Page 20 - Inspire Health November/December 2014
P. 20
mighty kids feedYOUR SOUL


This clever app gets kids
thinking outside of the box —
well, outside of your phone’s
screen, that is! Instead of
playing on your smartphone
and focusing attention directly
on the screen, Drawnimal
has children drawing on real
paper! This mixed media
experience teaches younger ones
the alphabet using associated
animals, but older children
(and let’s be honest, adults,
too) will enjoy this fun, cute
and engaging app!

App Store for
iPhone & iPad

4 Create your game piece
by deciding who or what
you are and wearing something
to show it.Think Monopoly
(race car, top hat, etc.) or come
up with your own ideas (ex:

superheroes, animals or simply

WBy Michele Robert Poche everyone wearing a single,
hat if I told you
there was a 5different color).
way that you Grab some dice and
take turns moving on the
board. First one to the finish
line wins!

The best thing about the

and your family Life-Sized Board Game is that

could nurture your creativity, get some it’s completely customizable.

exercise and even learn a little more about each other — all at the You pick the theme to suit

same time? For less than $5 in supplies, you and your little people can the likes, interests and maybe

create a Life-Sized Board Game where YOU are the game pieces. even the areas needing

This idea is huge. Some might even say larger than life. (Pardon the improvement in your family.Try

pun.) And it’s so easy! these ideas for your spaces:

Supplies Directions Is your family into exercise?
“Do 10 jumping jacks.”
• colored construction paper 1Determine the length of your
(cardboard, carpet squares or game path.The older the players, OR “Be a pogo stick for 20 seconds.”
whatever else you have lying 2the longer it can be.
around the house works, too) Design your spaces. It’s fun Hope to sneak in a little learning?
• markers to have something written “Recite the alphabet backwards.”
• crazy hats & accessories on each one so there’s always
(optional) OR “What’s 3 x 6?”
• people 3something happening in the game.
• imagination Lay out the spaces to create a Just want to get silly together?
(the more, the better) path around the room or even “Bark like a dog.”
the whole house.
OR “Crabwalk three spaces.”

20 INSPIRE HEALTH November § December 2014
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