Page 9 - Holiday Showcase 2014
P. 9

Penning a pageant spices up family get-togethers

C hristmas is a time you will be well on your choose the problem, you who will be the center of Courtesy of Elzbieta Sekowska
for tradition. Fami- way to writing a crowd- can easily shape the plot the story. Think back to the A pageant you write yourself can include kids of all ages.
ly and friends pleasing masterpiece! for the entire work. The problem you identified.
gather, play games problem gives you insights What type of person is problem. If the problem is Christmas song that every-
and eat food the way they Identify your resources on the characters, setting likely to have this issue? a person, tell their story one can sing.
have for many years. Chil- How many people will and resolution. Starting and show their transforma-
dren play, and presents are with this will save you Once you have your tion. There are hundreds of
opened. be in the pageant? Where from needless rewrites. protagonist, decide on Christmas songs. Find one
will you be performing? supporting characters. Make sure you have tied that fits with your theme
But what if you are What type of event is it? A problem could be Who is likely to cause the up all the loose ends and and close out the show
tired of going to the same Will your actors be wear- anything. It could be that problem, and who can answered all the questions with a sing-along. This is a
Christmas Eve party? ing costumes or will the Christmas is too commer- provide a solution? Who is raised in your plot. Every- great way to seamlessly
What if you want to mix story be told through cial, or that busy holiday supporting your protago- one loves a happy ending, transition out of the play
things up or try a new movement and dialogue? schedules prevent true nist? so give the people what and back into party mode.
tradition? Why not spice Christmas celebration, or they want!
things up and write a Most likely, your cast that Christmas is facing Remember, it’s OK to Katie Ransom/
Christmas pageant for your will be made up of your- some sort of epic disaster. be a little cheesy. Your Bonus: End with a
annual holiday get-to- self and a few of the young audience will love it if
gether? cousins, nieces and neph- Look into your own life your villain magically
ews. Don’t forget to query for inspiration. What do makes a transformation
You may think this even older family members you wish were different? and helps save Christmas.
sounds like an overwhelm- like grandparents, as they What is keeping you from
ing task, but it will be well also might want the chance celebrating Christmas the Solve the problem
worth it. A Christmas to get into the act. way you want to? One last You know the “who”
pageant will unify your word of advice: Make sure
party guests around an Choose a problem the problem can be solved and the “what”; now you
event and provide a fun Deciding the characters rather quickly and simply. have to get to the “how.”
break from the conversa- This set is where you sit
tion and feasting. or the setting might seem Create characters down and write the story.
like the best place to start, Focus on one person, Have the characters work
Follow these tips and but story is king. Once you together to address the

Many ways to celebrate religiously YOUR CENTER

In many ways, secular Metro Creative Connection tion collections, and many FOR THE HOLIDAYS!
celebrations garner more Nativity scenes mark the holidays for the faithful. other community events
attention than religious this time of year. Volunteer Broadway, Comedy, Music all at the State Theatre
gatherings during the holi- story of Christ’s birth and schools may offer perform- to lend a hand.
day season. But all it takes the good news that fol- ances of Christmas pag- ...YOUR Center for the Arts!
is a little digging to find lowed. This can be an eants that explain the Na- Community candle lighting
religious services to fill our especially exciting experi- tivity and other events Jewish celebrants may Gift Cards Fit Everyone On Your List!
calendars come the month ence for children. leading up to the birth of
of December. Christ. participate in a communi- w No expiration date
Christmas pageants ty-sponsored Hanukkah w Good for ticket purchases to
Midnight Mass In some areas, children Volunteer efforts (menorah) lighting cere-
Many Christian church- Houses of worship may mony. A Hanukkah candle- State Theatre produced shows*
play integral roles in recre- lighting service can bring w Order online, by phone or in person
es commemorate Jesus ating the story of Christ- organize clothing drives, the religious experience
Christ’s birth with a special mas. Private Catholic holiday meals, toy dona- alive for many involved. 453 Northampton St., Easton, PA
midnight Mass on Dec. 24. . 610-252-3132 . 1-800-999-STATE .
Midnight Mass also may Caroling
feature awe-inspiring per- Christmas caroling can Order online
formances by church
choirs or private perform- be a great way to spread * Not valid on Outside Promoter Events.
ers. holiday cheer. Although
carols are often a blend of
Living Nativity religious and secular tunes,
Area houses of worship many people find their
faith is revitalized by join-
and community centers ing their friends and neigh-
may produce their own bors to carol during the
Living Nativity perform- holiday season.
ances. Costumed volun-
teers and actors present the Metro Creative

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