Page 28 - Indulge August 2017
P. 28
— continued from page 27 —
distances. A standard watch “I’m a big one for road ID, so for It’s all about consistency
will also keep time the same any new runner, I would suggest Many new runners attempt to set
way a GPS watch will, even if it they have their identification on
doesn’t measure calories burned them,” says Billowitch. “I run first big goals for themselves, instead of
or heart rate. thing in the morning, so I’m wearing starting small. Realistically, you will
a reflective vest or reflective gear. If begin to notice a little more progress
“Fuel is needed if the run it’s dark, you should also think about every run if you don’t push yourself to
lasts more than an hour, barring wearing a headlamp.” do too much too soon.
medical needs. Some new runners
purchase fuel belts to wear during “If you do anything, wear a vest — “My encouragement to new runners
shorter runs, and it’s not necessary,” something that is visible on the front is to decide how many days a week
says O’Brien Duerring. “There are and the back. You can’t be visible you want to run, and then set out to
rehab products that are nice to roll enough,” says Schmidt. “A vest isn’t achieve that. From there, I would focus
out aches and tight muscles, but an expensive item, but it could save on consistency over quantity. Don’t
basic stretching can do wonders. The your life.” worry about how far, how fast,” says
latest and greatest Garmin watches, Notary. “Don’t be afraid of the walk-run
or any with a GPS, are also not If you plan on wearing headphones approach. That is hands-down the
necessary. I ran for 25 years before I while running, be sure they are not safest, easiest, most effective way of
got my first GPS watch.” noise-canceling. There are inexpensive getting into the sport.”
options on the market now for sports
“Cell phones do the same thing that a headphones that sit on top of the ear “It shouldn’t be about your pace. It
Garmin does,” says Novak. rather than in them, allowing users to should be about feeling better,” says
pick up the noise around them. Billowitch. “You’re not going to love it
Safety first when you first start doing it. Some people
Depending on the time of day that feel better when they get out there and
the endorphins start going. It needs to
you run, you’ll want to make sure you’re turn into a habit or a lifestyle change.”
visible to any cars or pedestrians you’re
sharing the road with. You should Realistically,
also consider having identification on you will begin to
yourself in the case of an emergency. notice a little
Bracelets, dog tags and shoe tags are more progress
all inexpensive and easy to wear. every run if
you don’t push
yourself to do
too much too soon.
28 | indulge • August 2017