Page 29 - Inspire Health January/February 2016
P. 29
My sister’s daughter was recently parents are carriers for cystic fibrosis there It is important that you and your physician
diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Is is a one in four chance (25 percent), with determine which company will provide
there any way to tell if I am at each pregnancy, that they will have a child you with the most accurate information. If
risk of having a baby with cystic with cystic fibrosis. There is also a 50 percent testing shows that you are at risk to have a
fibrosis before I become pregnant? chance that their child will be a carrier of child with cystic fibrosis, pre‑implantation
This is an excellent question. To determine cystic fibrosis, and a 25 percent chance that genetic testing is available to ensure that you
your risk, you need to understand how cystic their child will have a completely normal become pregnant with embryos that do not
fibrosis is inherited. Babies inherit certain gene pair. have cystic fibrosis.
family characteristics from their parents such
as hair color, eye color, height and blood type Because you have a family history of cystic Having a healthy child is the ultimate
through genes. Unfortunately, genes can fibrosis, you and your partner should be goal when building your family. Single gene
also pass on genetic diseases, such as cystic tested to determine if you are carriers of screening is a valuable tool that offers you
fibrosis, even if the parents do not have any the cystic fibrosis gene. Knowing whether important information about your risk of
symptoms of the disease. Most genes have or not you carry an abnormal gene, before having a child with cystic fibrosis.
two copies, one copy given to a child by their you get pregnant, can make a difference in
mother and a second copy by their father. your future child’s health. Genetic counselors Dr. Wendy J. Schillings, Welcome to the “Ask the Fertility
A “carrier” of cystic fibrosis is an individual are experts on gene disorders and can MD, FACOG Expert” column. Over the
who has a defect on one copy of a specific advise you on which tests you need based next few months, Dr. Wendy J.
gene but not on the other copy. Because on your personal and family history. Testing Schillings of Reproductive Medicine
they have one normal gene, they do not can be done with a single tube of blood Associates of Pennsylvania
have symptoms of cystic fibrosis. When both or even a sample of saliva. There are many (RMAPA), will be answering
companies that offer genetic testing services. questions Inspire Health readers
may have about fertility topics that
affect both men and women.
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My sister’s daughter was recently parents are carriers for cystic fibrosis there It is important that you and your physician
diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Is is a one in four chance (25 percent), with determine which company will provide
there any way to tell if I am at each pregnancy, that they will have a child you with the most accurate information. If
risk of having a baby with cystic with cystic fibrosis. There is also a 50 percent testing shows that you are at risk to have a
fibrosis before I become pregnant? chance that their child will be a carrier of child with cystic fibrosis, pre‑implantation
This is an excellent question. To determine cystic fibrosis, and a 25 percent chance that genetic testing is available to ensure that you
your risk, you need to understand how cystic their child will have a completely normal become pregnant with embryos that do not
fibrosis is inherited. Babies inherit certain gene pair. have cystic fibrosis.
family characteristics from their parents such
as hair color, eye color, height and blood type Because you have a family history of cystic Having a healthy child is the ultimate
through genes. Unfortunately, genes can fibrosis, you and your partner should be goal when building your family. Single gene
also pass on genetic diseases, such as cystic tested to determine if you are carriers of screening is a valuable tool that offers you
fibrosis, even if the parents do not have any the cystic fibrosis gene. Knowing whether important information about your risk of
symptoms of the disease. Most genes have or not you carry an abnormal gene, before having a child with cystic fibrosis.
two copies, one copy given to a child by their you get pregnant, can make a difference in
mother and a second copy by their father. your future child’s health. Genetic counselors Dr. Wendy J. Schillings, Welcome to the “Ask the Fertility
A “carrier” of cystic fibrosis is an individual are experts on gene disorders and can MD, FACOG Expert” column. Over the
who has a defect on one copy of a specific advise you on which tests you need based next few months, Dr. Wendy J.
gene but not on the other copy. Because on your personal and family history. Testing Schillings of Reproductive Medicine
they have one normal gene, they do not can be done with a single tube of blood Associates of Pennsylvania
have symptoms of cystic fibrosis. When both or even a sample of saliva. There are many (RMAPA), will be answering
companies that offer genetic testing services. questions Inspire Health readers
may have about fertility topics that
affect both men and women.
Dr. Michelle McCarroll ed ose ail pa,llc
Board Certi ed Podiatrist
Pedicures & manicures
Non-surgical & surgical treatment options for both men & women
Most insurances accepted Licensed nail technicians
using only sterile equipment
Immediate appointments available
on’t suffer any longer, ont risk getting an infection,
call 610.841.3535 or visit call 610.841.4360 or visit
rthaheel slippers are now available for the winter!
The only nail spa owned & managed by a podiatrist in North-East Pennsylvania
1251 S. Cedar Crest Blvd., Ste 301, Allentown, PA 18103 (Located at Cedar Crest Professional Park)