Page 19 - Inspire Health March/April 2016
P. 19


My husband and I are bone growth of the baby while extra pregnant women are deficient in vitamin
planning on starting a family iron helps blood carry oxygen to D. Many prenatal vitamins now contain
in the next six months. Are the baby. Iodine supports thyroid DHA — a type of omega‑3‑fatty acid
there any special vitamins or function. Although most table salt is found primarily in fish. DHA promotes
supplements I should take? fortified with iodine, pregnant women healthy growth of the baby as well as
Excellent question: Women planning need extra amounts of this important normal brain development.
a pregnancy should eat a healthy, mineral. Low levels of iodine can cause
well‑balanced diet. Taking a prenatal growth restriction and deafness in the The longer you are on prenatal
vitamin before becoming pregnant will baby. Folic acid prevents defects in the vitamins before pregnancy the better the
help fill any nutritional gaps in your brain and spine of the baby. Prenatal benefits. Your OB‑GYN can answer any
diet. There are many brands of prenatal vitamins contain 400‑800 mcg of folic questions you may have.
vitamins on the market, some over acid. Folic acid is found in green leafy
the counter and some that require a vegetables, beans, citrus fruits, nuts and Dr. Wendy J. Schillings, Welcome to the “Ask the
prescription. Prenatal vitamins now many fortified foods (check your orange MD, FACOG Fertility Expert” column.
come in chewable and liquid form for juice container), but most women Over the next few months,
women who have trouble swallowing don’t get enough in their diet. Normal Dr. Wendy J. Schillings of
a pill. Prenatal vitamins contain extra levels of vitamin D, also known as the Reproductive Medicine
vitamins and minerals including B sunshine vitamin, are associated with Associates of Pennsylvania
complex vitamins, vitamin D, calcium, lower pregnancy complications including (RMAPA), will be answering
folic acid, iodine and iron; essential for gestational diabetes and preterm birth. questions Inspire Health
a healthy pregnancy. Calcium ensures It is estimated that up to 90 percent of readers may have about
fertility topics that affect
both men and women.

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