Page 17 - Indulge February/March 2016
P. 17
latest Valley girl has traveled my mom was a gourmet and my dad talented and have a wonderful education,
all over the world in pursuit of an amateur artist. He is a wonderful but many times neglect to see the
her passion. illustrator and amateur art photographer importance of mentors; they don’t go
complete with darkroom. I recall as a after the awards and gain the recognition
Santa Bannon’s love of art evolved toddler being fascinated with his slides that is required to make a name for
into a career as a consultant and broker and would curate mini-exhibits with his themselves in the art world. They think
before she opened Santa Bannon/Fine slides and negatives all around the living that their work will speak for itself but
Art in Bethlehem three years ago. room — on the shelves, sofa, chairs, unless they begin to move in the art
piano, you know, just prop them up along circles and gain connections, no one will
“There obviously was a need and the perimeter of the room and all over recognize the work and it will be hidden
I was the right person to fill it,” Santa the furniture. … My career began in a from those who really need to see it.
says, explaining there are more artists circuitous route. I started in the sculpture
than those willing to help them navigate department at a college in New Jersey, Q: Do you see any trends in art today?
the art world. then in the photography department — A: There have always been trends in
fast forward I became my husband’s
Born in the Chestnut Hill/ photography representative and art and there are demographic trends as
Germantown section of Philadelphia, eventually began representing mid-career well. People in the Lehigh Valley tend to
Santa later grew up in Cherry Hill, professional artists of note. be conservative, meaning they are drawn
N.J. She and her husband, fine art more to what they deem “safe” subjects
photographer Thomas Shillea (who Q: What challenges do galleries such as landscapes and still life. ... My
also is the Art Programs director at collectors who live in metropolitan areas
Northampton Community College), face nowadays? like my New York City collectors are
moved to Bethlehem Township 16 years much more avant-garde and experimental
ago. Santa has a degree in psychology A: There are just not enough patrons in what speaks to them. They will look for
from Rutgers University, one in Interior pieces that are more conceptual, like new
Design from Northampton Community of the arts for all the professional artists media for instance or installations.
College and has studied internationally out there. Many folks are simply unaware
as well, including art in Italy. that original artwork is within their grasp. Q: Where do you see art going
People are intimidated at the thought of
Giving back is very important to stepping into a gallery and are sometimes in the future?
her, and she volunteers extensively in fearful of looking ignorant if they engage
a number of different capacities at the in a dialogue about the work they see in A: Since wall space is so expensive
Allentown Art Museum — among those, an exhibit. I encourage folks to step out
she helped organize the major exhibit, of their comfort zone — I don’t judge in the traditional gallery setting, social
“Walker Evans and the American Social anyone’s taste in art. What speaks to media and art sales websites have
Landscape Photographers” with the one person doesn’t necessarily speak to improved ease of artists’ visibility and
Society of the Arts. another — we all have our own aesthetic, sales to a worldwide audience. I have
which is why I have exhibits that change collectors contact me from all over. The
She also has volunteered for years and show a variety of exemplary work virtual gallery has made a dramatic
as a Judge of Election and served on at various price points so that everyone impact. Still, most people like to see
the board of the League of Women can have access to fine art — not only artwork in person since computers just
Voters — two years as president. Santa the well-to-do. It always seems that art don’t render the colors accurately.
was recently appointed to the board is very high brow and
of The Photo Review, a journal of fine exclusive. I’m trying
photography. The couple has a son, to make art collecting
James-Michael Bannon, and a 9-year-old more inclusive.
granddaughter, Giovanna Bannon, as well
as a rescued Italian Greyhound. Q: What advice
Like anyone who lives their passion would you give to
daily, Santa loves to talk about art. What someone looking
follows is an edited interview. to follow the same
career path?
Q: What drew you to art as a career?
A: My parents were my creative A: An artist
influences initially. They were a type may be incredibly
of design-build team, but individually
Santa Bannon and her husband, Tom Shillea,
work well together inside the gallery as well as outside.
all over the world in pursuit of an amateur artist. He is a wonderful but many times neglect to see the
her passion. illustrator and amateur art photographer importance of mentors; they don’t go
complete with darkroom. I recall as a after the awards and gain the recognition
Santa Bannon’s love of art evolved toddler being fascinated with his slides that is required to make a name for
into a career as a consultant and broker and would curate mini-exhibits with his themselves in the art world. They think
before she opened Santa Bannon/Fine slides and negatives all around the living that their work will speak for itself but
Art in Bethlehem three years ago. room — on the shelves, sofa, chairs, unless they begin to move in the art
piano, you know, just prop them up along circles and gain connections, no one will
“There obviously was a need and the perimeter of the room and all over recognize the work and it will be hidden
I was the right person to fill it,” Santa the furniture. … My career began in a from those who really need to see it.
says, explaining there are more artists circuitous route. I started in the sculpture
than those willing to help them navigate department at a college in New Jersey, Q: Do you see any trends in art today?
the art world. then in the photography department — A: There have always been trends in
fast forward I became my husband’s
Born in the Chestnut Hill/ photography representative and art and there are demographic trends as
Germantown section of Philadelphia, eventually began representing mid-career well. People in the Lehigh Valley tend to
Santa later grew up in Cherry Hill, professional artists of note. be conservative, meaning they are drawn
N.J. She and her husband, fine art more to what they deem “safe” subjects
photographer Thomas Shillea (who Q: What challenges do galleries such as landscapes and still life. ... My
also is the Art Programs director at collectors who live in metropolitan areas
Northampton Community College), face nowadays? like my New York City collectors are
moved to Bethlehem Township 16 years much more avant-garde and experimental
ago. Santa has a degree in psychology A: There are just not enough patrons in what speaks to them. They will look for
from Rutgers University, one in Interior pieces that are more conceptual, like new
Design from Northampton Community of the arts for all the professional artists media for instance or installations.
College and has studied internationally out there. Many folks are simply unaware
as well, including art in Italy. that original artwork is within their grasp. Q: Where do you see art going
People are intimidated at the thought of
Giving back is very important to stepping into a gallery and are sometimes in the future?
her, and she volunteers extensively in fearful of looking ignorant if they engage
a number of different capacities at the in a dialogue about the work they see in A: Since wall space is so expensive
Allentown Art Museum — among those, an exhibit. I encourage folks to step out
she helped organize the major exhibit, of their comfort zone — I don’t judge in the traditional gallery setting, social
“Walker Evans and the American Social anyone’s taste in art. What speaks to media and art sales websites have
Landscape Photographers” with the one person doesn’t necessarily speak to improved ease of artists’ visibility and
Society of the Arts. another — we all have our own aesthetic, sales to a worldwide audience. I have
which is why I have exhibits that change collectors contact me from all over. The
She also has volunteered for years and show a variety of exemplary work virtual gallery has made a dramatic
as a Judge of Election and served on at various price points so that everyone impact. Still, most people like to see
the board of the League of Women can have access to fine art — not only artwork in person since computers just
Voters — two years as president. Santa the well-to-do. It always seems that art don’t render the colors accurately.
was recently appointed to the board is very high brow and
of The Photo Review, a journal of fine exclusive. I’m trying
photography. The couple has a son, to make art collecting
James-Michael Bannon, and a 9-year-old more inclusive.
granddaughter, Giovanna Bannon, as well
as a rescued Italian Greyhound. Q: What advice
Like anyone who lives their passion would you give to
daily, Santa loves to talk about art. What someone looking
follows is an edited interview. to follow the same
career path?
Q: What drew you to art as a career?
A: My parents were my creative A: An artist
influences initially. They were a type may be incredibly
of design-build team, but individually
Santa Bannon and her husband, Tom Shillea,
work well together inside the gallery as well as outside.