Page 28 - Inspire Health January/February 2016
P. 28
ow Open! THE POWER OFPurrats are not just
Ccute and furry
By Michelle Fouchi Esneault
blood pressure, reduced heart rate
and less anxiety. It is thought that
companions, they stroking a cat cuts stress‑related
YOUR PETS can also be good for your health. hormones in the blood.
• CAT Scan • Fluroscopy • X-ray • According to the Humane Society A Canadian study reported in
Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy of the United States, 62 percent Psychology Today states that owning
Providing diagnostic imaging
at an afforadble price to help of American households own at a cat can lower your cholesterol just
your veterinarian treat your pet. least one pet, and a little less than as effectively as medication.
Advanced half of those households own at A three‑year study at the
Veterinary Imaging least one cat. In appreciation, your Baker Medical Research Institute
of the Lehigh Valley feline friend offers these benefits: in Melbourne, Australia has
244 Fullerton Ave. Whitehall, PA A study by the University of shown that owning a cat can
Minnesota found that cat owners lower triglycerides.
are 30 percent less likely to die Time reported on a French
from a heart attack, and their study that stated that autistic
chances of dying of cardiovascular children benefit emotionally and
disease go down as well. socially when they have a family cat.
Scientists have found that cat Cats can help children with other
ownership can cut stroke risk by developmental disorders as well,
one third. especially with communication.
Scientific American states that a The journal Pediatrics reports
cat’s purr reduces stress levels and researchers have found if you have
lowers blood pressure. It also says a cat, your newborn is less likely
that the frequency of a cat’s purr, to develop asthma and will have a
between 25 and 150 Hertz, can greater immunity to allergies.
facilitate bone density and healing. Studies have shown nursing
A growing number of studies homes that allow therapy cats
show that the love and positive have lower medication costs than
feelings you have for your cat can facilities without cats.
give your immune system a boost. A German study found if you
Further, numerous studies have own a cat, you don’t go to the
found that playing and cuddling with doctor as often or have as many
your cat and the unconditional love hospital visits, perhaps for all the
they provide improve mood and reasons stated above.
can help relieve depression. One last benefit: Adopt a
A State University of New York homeless animal from your local
at Buffalo study found that cat shelter, and not only will you save a
lovers are more likely to have lower life, but you’ll feel pretty good, too.
Ccute and furry
By Michelle Fouchi Esneault
blood pressure, reduced heart rate
and less anxiety. It is thought that
companions, they stroking a cat cuts stress‑related
YOUR PETS can also be good for your health. hormones in the blood.
• CAT Scan • Fluroscopy • X-ray • According to the Humane Society A Canadian study reported in
Hyperbaric Chamber Therapy of the United States, 62 percent Psychology Today states that owning
Providing diagnostic imaging
at an afforadble price to help of American households own at a cat can lower your cholesterol just
your veterinarian treat your pet. least one pet, and a little less than as effectively as medication.
Advanced half of those households own at A three‑year study at the
Veterinary Imaging least one cat. In appreciation, your Baker Medical Research Institute
of the Lehigh Valley feline friend offers these benefits: in Melbourne, Australia has
244 Fullerton Ave. Whitehall, PA A study by the University of shown that owning a cat can
Minnesota found that cat owners lower triglycerides.
are 30 percent less likely to die Time reported on a French
from a heart attack, and their study that stated that autistic
chances of dying of cardiovascular children benefit emotionally and
disease go down as well. socially when they have a family cat.
Scientists have found that cat Cats can help children with other
ownership can cut stroke risk by developmental disorders as well,
one third. especially with communication.
Scientific American states that a The journal Pediatrics reports
cat’s purr reduces stress levels and researchers have found if you have
lowers blood pressure. It also says a cat, your newborn is less likely
that the frequency of a cat’s purr, to develop asthma and will have a
between 25 and 150 Hertz, can greater immunity to allergies.
facilitate bone density and healing. Studies have shown nursing
A growing number of studies homes that allow therapy cats
show that the love and positive have lower medication costs than
feelings you have for your cat can facilities without cats.
give your immune system a boost. A German study found if you
Further, numerous studies have own a cat, you don’t go to the
found that playing and cuddling with doctor as often or have as many
your cat and the unconditional love hospital visits, perhaps for all the
they provide improve mood and reasons stated above.
can help relieve depression. One last benefit: Adopt a
A State University of New York homeless animal from your local
at Buffalo study found that cat shelter, and not only will you save a
lovers are more likely to have lower life, but you’ll feel pretty good, too.