Page 2 - Holiday Showcase 2014
P. 2
Christmas tidbits to put you in the holiday spirit
T he holiday season the Bible never specifically Don’t laugh, but Santa Claus has his own postal code: HO HO HO. Metro Creative Connection gospel of Luke, the shep-
has arrived, and calls out a number. Simi- herds who helped find
millions of people larly, there’s no specific This means the trees sold June 26, 1870. shed their antlers in the shelter for Mary to give
across the globe indication that they visited today were likely planted ■ Before turkey, the tradi- winter. This means Santa’s birth kept their flock in a
will be celebrating Christ- the infant Jesus. Their visit in 1999. tional Christmas meal reindeer are likely female. cave. The Church of the
mas with their families and may have occurred when ■ Christmas was not served in England was a ■ Christ might have been Nativity in Bethlehem is
friends. The following are Jesus was older. declared an official holiday pig’s head and mustard. born in a cave rather than a built over a cave called the
some interesting tidbits to ■ Santa Claus’ modern in the United States until ■ Male reindeer tend to manger. According to the Grotto of the Nativity,
share with your loved ones look was inspired by writ- where Jesus is believed to
this holiday season. ings from The Knicker- have been born.
■ Each year, more than bockers of New York and ■ Many people may be
three billion Christmas imagery from Clement less inclined to stand under
cards are sent in the United Clarke Moore’s “A Visit mistletoe waiting for a kiss
States alone. from St. Nicholas.” Moore if they knew what “mistle-
■ In 350 AD, Pope Julius denied authoring the fa- toe” means in the ancient
I, bishop of Rome, pro- mous poem for 15 years Germanic language. It
claimed December 25 the after it was published literally means “dung on a
official celebration date for anonymously, feeling the twig,” for the bird who eats
the birth of Jesus Christ. poem was beneath his the berries and then leaves
Many historians and theo- talents. seeds in droppings to prop-
logians have surmised that ■ Santa has his own offi- agate new plants.
Christ really wasn’t born cial postal code. It’s HO ■ Each holiday season,
this time of year, thanks to HO HO. PNC Bankcalculates the
imagery and information ■ The song “Jingle Bells” costs of the gifts in the
from the Bible. was originally written for song, “The 12 Days of
■ Christmas carols began Thanksgiving and not Christmas.” The price
as an English custom Christmas. People loved it index for the gifts went
called “wassailing.” Indi- so much that the lyrics from $12,673 in 1984 to
viduals toasted neighbors were changed to fit Christ- $27,673 this year. The
to a long and healthy life. mas. most expensive gift is the
■ Despite the common ■ Christmas trees typi- nine ladies dancing.
tale that three wise men cally grow for 15 years
paid homage to baby Jesus, before they’re cut and sold. Metro Creative
Six timely tips to keep kids safe this holiday season
T he holiday season Your best gift is to keep your children safe all season long. Brandpoint sion to enjoy seasonal
is upon us, and as foods in moderation.
you prepare to poisonous, winter plants prevent financial burdens ■ Beware of string light- holiday parties. It’s a fun ■ Prepare and thaw holi-
enjoy all the won- and berries — including on your family. Schedule ing. Medical staff at Jane- time of year full of social- day favorites correctly.
derful things associated dried arrangements — some daily quiet time for way Children’s Health and izing, holiday goodness Food safety is imperative
with this time of year, present a choking hazard. yourself to help decrease Rehabilitation Center and lots of food. To avoid when making your holiday
don’t forget to keep child The Poison Control Center blood pressure and im- remind you to avoid plac- over-eating at holiday specialties. Thaw and
safety at the top of your at Children’s Hospital of prove blood circulation. ing strings of lights near dinners, start with bowls prepare food according to
mind so the entire family Philadelphia warns that With all the hustle and beds, cribs, or on the inte- of nuts or raw vegetables packaging instructions.
has a jolly holiday. decorations and ornaments bustle of the season, pri- rior of bedrooms as these with dip. You’ll feel better For more information, call
also pose a choking haz- oritize what’s most impor- can pose strangulation if you fill up on healthy the Food Safety Hotline,
Experts at Children’s ard and can cause injury if tant and keep things sim- hazards if they become options. Chewing slowly 800-535-4555, or visit
Miracle Network Hospi- broken or chewed. ple. Lean on the support dislodged. To avoid in- allows your brain to regis- for holiday food
tals recommend these six ■ Simplify the stress. of friends and family if juries, check the bulbs ter when you are full. safety advice.
safety and nutrition tips: The holidays can be a feelings of stress or de- periodically to make sure Whenever possible, make ■ Prepare before you
■ Prepare for potential joyful but stressful time. pression become over- that none is broken. the healthier food choice, head to grandma’s. When
holiday hazards. With the Establish limits that will whelming. ■ Limit over-eating at but give yourself permis- readying for car trips to
excitement the holiday visit relatives, make sure
season brings, close su- that windshield de-icers
pervision of children and antifreeze are being
shouldn’t be overlooked. used according to direc-
Experts at the Children’s tions. When securing kids
Hospital of Philadelphia in a car seat, remove
recommend keeping loose heavy snowsuits or extra-
button batteries often bulky coats. Instead, keep
found in children’s toys a blanket nearby to tuck
and singing greeting cards them in with after they’re
out of reach, as they are properly secured in the car
dangerous when swal- seat harness.
lowed. Keep holiday
guests’ medications out of To learn more about
reach of young children your local Children’s
and remember grandma’s Miracle Network Hospital
purse can be a dangerous and ways you can help
place if a pill minder or make kids healthier, visit
medications are left in-
side. Though often not
First impressions set the right tone for guests
W hen you host Courtesy of Champagne and Shimmer spiked ones on your bar to
family and prevent any mishaps.
friends at your Candles in the fireplace create a warm welcome to your holiday party without the heat. ■ Offer a welcome bite. A
holiday dinner, tray of appetizers, ideally
you invest a lot of time, may be more in your sig- festive holiday spirit. Cre- HGTV’s “Sandra Lee as vanilla, in safe hurricane cold and non-spoiling
thought and money to nature humorous style, ate a lengthy playlist, and Celebrates,” a series of lanterns, by your front ones, gets a delicious pop
make sure your guests such as “Yes, the eggnog is put it on repeat so that it holiday prime-time spe- door at least a half-hour of flavor into guests’
have a wonderful experi- spiked. Come on in and can play throughout your cials. “A lit fireplace is before guests arrive to mouths at the start of the
ence. A smart way to help join the party!” celebration without requir- beautiful but can quickly create a subtle, relaxing party, paving the way for
achieve that goal is to ■ If you have outdoor ing any extra work from heat up a room filled with aroma. your delectable meal to
create fabulous first im- speakers, play your choice you. guests. To get the look ■ Set a tray of welcome come.
pressions the moment they of holiday music, either ■ Illuminate your home without the warmth, in- drinks by the front door. ■ Have a tag-team partner
walk through your door (if classics or fun songs, such with candles. “Flickering stead fill the hearth with lit Guests will be delighted to help you with welcoming
not before they even get to as tunes from your favorite candlelight is beautiful, but pillar candles.” get a flute of bubbly or guests. Alternate on taking
the door). A warm and animated holiday specials. if small children or pets ■ A warm and delicious their choice of spiked or coats and offering wel-
delightful welcome sets the will be part of the cele- scent helps set the tone for unspiked apple cider. If come treats so that guests
tone for a highly enjoyable Upon arrival bration, substitute battery- your holiday dinner, so if you’ll have small children don’t stand awkwardly at
celebration for all. ■ Have music playing powered votive and pillar there aren’t scents from or underage guests at your the open door while you
inside your house, ideally candles for a warm glow your cooking food wafting party, it may be safest to rush to hang coats and say
Here are some of the the same music playing without the worries,” says through your home, light have unspiked drinks on hello.
top ways to plan fabulous outdoors, to share that Sandra Lee, host of some scented candles, such the tray and keep the ■ If you have a dog, put
welcomes to your holiday little Woofie in a separate
dinner: room during arrivals so
he/she doesn’t jump on
Before they get to the door guests or get underfoot
■ Illuminate your walk- during welcomes. You can
way from the driveway to bring your dog out later
your front door with out- during the party if you
door-safe LED candles, wish.
luminarias and lanterns, ■ One of the best ways to
blending several different welcome guests to your
kinds of lighting effects to holiday dinner is to give
light their path and create a compliments. Guests have
magical glow. spent time deciding what
■ Display a welcoming to wear, so tell them you
sign outside your front like their holiday tie, ear-
door. It may be one you rings, scarf, shoes, hand-
buy or make, in festive bag — whatever you no-
holiday colors to match tice. A compliment goes a
your wreath details or long way to putting guests
evergreen garlands in your in a celebratory mindset.
decor. The message may
be simple — such as Sharon Naylor/
“Happy Holidays!” — or it
Christmas tidbits to put you in the holiday spirit
T he holiday season the Bible never specifically Don’t laugh, but Santa Claus has his own postal code: HO HO HO. Metro Creative Connection gospel of Luke, the shep-
has arrived, and calls out a number. Simi- herds who helped find
millions of people larly, there’s no specific This means the trees sold June 26, 1870. shed their antlers in the shelter for Mary to give
across the globe indication that they visited today were likely planted ■ Before turkey, the tradi- winter. This means Santa’s birth kept their flock in a
will be celebrating Christ- the infant Jesus. Their visit in 1999. tional Christmas meal reindeer are likely female. cave. The Church of the
mas with their families and may have occurred when ■ Christmas was not served in England was a ■ Christ might have been Nativity in Bethlehem is
friends. The following are Jesus was older. declared an official holiday pig’s head and mustard. born in a cave rather than a built over a cave called the
some interesting tidbits to ■ Santa Claus’ modern in the United States until ■ Male reindeer tend to manger. According to the Grotto of the Nativity,
share with your loved ones look was inspired by writ- where Jesus is believed to
this holiday season. ings from The Knicker- have been born.
■ Each year, more than bockers of New York and ■ Many people may be
three billion Christmas imagery from Clement less inclined to stand under
cards are sent in the United Clarke Moore’s “A Visit mistletoe waiting for a kiss
States alone. from St. Nicholas.” Moore if they knew what “mistle-
■ In 350 AD, Pope Julius denied authoring the fa- toe” means in the ancient
I, bishop of Rome, pro- mous poem for 15 years Germanic language. It
claimed December 25 the after it was published literally means “dung on a
official celebration date for anonymously, feeling the twig,” for the bird who eats
the birth of Jesus Christ. poem was beneath his the berries and then leaves
Many historians and theo- talents. seeds in droppings to prop-
logians have surmised that ■ Santa has his own offi- agate new plants.
Christ really wasn’t born cial postal code. It’s HO ■ Each holiday season,
this time of year, thanks to HO HO. PNC Bankcalculates the
imagery and information ■ The song “Jingle Bells” costs of the gifts in the
from the Bible. was originally written for song, “The 12 Days of
■ Christmas carols began Thanksgiving and not Christmas.” The price
as an English custom Christmas. People loved it index for the gifts went
called “wassailing.” Indi- so much that the lyrics from $12,673 in 1984 to
viduals toasted neighbors were changed to fit Christ- $27,673 this year. The
to a long and healthy life. mas. most expensive gift is the
■ Despite the common ■ Christmas trees typi- nine ladies dancing.
tale that three wise men cally grow for 15 years
paid homage to baby Jesus, before they’re cut and sold. Metro Creative
Six timely tips to keep kids safe this holiday season
T he holiday season Your best gift is to keep your children safe all season long. Brandpoint sion to enjoy seasonal
is upon us, and as foods in moderation.
you prepare to poisonous, winter plants prevent financial burdens ■ Beware of string light- holiday parties. It’s a fun ■ Prepare and thaw holi-
enjoy all the won- and berries — including on your family. Schedule ing. Medical staff at Jane- time of year full of social- day favorites correctly.
derful things associated dried arrangements — some daily quiet time for way Children’s Health and izing, holiday goodness Food safety is imperative
with this time of year, present a choking hazard. yourself to help decrease Rehabilitation Center and lots of food. To avoid when making your holiday
don’t forget to keep child The Poison Control Center blood pressure and im- remind you to avoid plac- over-eating at holiday specialties. Thaw and
safety at the top of your at Children’s Hospital of prove blood circulation. ing strings of lights near dinners, start with bowls prepare food according to
mind so the entire family Philadelphia warns that With all the hustle and beds, cribs, or on the inte- of nuts or raw vegetables packaging instructions.
has a jolly holiday. decorations and ornaments bustle of the season, pri- rior of bedrooms as these with dip. You’ll feel better For more information, call
also pose a choking haz- oritize what’s most impor- can pose strangulation if you fill up on healthy the Food Safety Hotline,
Experts at Children’s ard and can cause injury if tant and keep things sim- hazards if they become options. Chewing slowly 800-535-4555, or visit
Miracle Network Hospi- broken or chewed. ple. Lean on the support dislodged. To avoid in- allows your brain to regis- for holiday food
tals recommend these six ■ Simplify the stress. of friends and family if juries, check the bulbs ter when you are full. safety advice.
safety and nutrition tips: The holidays can be a feelings of stress or de- periodically to make sure Whenever possible, make ■ Prepare before you
■ Prepare for potential joyful but stressful time. pression become over- that none is broken. the healthier food choice, head to grandma’s. When
holiday hazards. With the Establish limits that will whelming. ■ Limit over-eating at but give yourself permis- readying for car trips to
excitement the holiday visit relatives, make sure
season brings, close su- that windshield de-icers
pervision of children and antifreeze are being
shouldn’t be overlooked. used according to direc-
Experts at the Children’s tions. When securing kids
Hospital of Philadelphia in a car seat, remove
recommend keeping loose heavy snowsuits or extra-
button batteries often bulky coats. Instead, keep
found in children’s toys a blanket nearby to tuck
and singing greeting cards them in with after they’re
out of reach, as they are properly secured in the car
dangerous when swal- seat harness.
lowed. Keep holiday
guests’ medications out of To learn more about
reach of young children your local Children’s
and remember grandma’s Miracle Network Hospital
purse can be a dangerous and ways you can help
place if a pill minder or make kids healthier, visit
medications are left in-
side. Though often not
First impressions set the right tone for guests
W hen you host Courtesy of Champagne and Shimmer spiked ones on your bar to
family and prevent any mishaps.
friends at your Candles in the fireplace create a warm welcome to your holiday party without the heat. ■ Offer a welcome bite. A
holiday dinner, tray of appetizers, ideally
you invest a lot of time, may be more in your sig- festive holiday spirit. Cre- HGTV’s “Sandra Lee as vanilla, in safe hurricane cold and non-spoiling
thought and money to nature humorous style, ate a lengthy playlist, and Celebrates,” a series of lanterns, by your front ones, gets a delicious pop
make sure your guests such as “Yes, the eggnog is put it on repeat so that it holiday prime-time spe- door at least a half-hour of flavor into guests’
have a wonderful experi- spiked. Come on in and can play throughout your cials. “A lit fireplace is before guests arrive to mouths at the start of the
ence. A smart way to help join the party!” celebration without requir- beautiful but can quickly create a subtle, relaxing party, paving the way for
achieve that goal is to ■ If you have outdoor ing any extra work from heat up a room filled with aroma. your delectable meal to
create fabulous first im- speakers, play your choice you. guests. To get the look ■ Set a tray of welcome come.
pressions the moment they of holiday music, either ■ Illuminate your home without the warmth, in- drinks by the front door. ■ Have a tag-team partner
walk through your door (if classics or fun songs, such with candles. “Flickering stead fill the hearth with lit Guests will be delighted to help you with welcoming
not before they even get to as tunes from your favorite candlelight is beautiful, but pillar candles.” get a flute of bubbly or guests. Alternate on taking
the door). A warm and animated holiday specials. if small children or pets ■ A warm and delicious their choice of spiked or coats and offering wel-
delightful welcome sets the will be part of the cele- scent helps set the tone for unspiked apple cider. If come treats so that guests
tone for a highly enjoyable Upon arrival bration, substitute battery- your holiday dinner, so if you’ll have small children don’t stand awkwardly at
celebration for all. ■ Have music playing powered votive and pillar there aren’t scents from or underage guests at your the open door while you
inside your house, ideally candles for a warm glow your cooking food wafting party, it may be safest to rush to hang coats and say
Here are some of the the same music playing without the worries,” says through your home, light have unspiked drinks on hello.
top ways to plan fabulous outdoors, to share that Sandra Lee, host of some scented candles, such the tray and keep the ■ If you have a dog, put
welcomes to your holiday little Woofie in a separate
dinner: room during arrivals so
he/she doesn’t jump on
Before they get to the door guests or get underfoot
■ Illuminate your walk- during welcomes. You can
way from the driveway to bring your dog out later
your front door with out- during the party if you
door-safe LED candles, wish.
luminarias and lanterns, ■ One of the best ways to
blending several different welcome guests to your
kinds of lighting effects to holiday dinner is to give
light their path and create a compliments. Guests have
magical glow. spent time deciding what
■ Display a welcoming to wear, so tell them you
sign outside your front like their holiday tie, ear-
door. It may be one you rings, scarf, shoes, hand-
buy or make, in festive bag — whatever you no-
holiday colors to match tice. A compliment goes a
your wreath details or long way to putting guests
evergreen garlands in your in a celebratory mindset.
decor. The message may
be simple — such as Sharon Naylor/
“Happy Holidays!” — or it