Page 4 - Holiday Showcase 2014
P. 4
Christmas tree-shaped foods go down with nary a tickle
N othing says the sugar decorations, and then Simply spray the pan and cake for the holidays Metro Creative Connection
holidays like a let your creativity loose. the cutter with pan spray would be the Yule log, also
decorated Christ- and then add an egg (you known as the bûche de Decorating your Christmas tree cookies can be as varied as your
mas tree. But why But food shaped like can use scrambled eggs or Noël. Originally from imagination.
not expand the concept and Christmas trees doesn’t do a sunny-side-up egg) or France, the bûche de Noël
enjoy lots of your favorite have to end with cookies. pancake batter. Be careful! is a sponge cake that is
seasonal fare in the shape You can cut out brownies The cutter will get very baked in a shallow dish,
of Christmas trees? once they’ve been baked. hot; do not touch it di- frosted (usually with choc-
Use cookie cutters to cut rectly. olate buttercream), rolled
Cookies are one obvi- sandwiches into fun into a cylinder and then
ous way. Sugar cookies shapes, as well. What a If you want to make a frosted on the outside. It is
and gingerbread dough are nice surprise to find in a tree-shaped cake, you have then decorated to look like
easy to roll out and cut lunchbox! a couple of options. The a fallen log in a forest.
with tree-shaped cookie easiest is to buy a tree- Think of giving the frost-
cutters. They’re also fun to But what about Christ- shaped pan and bake the ing the texture of bark,
decorate, even for smaller mas morning? Why not cake in that. You can also having meringue mush-
kids. Get a whole lot of have breakfast in the shape bake the cake as a sheet rooms or bunnies decorate
icings and sprinkles, not to of Christmas trees? You cake and then cut out a tree the plate, and sifting pow-
mention other types of can use cookie cutters to shape and decorate accord- dered sugar for snow. It
shape eggs and pancakes. ingly. Also, you can al- doesn’t have to be vanilla
ways attempt to construct cake with chocolate frost-
A&A an actual tree out of cake. ing. Spice cake with chest- Green veggies such as as the presents.
This is not to be undertak- nut frosting would give it a broccoli, peppers and cel- A less healthful but
• LIMOUSINE SERVICE • en lightly. As easy as the nice holiday flair. ery could be the actual
TV’s “Cake Boss” makes it tree, while foods such as equally delicious version
4 RIDE WITH THE “BEST” FOR look, a lot of planning and So far, most of the sug- cherry tomatoes, carrots would be to get a tree-
ALL YOUR HOLIDAY PLANS! manpower go into making gestions have been sweet and cauliflower could form shaped dish and fill it with
“Best Limousine Service” those types of cake. Hav- or carb-heavy. For the the garland and decora- a dip for crackers, chips or
5 years in a Row Stretch Limos • Stretch SUVs • Sedans ing assistants would prove health-conscious, why not tions. Use square-shaped crudités. Seven-layer dip
• Shuttle Vans • Limo Coaches to be helpful. make a raw veggie platter ramekins at the bottom would be perfect for this.
• Group Travel – Any Size in the shape of a tree? filled with dipping sauces
A more traditional tree Catherine McNulty/
A children’s table can be colorful, fun
• Christmas in New York W ere you one of ers and place cards. Plac-
• Lancaster Shows those fortunate ing a simple vinyl table-
• Christmas Parties children who cloth under the table will
• Christmas Tree Lightings enjoyed sitting make cleanup after spills
• Lights in the Parkway at a separate holiday table and dropped food easy.
• Hershey Lights because it was so much
• Koziar’s Christmas Village fun? Let the kids draw be-
• Corporate Parties tween courses. Put a
The concept of a chil- square piece of butcher or
up to$50 OFF Valid on new dren’s table was created for Courtesy of Seven Cherubs craft paper over the table-
reservations only, not a variety of reasons, in- cloth, and set crayons at
Multi-Hour Packages to be combined with cluding space and seating, It’s easy and inexpensive to set a children’s table with cheery items each place setting; print-
adult conversation and like ornaments and bows. able coloring pages are an
Minimum 3 Hours any other offer. breakage of fine dinner- alternative. Use small
Expires 1/31/15 ware. But there is no rea- ware. Today pretty dispos- colors can help to set a Christmas stockings to
son the kids shouldn’t able plastic plates and festive mood, and attrac- hold each child’s napkin
PA PUC #A-00111863 enjoy their meal as much stemware can really dress tive accents can help. Use and utensils.
as the older set. up a table and avoid dam- age-appropriate holiday
Gift Certificates Available age to fine china. toys and decorations as Preparing a few kids-
610.261.3838 | Don’t just put the kids centerpieces, napkin hold- only food choices will also
in a separate room around Brighter and cheerier help to feed even the fussi-
a bland table with only the est eaters. Most children
barest of food selections. like finger foods such as
Try throwing a colorful chicken tenders, carrot
tablecloth over the table — sticks, olives, grapes and
disposable plastic is OK — breadsticks.
and set the places with
attractive plates and glass- Chelle Cordero/
Bring light to a child’s
holiday season and receive
a single purchase when you
donate a new unwrapped toy.
December 4 -20
* Excludes prior promotions and sale items as marked, Not valid on UMRP priced items or
with any other discount offer. In stock items only. Other exclusions may apply.
1033 Sumner Ave. COURTHOUSE, NJ
610.435.9691 555 S. Henderson Rd. 1321 Churchmans Rd. 1143 S. Route 9
Mon - Fri 10am - 6pm 609.465.4478
Sat 9am - 5pm 610.992.1790 302.992.9688 Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm
Mon - Sat 10am - 6pm Mon - Sat 10am - 6pm
Christmas tree-shaped foods go down with nary a tickle
N othing says the sugar decorations, and then Simply spray the pan and cake for the holidays Metro Creative Connection
holidays like a let your creativity loose. the cutter with pan spray would be the Yule log, also
decorated Christ- and then add an egg (you known as the bûche de Decorating your Christmas tree cookies can be as varied as your
mas tree. But why But food shaped like can use scrambled eggs or Noël. Originally from imagination.
not expand the concept and Christmas trees doesn’t do a sunny-side-up egg) or France, the bûche de Noël
enjoy lots of your favorite have to end with cookies. pancake batter. Be careful! is a sponge cake that is
seasonal fare in the shape You can cut out brownies The cutter will get very baked in a shallow dish,
of Christmas trees? once they’ve been baked. hot; do not touch it di- frosted (usually with choc-
Use cookie cutters to cut rectly. olate buttercream), rolled
Cookies are one obvi- sandwiches into fun into a cylinder and then
ous way. Sugar cookies shapes, as well. What a If you want to make a frosted on the outside. It is
and gingerbread dough are nice surprise to find in a tree-shaped cake, you have then decorated to look like
easy to roll out and cut lunchbox! a couple of options. The a fallen log in a forest.
with tree-shaped cookie easiest is to buy a tree- Think of giving the frost-
cutters. They’re also fun to But what about Christ- shaped pan and bake the ing the texture of bark,
decorate, even for smaller mas morning? Why not cake in that. You can also having meringue mush-
kids. Get a whole lot of have breakfast in the shape bake the cake as a sheet rooms or bunnies decorate
icings and sprinkles, not to of Christmas trees? You cake and then cut out a tree the plate, and sifting pow-
mention other types of can use cookie cutters to shape and decorate accord- dered sugar for snow. It
shape eggs and pancakes. ingly. Also, you can al- doesn’t have to be vanilla
ways attempt to construct cake with chocolate frost-
A&A an actual tree out of cake. ing. Spice cake with chest- Green veggies such as as the presents.
This is not to be undertak- nut frosting would give it a broccoli, peppers and cel- A less healthful but
• LIMOUSINE SERVICE • en lightly. As easy as the nice holiday flair. ery could be the actual
TV’s “Cake Boss” makes it tree, while foods such as equally delicious version
4 RIDE WITH THE “BEST” FOR look, a lot of planning and So far, most of the sug- cherry tomatoes, carrots would be to get a tree-
ALL YOUR HOLIDAY PLANS! manpower go into making gestions have been sweet and cauliflower could form shaped dish and fill it with
“Best Limousine Service” those types of cake. Hav- or carb-heavy. For the the garland and decora- a dip for crackers, chips or
5 years in a Row Stretch Limos • Stretch SUVs • Sedans ing assistants would prove health-conscious, why not tions. Use square-shaped crudités. Seven-layer dip
• Shuttle Vans • Limo Coaches to be helpful. make a raw veggie platter ramekins at the bottom would be perfect for this.
• Group Travel – Any Size in the shape of a tree? filled with dipping sauces
A more traditional tree Catherine McNulty/
A children’s table can be colorful, fun
• Christmas in New York W ere you one of ers and place cards. Plac-
• Lancaster Shows those fortunate ing a simple vinyl table-
• Christmas Parties children who cloth under the table will
• Christmas Tree Lightings enjoyed sitting make cleanup after spills
• Lights in the Parkway at a separate holiday table and dropped food easy.
• Hershey Lights because it was so much
• Koziar’s Christmas Village fun? Let the kids draw be-
• Corporate Parties tween courses. Put a
The concept of a chil- square piece of butcher or
up to$50 OFF Valid on new dren’s table was created for Courtesy of Seven Cherubs craft paper over the table-
reservations only, not a variety of reasons, in- cloth, and set crayons at
Multi-Hour Packages to be combined with cluding space and seating, It’s easy and inexpensive to set a children’s table with cheery items each place setting; print-
adult conversation and like ornaments and bows. able coloring pages are an
Minimum 3 Hours any other offer. breakage of fine dinner- alternative. Use small
Expires 1/31/15 ware. But there is no rea- ware. Today pretty dispos- colors can help to set a Christmas stockings to
son the kids shouldn’t able plastic plates and festive mood, and attrac- hold each child’s napkin
PA PUC #A-00111863 enjoy their meal as much stemware can really dress tive accents can help. Use and utensils.
as the older set. up a table and avoid dam- age-appropriate holiday
Gift Certificates Available age to fine china. toys and decorations as Preparing a few kids-
610.261.3838 | Don’t just put the kids centerpieces, napkin hold- only food choices will also
in a separate room around Brighter and cheerier help to feed even the fussi-
a bland table with only the est eaters. Most children
barest of food selections. like finger foods such as
Try throwing a colorful chicken tenders, carrot
tablecloth over the table — sticks, olives, grapes and
disposable plastic is OK — breadsticks.
and set the places with
attractive plates and glass- Chelle Cordero/
Bring light to a child’s
holiday season and receive
a single purchase when you
donate a new unwrapped toy.
December 4 -20
* Excludes prior promotions and sale items as marked, Not valid on UMRP priced items or
with any other discount offer. In stock items only. Other exclusions may apply.
1033 Sumner Ave. COURTHOUSE, NJ
610.435.9691 555 S. Henderson Rd. 1321 Churchmans Rd. 1143 S. Route 9
Mon - Fri 10am - 6pm 609.465.4478
Sat 9am - 5pm 610.992.1790 302.992.9688 Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm
Mon - Sat 10am - 6pm Mon - Sat 10am - 6pm