamin C supplement have not shown a { {INSPIREHEALTH TIP:
reduced cancer risk. This suggests that vitamin C HELP FORYOUR MAN
in whole food is most beneficial. This allows the
vitamin C to work in the body along with other
vital components such as phytochemicals, fiber, When you are eating your share of
water and minerals present in the whole food. immune-boosting pumpkin this season,
CHRISTINA’S GOLDEN TONIC don’t forget about the powerful,
Super-NATURAL Ingredients: prostate-protecting seeds. More than
· 1 liter fresh squeezed orange or Satsuma juice half of men age 50 or older suffer
· 2 tsp. *organic turmeric powder with problems related to an enlarged
· 1 tsp. cayenne pepper prostate. The phytosterols in pumpkin
seeds are touted for their ability to
Whip it up: help shrink an enlarged prostate.
1. Use a citrus juicer to juice navel oranges or They do this by helping reduce the
Satsumas. Squeeze enough to yield 32 ounces. conversion of testosterone into
2. Pour juice in a blender and add the turmeric and dihydrotestosterone — a chemical
cayenne pepper. Blend on high for 30 seconds. associated with enlarged prostate. All
3. Sip on this refreshing golden tonic for about an that is needed is about 1 oz. of roasted
hour. Take your time and enjoy it. pumpkin seeds a few times per week.
*Turmeric possesses natural anti-inflammatory properties, Mix the seeds in a trail mix for a tasty,
possibly helping reduce pain and inflammation. healthy, healing snack.
November § December 2014 INSPIRE HEALTH 23
potent vitamins to build your your overall immune status. Since white blood
defenses and reduce your risk cells have the ability to attack bacteria, viruses Reading labels but still
of getting sick during the infamous cold and and even cancer cells, eating foods that enhance can’t figure out which
flu season? Powering up your pantry with their performance is a very good practice. peanut butter is the healthier
antioxidant-rich foods is a great place to start. option? Fooducate app to
While all vitamins have noteworthy benefits, Citrus fruits are another seasonal food that the rescue! Scan the barcode
vitamins A and C are among the best-known can increase immune function. Not only are these and Fooducate will grade
antioxidants for supporting the immune system. fruits delicious, but oranges, tangerines, Satsumas, the product (A, B+, B-, C,
Adding foods high in these particular vitamins lemons and grapefruit are very high in vitamin C. etc…), tell you hings to know,
can do much to help you build strong immunity. The vitamin C found in a fresh-squeezed glass calories per serving, recommend
Whole foods like pumpkin, squash, sweet of citrus juice can be especially good for fighting healthier options similar to
potatoes and carrots are easily available this bacteria, viruses and infections. Vitamin C also the product you scanned, and
time of year.Their rich yellow and orange hues improves the body’s ability to repair wounds so much more. Is the product
mean they are teeming with carotenoids and and it can act as an antihistamine, reducing minimally processed? Are
vitamin A.The nutrients in these foods have the inflammation brought on by cold and allergies. It there controversial artificial
potential to enhance your immune response to has even been proven to reduce histamine levels, sweeteners used? Does it
infections. Carotenoids stimulate the production possibly shortening the duration of colds. contain trans fat? Find out
everything with Fooducate at
SUPPLEMENT your fingertips!
Available for iPhone, Android
FOOD. and online.
While whole foods are typically the best
option for obtaining vitamins and
minerals, each person must decide
whether or not a vitamin supplement is the right
choice for them. According to, studies
have shown there is a definite connection between
eating foods high in vitamin C and a reduced risk
of cancer. However, studies that were conducted
using a vitamin C supplement have not shown a { {INSPIREHEALTH TIP:
reduced cancer risk. This suggests that vitamin C HELP FORYOUR MAN
in whole food is most beneficial. This allows the
vitamin C to work in the body along with other
vital components such as phytochemicals, fiber, When you are eating your share of
water and minerals present in the whole food. immune-boosting pumpkin this season,
CHRISTINA’S GOLDEN TONIC don’t forget about the powerful,
Super-NATURAL Ingredients: prostate-protecting seeds. More than
· 1 liter fresh squeezed orange or Satsuma juice half of men age 50 or older suffer
· 2 tsp. *organic turmeric powder with problems related to an enlarged
· 1 tsp. cayenne pepper prostate. The phytosterols in pumpkin
seeds are touted for their ability to
Whip it up: help shrink an enlarged prostate.
1. Use a citrus juicer to juice navel oranges or They do this by helping reduce the
Satsumas. Squeeze enough to yield 32 ounces. conversion of testosterone into
2. Pour juice in a blender and add the turmeric and dihydrotestosterone — a chemical
cayenne pepper. Blend on high for 30 seconds. associated with enlarged prostate. All
3. Sip on this refreshing golden tonic for about an that is needed is about 1 oz. of roasted
hour. Take your time and enjoy it. pumpkin seeds a few times per week.
*Turmeric possesses natural anti-inflammatory properties, Mix the seeds in a trail mix for a tasty,
possibly helping reduce pain and inflammation. healthy, healing snack.
November § December 2014 INSPIRE HEALTH 23