Page 27 - Inspire Health January/February 2016
P. 27
W by Linda Doell
inter’s harsh winds and to dry out, crack and become irritated from A: In general, I find individuals associate
weather can play havoc cold or windburn. I recommend my patients UV damage with the physical presence
of the sun. So, if it’s a rainy or snowy day
with your skin. Less take a gentler approach to their skin with no sun many don’t understand the
need for sunscreen … The fact is – the
humidity in the air can also make your during the winter months, use less abrasive UV rays are only slightly less strong in the
cooler months. Additionally, many indoor
skin itchy and dry. exfoliation techniques and replenish the skin lights give off UVA rays. While you won’t
get burned from these, they can cause
Lise Ferris, LME, with moisture‑rich products. premature aging of the skin.
CLS, a clinical Q: What are some tips people can Q: When should someone
aesthetician/laser put into practice? consider professional treatments?
technician. A: As tempting as it is to take hot baths A: I believe a good daily skin‑care regimen
Photo courtesy of and showers during the winter, it can be to prevent problems is the first and most
St. Luke’s University very drying for the skin. Use lukewarm important step for good skin care. However,
Health Network water and never cleanse more than twice once your daily regimen is established to
Media Services protect your skin, professional treatments
can provide many options for improvement
We talked to Lise Ferris, LME, CLS, a a day. Skin care regimens don’t have to be and maintenance.
Q: Is there any particular timing
clinical aesthetician/laser technician for complicated … At a minimum, everyone needed for such treatments,
depending on the season?
advice on how to best treat our skin should be using a cleanser and moisturizer A: Yes! Aesthetic laser treatments cannot
be performed over areas that have had
in winter and some of the common morning and evening, and sunscreen as recent sun exposure. So, it’s best to
schedule laser treatments to the face in
misconceptions that are out there for required. Even the winter sun can damage the fall and winter months.
winter skin care. Ferris is with Body the skin! Cream‑based cleansers are a
Evolution – The Center for Plastic and great choice for normal‑dry skin types.
Reconstructive Surgery at St. Luke’s in For those with oily or acneic skin, I would
Bethlehem, a full‑service cosmetic and suggest a gel‑based cleanser with a mild
aesthetic services center. but effective exfoliant such as salicylic acid.
Q: What should people be doing as It’s best to avoid cleansers that produce
part of their daily skin care routine? ‘foam’ as they can also strip the skin of its
A: It’s important to adjust your skin care natural oils.
regimen as we move from one season to Q: What misconceptions are there
the next. In winter, it’s very common for skin in regard to personal skin care?
January § February 2016 INSPIRE HEALTH 27
W by Linda Doell
inter’s harsh winds and to dry out, crack and become irritated from A: In general, I find individuals associate
weather can play havoc cold or windburn. I recommend my patients UV damage with the physical presence
of the sun. So, if it’s a rainy or snowy day
with your skin. Less take a gentler approach to their skin with no sun many don’t understand the
need for sunscreen … The fact is – the
humidity in the air can also make your during the winter months, use less abrasive UV rays are only slightly less strong in the
cooler months. Additionally, many indoor
skin itchy and dry. exfoliation techniques and replenish the skin lights give off UVA rays. While you won’t
get burned from these, they can cause
Lise Ferris, LME, with moisture‑rich products. premature aging of the skin.
CLS, a clinical Q: What are some tips people can Q: When should someone
aesthetician/laser put into practice? consider professional treatments?
technician. A: As tempting as it is to take hot baths A: I believe a good daily skin‑care regimen
Photo courtesy of and showers during the winter, it can be to prevent problems is the first and most
St. Luke’s University very drying for the skin. Use lukewarm important step for good skin care. However,
Health Network water and never cleanse more than twice once your daily regimen is established to
Media Services protect your skin, professional treatments
can provide many options for improvement
We talked to Lise Ferris, LME, CLS, a a day. Skin care regimens don’t have to be and maintenance.
Q: Is there any particular timing
clinical aesthetician/laser technician for complicated … At a minimum, everyone needed for such treatments,
depending on the season?
advice on how to best treat our skin should be using a cleanser and moisturizer A: Yes! Aesthetic laser treatments cannot
be performed over areas that have had
in winter and some of the common morning and evening, and sunscreen as recent sun exposure. So, it’s best to
schedule laser treatments to the face in
misconceptions that are out there for required. Even the winter sun can damage the fall and winter months.
winter skin care. Ferris is with Body the skin! Cream‑based cleansers are a
Evolution – The Center for Plastic and great choice for normal‑dry skin types.
Reconstructive Surgery at St. Luke’s in For those with oily or acneic skin, I would
Bethlehem, a full‑service cosmetic and suggest a gel‑based cleanser with a mild
aesthetic services center. but effective exfoliant such as salicylic acid.
Q: What should people be doing as It’s best to avoid cleansers that produce
part of their daily skin care routine? ‘foam’ as they can also strip the skin of its
A: It’s important to adjust your skin care natural oils.
regimen as we move from one season to Q: What misconceptions are there
the next. In winter, it’s very common for skin in regard to personal skin care?
January § February 2016 INSPIRE HEALTH 27