Page 24 - Inspire Health March/April 2016
P. 24

Energize Your Body with BENEFITS
By Patricia Danflous
1. Releasing stress
It’s spring. Enjoy life. Stop and THE TECHNIQUE and anxiety
smell the roses — or just take The emphasis is on breathing deeply
time to use your nose, mouth and 2. Regulating weight
lungs for cleansing and wellness. into the abdomen, not just the chest. 3. Relieving pain
Deep breathing is known to Respiratory experts advise that deep 4. Increasing energy
lower blood pressure and release breathing should be slow, deep and in 5. Increasing
stress, along with numerous through the nose, not the mouth.
other healthy benefits. cardiovascular activity
Breathe in slowly; use your diaphragm 6. Lowering blood pressure
Clinical hypnotherapist Bonnie to circulate oxygen throughout the lungs. 7. Improving posture
Miller explains that deep breathing Next, exhale slowly, pushing air out of your 8. Improving digestion
cleans blood as it removes carbon lungs. Exhaling should last twice as long as 9. Improving sleep patterns
dioxide from the body and increases inhaling. Some find that breathing out with
oxygen levels. “Remember that saying pursed lips works best, while others place
‘out with the old, in with the new?’ their hands on their stomachs to feel the
As we breathe out the old air and rise and fall of breathing in and out.
take in new, fresh oxygen, we are
regenerating our bodies, contributing “Deep breathing is not something we
to a better state of physical and can just start to do,” Miller emphasizes.
mental well‑being,” she says. “The technique takes some practice —
try it several times a day when you are
relaxed and have the time to focus.”

24 INSPIRE HEALTH March · April 2016
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