Page 36 - Indulge September 2017
P. 36

                                                    Dress YOUr hOMe fOr COOL AUTUMn WeATher. CheCK The PAGes
                                                    AheAD fOr sIMPLe InTerIOr AnD eXTerIOr DeCOrATInG IDeAs.
It’s never too early to begin preparing your yard and
    outdoor living spaces for winter. Homeowners may be    year when it’s time once again to set up the yard
 sad to bid farewell to the furniture and accessories of   for recreation. If anything is damaged beyond repair,
 summer, but time is of the essence when prepping for      discard it and look for replacements during end-of-
 winter, which will be here before you know it.            season sales when savings can be had.

CLeAN PAtio fUrNitUre                                      moVe thiNGS iNdoorS

     Give cushions and structures a thorough cleaning          The more items you can store in a safe and secure
 and allow to dry completely. Cleaning items before        location the better. Load the garage, basement
 storing them for the winter saves time and energy next    or storage shed with outdoor gear. Leaving items
                                                           exposes them to the elements, and such exposure
Installations and weekly maintenance of vegetable gardens  can cause rust, wear and damage. Flower pots and
     for residences and businesses in the Lehigh Valley.   lawn ornaments also can blow around in wind or
      Deck Boxes • Raised Bed Boxes • Gardens              collapse under the weight of the snow, so collect these
                                                           items and store them for the winter. Take out patio
FVuEllGCiGrIcElSe                                          umbrellas and put them in the shed. If something is
                                                           too large to move indoors, cover it with a durable tarp
                                                           and secure it with rope.

                                                           CoVer deLiCAte treeS

                                                                Depending on where you live, certain fruit trees,
                                                           including fig trees, may need to be covered for the
                                                           winter. Covering protects them from subfreezing
                                                           temperatures and helps ensure they will rebound in
                                                           the spring. Tropical plants should be moved indoors
                                                           where they can thrive in a heated home. Do not rip
                                                           out chrysanthemum plants. Contrary to popular belief,
                                                           these are not annuals. They will rebloom year after year
                                                           if allowed to do so.

                                                           remoVe WAter CoLLeCtorS

                                                                Bring in or cover anything that may accumulate
                                                           water, such as bird baths or kids’ toys. Water expands
                                                           when frozen, and that means water trapped in any
                                                           ceramic, glass or even plastic vessel can expand and
                                                           crack the containers.

                                                           CLeAN UP LeAVeS ANd deBriS

                                                                Piles of leaves not only can suffocate a lawn and
                                                           cause discoloration, but also can be attractive homes


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