Page 24 - Indulge August 2017
P. 24


        Threeno fuss, no muss stepsto becoming a better guy ByPatrickO’Donnell

           Self-care and pampering                                              they’re having symptoms such as frequent urination, or if a relative has
                                                       aren’t in the playbook   had prostate cancer).
                                             for most guys. We wake, shower,
                                             shave, run a comb through              Sure, getting a prostate exam isn’t exactly fun, but trust me, it’s
                                             our hair and maybe splash on       better than cancer. So, man up — you have family and friends counting
                                             aftershave before heading out.     on you. Do you really want to tell them you’re dying just because you
                                             We cling to a “no fuss, no muss,   were scared of a painless, 5-minute exam once a year?
                                             no hassle” policy as if it’s the
                                             core of our masculinity.           2 Exercise
                                                                                    Technically this is health care, but it gets its own category because
                                                  Yet in other aspects of
                                             our lives — work, sports, car      too many of us ignore it. There’s always an excuse.
                                             shopping — we pride ourselves          Truth is, you don’t need to do much. Experts recommend 150
                                             on attention to detail. So why
                                             ignore ourselves?                  minutes of moderate exercise weekly. That works out to 2.5 hours
    In the interests of bettering my fellow man, then, I thought I’d            spread out over seven days — hardly a huge time commitment.
examine a few areas where many of us — myself included — could use
a little help.                                                                      You can hit that target on a stationary bike while you watch the
1 Health care                                                                   game. You can go for a brisk walk after lunch; go for a swim; or take out
    This is a no-brainer. Too many of us ignore symptoms, skip annual           a kayak and explore the lake. In short: just get moving.
checkups, and treat our doctor’s advice like it’s a challenge:
    Doc: You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, cut back on beer           3 Grooming
and burgers and get exercise, or you’re headed for heart attack city.               This is a four-letter word to many guys. It conjures up images of
    Guy: Wanna bet? Hold my beer and watch this.
    This is especially true when it comes to things like prostate exams,        frou-frou salons (shudder!), waxing and, perish the thought, putting
something all men should have regularly after they turn 50 (earlier if         “product” in our hair.

INDOOR SHOOTING RANGE!                                                              You can improve your appearance without turning in your man card,
                                                                                though. For one, there’s the age-old practice of going to a barber. You
 PRE-OPENING, SPECIAL PRICE MEMBERSHIPS                                         know, the guy with the red, white and blue striped pole? It doesn’t get
                                                                                much more manly.
   Relic Hunter
                                                                                    It’s the “shave” part that interests me. I often end up with razor
   Firing Line                                                                  burn, cuts or bumpy skin. I skip the razor altogether on weekends. If I
                                                                                could, I’d probably let my facial hair grow to ZZ Top proportions. But
 5507 MacArthur Rd, Whitehall • (610) 451-1064 •                since I’ve never let anyone get close to my face with a sharp object, I
                                                                                don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
24 | indulge • August 2017
                                                                                    So I talked to the guys at Jimmy’s Barbershop in Allentown to see if
                                                                                they could offer some tips.

                                                                                    The first? Use a hot — not warm — towel to soften your
                                                                                whiskers and open your pores before shaving to help prevent
                                                                                the burn and bumps. Afterward, said barber Zach Romero, “You
                                                                                should use an antiseptic to cleanse the pores,” because those
                                                                                open pores collect bacteria.

                                                                                    Secondly, be aware of the direction in which you’re shaving. “A lot
                                                                                of guys get irritated right around the collar,” says barber Jim Altimare.
                                                                                Here’s where the hot towel, along with shaving slowly and properly,
                                                                                pays dividends. Why? Because from the chin down, facial hair grows in
                                                                                different directions.

                                                                                    On most guys, “from the bottom of the chin to halfway down
                                                                                the neck, hair grows downward,” says Romero. “From the bottom
                                                                                of the neck to right under the Adam’s apple, it grows upward.” That
                                                                                means you should shave downward for the top half, and upward for
                                                                                the bottom half.

                                                                                    I still think going ZZ Top might be easier, but I hit “peak beard” in
                                                                                my 20s and it’s been downhill ever since. If I had one, though, Altimare
                                                                                says Clubman Beard Oil would work wonders. It prevents itching,
                                                                                soothes dry skin and provides a nice sheen. He also suggested Lucky
                                                                                Tiger products, like Menthol Mint Vanishing Cream.

                                                                                    Both are “old school” products, but still great options, says shop
                                                                                owner Jimmy Moyer. Romero prefers a newer solution called Beard
                                                                                Butter, which they mix at the shop. “It conditions the beard, oils the
                                                                                beard, conditions your skin, and makes it smell great,” he says.
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