Page 8 - Holiday Showcase 2014
P. 8
Festivities help focus the principles of Kwanzaa
K wanzaa, although kinara, a candelabra that family can take turns keep- incorporate fresh fruit into The days Muhindi, or ears of corn,
not a religious features seven candles, is ing the book in their pos- place settings, holiday of Kwanzaa are placed under the kinara
holiday, aims to at the heart of Kwanzaa session and then share it decor and meals. Vibrant are marked to recognize each child in
reconnect African- celebrations. The center with new generations. oranges and berries can off by the family. Decorate the
Americans with their herit- candle is black and there ■ Decorate and cook with coordinate with the colors seven home with ears of corn or
age and culture. And it is a are three red and three fruit. Since the word of the season as well as the colorful corn stalks. Incorporate
great way to promote unity green candles, the colors “Kwanzaa” is derived from candles on the kinara. candles. corn into your Kwanzaa
and pride in the African- commemorating the promi- a Swahili phrase meaning ■ Create a unity cup. menu via dishes such as
American community. nent colors of African “first fruits,” celebrants can Decorate a unity cup with Metro corn bread or vegetable
culture. In addition to the Creative stews.
Kwanzaa begins on traditional lighting of the Connection ■ Cook up a Kwanzaa
Dec. 26 and stretches for kinara, there are many feast. Incorporate plenty of
seven days, during which other ways individuals and striking beads. The unity cultural favorites. If your
many families participate families can put their own cup is passed around the family has its own culinary
in joyous celebrations unique spin on Kwanzaa table as a way for guests to traditions, serve such
filled with food, music, celebrations. honor their ancestors. The dishes alongside the main
creativity, dancing and ■ Make a family history hand-crafted cup can be a course.
family activities. Each day book. Encourage all mem- central focus of Kwanzaa ■ Invite others to cele-
is dedicated to a different bers of the family to partic- decorations and is a festive brate with you. Some
principle, collectively ipate in the creation of the addition to any celebration. friends or family members
known as “Nguzo Saba.” book, which can chronicle ■ Decorate with muhindi. may not be familiar with
They are umoja (unity), key dates in family history Kwanzaa. Invite them to
kujichagulia (self-determi- and moments that should join in your celebrations so
nation), ujima (collective be marked for future gen- they can learn the cultural
work), ujamaa (cooperative erations. Include photo- significance of this special
economics), nia (purpose), graphs, awards and special holiday.
kuumba (creativity) and commendations that instill
imani (faith). pride. Members of the Metro Creative
The lighting of the
Treats for the five senses
“See us at our new location” To create a memorable StatePoint this with holiday cooking
holiday experience this Candles are a good way to fill a and baking as well as with
2180 MacArthur Road year, turn your gifts, cele- room with ambiance. scented candles.
brations and home decor
“Everything is on Sale” into a festive feast for the ral hymns, there is some- To add to the ambiance,
five senses. thing to please every sen- incorporate scented can-
• Radio Controlled Quad Copters sibility. dles throughout your
• Lionel Trains Beautiful sights home.
• Toys and Games One sure sign that the Wonderful aromas
• Models The scents of the season Festive flavors
• Rockets holiday season has arrived Certain flavors are so
at your home is when all should evoke the feeling
$10 off the festive lights, décor and and spirit of the holiday closely associated with the
any purchase of $40 colors are on display. Trim from sweet and spicy notes season that it wouldn’t be
your tree with DIY orna- to a cool brush of frosted the same without them.
expires 12/14 ments for a personal touch fir. You can accomplish Cinnamon, mint, nutmeg
and add a wreath to your and ginger can be used to
2180 MacArthur Road • Whitehall, PA 18052 home’s entryway. flavor drinks and desserts.
From eggnog to pepper-
610-336-9960 Using candles in a vari- mint tea to gingerbread
ety of styles and sizes, you cookies and houses, don’t
can create an intriguing forget to give your taste
tablescape or mantlescape. buds a treat and spice it up!
Seasonal sounds Feel the warmth
Fill your home with Cozy up with warm
joyful holiday sounds. blankets, pillows and
Whether you or your throws. A soft pair of slip-
guests prefer contemporary pers is a winter must have.
pop, jazzy classics or cho-
Get the gift of healthy skin WANN
this holiday season!
?the best
DermOne Dermatology Centers
Dr. Clemens Esche
Board Certified Dermatologist LOW COST, NON STOP FARES TO:
2895 Hamilton Blvd., Suite 202
Orlando • St. Petersburg • Punta Gorda • Myrtle Beach
Allentown, PA
Same Day Appointments Available,
Extended Office Hours
Call now for an appointment
610-841-3422 Mon - Thurs
Offices also conveniently located at:
943 Union Blvd.
Allentown, PA
1536 Northampton St.
Easton, PA
Deborah McLanahan, NP-C
Christine Sosnowski, MSN, NP-C
For appointment,
call (855) 853-0636
Tips for Healthy Skin...
Anything that creates an occlusive barrier (i.e., traps moisture) on skin,
helps lotions and creams soak into the skin.
Slip on cotton gloves over lotion to help moisturize parched hands.
Accepting Most Insurances
Everyone Deserves Healthy Skin.
Festivities help focus the principles of Kwanzaa
K wanzaa, although kinara, a candelabra that family can take turns keep- incorporate fresh fruit into The days Muhindi, or ears of corn,
not a religious features seven candles, is ing the book in their pos- place settings, holiday of Kwanzaa are placed under the kinara
holiday, aims to at the heart of Kwanzaa session and then share it decor and meals. Vibrant are marked to recognize each child in
reconnect African- celebrations. The center with new generations. oranges and berries can off by the family. Decorate the
Americans with their herit- candle is black and there ■ Decorate and cook with coordinate with the colors seven home with ears of corn or
age and culture. And it is a are three red and three fruit. Since the word of the season as well as the colorful corn stalks. Incorporate
great way to promote unity green candles, the colors “Kwanzaa” is derived from candles on the kinara. candles. corn into your Kwanzaa
and pride in the African- commemorating the promi- a Swahili phrase meaning ■ Create a unity cup. menu via dishes such as
American community. nent colors of African “first fruits,” celebrants can Decorate a unity cup with Metro corn bread or vegetable
culture. In addition to the Creative stews.
Kwanzaa begins on traditional lighting of the Connection ■ Cook up a Kwanzaa
Dec. 26 and stretches for kinara, there are many feast. Incorporate plenty of
seven days, during which other ways individuals and striking beads. The unity cultural favorites. If your
many families participate families can put their own cup is passed around the family has its own culinary
in joyous celebrations unique spin on Kwanzaa table as a way for guests to traditions, serve such
filled with food, music, celebrations. honor their ancestors. The dishes alongside the main
creativity, dancing and ■ Make a family history hand-crafted cup can be a course.
family activities. Each day book. Encourage all mem- central focus of Kwanzaa ■ Invite others to cele-
is dedicated to a different bers of the family to partic- decorations and is a festive brate with you. Some
principle, collectively ipate in the creation of the addition to any celebration. friends or family members
known as “Nguzo Saba.” book, which can chronicle ■ Decorate with muhindi. may not be familiar with
They are umoja (unity), key dates in family history Kwanzaa. Invite them to
kujichagulia (self-determi- and moments that should join in your celebrations so
nation), ujima (collective be marked for future gen- they can learn the cultural
work), ujamaa (cooperative erations. Include photo- significance of this special
economics), nia (purpose), graphs, awards and special holiday.
kuumba (creativity) and commendations that instill
imani (faith). pride. Members of the Metro Creative
The lighting of the
Treats for the five senses
“See us at our new location” To create a memorable StatePoint this with holiday cooking
holiday experience this Candles are a good way to fill a and baking as well as with
2180 MacArthur Road year, turn your gifts, cele- room with ambiance. scented candles.
brations and home decor
“Everything is on Sale” into a festive feast for the ral hymns, there is some- To add to the ambiance,
five senses. thing to please every sen- incorporate scented can-
• Radio Controlled Quad Copters sibility. dles throughout your
• Lionel Trains Beautiful sights home.
• Toys and Games One sure sign that the Wonderful aromas
• Models The scents of the season Festive flavors
• Rockets holiday season has arrived Certain flavors are so
at your home is when all should evoke the feeling
$10 off the festive lights, décor and and spirit of the holiday closely associated with the
any purchase of $40 colors are on display. Trim from sweet and spicy notes season that it wouldn’t be
your tree with DIY orna- to a cool brush of frosted the same without them.
expires 12/14 ments for a personal touch fir. You can accomplish Cinnamon, mint, nutmeg
and add a wreath to your and ginger can be used to
2180 MacArthur Road • Whitehall, PA 18052 home’s entryway. flavor drinks and desserts.
From eggnog to pepper-
610-336-9960 Using candles in a vari- mint tea to gingerbread
ety of styles and sizes, you cookies and houses, don’t
can create an intriguing forget to give your taste
tablescape or mantlescape. buds a treat and spice it up!
Seasonal sounds Feel the warmth
Fill your home with Cozy up with warm
joyful holiday sounds. blankets, pillows and
Whether you or your throws. A soft pair of slip-
guests prefer contemporary pers is a winter must have.
pop, jazzy classics or cho-
Get the gift of healthy skin WANN
this holiday season!
?the best
DermOne Dermatology Centers
Dr. Clemens Esche
Board Certified Dermatologist LOW COST, NON STOP FARES TO:
2895 Hamilton Blvd., Suite 202
Orlando • St. Petersburg • Punta Gorda • Myrtle Beach
Allentown, PA
Same Day Appointments Available,
Extended Office Hours
Call now for an appointment
610-841-3422 Mon - Thurs
Offices also conveniently located at:
943 Union Blvd.
Allentown, PA
1536 Northampton St.
Easton, PA
Deborah McLanahan, NP-C
Christine Sosnowski, MSN, NP-C
For appointment,
call (855) 853-0636
Tips for Healthy Skin...
Anything that creates an occlusive barrier (i.e., traps moisture) on skin,
helps lotions and creams soak into the skin.
Slip on cotton gloves over lotion to help moisturize parched hands.
Accepting Most Insurances
Everyone Deserves Healthy Skin.