Page 4 - Education Guide
P. 4
The value of an education
Cedar Crest College
A t Cedar Crest
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 College, the edu- it’s organizing a fundraiser, four-year degree programs. Courtesy of Cedar Crest College
cational experi- starting a club, or driving They say, “It’s all about At Cedar Crest College, students gain valuable experience both in and out of the classroom through varied
ence is more than their own research opportunities including internships and service projects.
just lectures, textbooks and projects, our students are who you know.” But at
exams. Students are ex- destined to excel upon Cedar Crest College, it’s
posed to boundless oppor- entering the workforce. more than that. Our highly
tunities to learn through credentialed faculty mem-
experience. From intern- Our students are en- bers develop close-knit
ships to service projects, gaged in many activities so relationships with their
they will graduate with we stress the importance students as they help to
skills that employers find of maintaining balance and build a solid platform for a
valuable and that allow provide every student with successful career. Every
them to contribute posi- resources to do so. No major offers professional
tively to their companies matter what major they development opportunities,
and community right away. choose students can al- including coursework on
ways incorporate their careers, internships and
Our student leaders passions into their experi- externships, job shadowing
innovate, inspire and most ence —whether it’s athlet- and alumnae mentoring.
of all, take action. With ics, dance, theater, or even Students also connect with
growth opportunities a second major, we offer a their field through multiple
around every corner, Cedar customized academic networking opportunities
Crest students develop experience. We also pro- and field experience that
critical thinking skills, vide the Four-Year Guar- enables them to understand
communication abilities, anteed Graduation agree- and communicate the val-
and confidence. Whether ment to all qualified gradu- ue of a Cedar Crest educa-
ates enrolled in any of the tion.
A Cedar Crest education does more than provide
a degree. It empowers students to become
strong and inspiring leaders equipped to make
positive, lasting change in the world.
Cedar Crest College
A t Cedar Crest
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 College, the edu- it’s organizing a fundraiser, four-year degree programs. Courtesy of Cedar Crest College
cational experi- starting a club, or driving They say, “It’s all about At Cedar Crest College, students gain valuable experience both in and out of the classroom through varied
ence is more than their own research opportunities including internships and service projects.
just lectures, textbooks and projects, our students are who you know.” But at
exams. Students are ex- destined to excel upon Cedar Crest College, it’s
posed to boundless oppor- entering the workforce. more than that. Our highly
tunities to learn through credentialed faculty mem-
experience. From intern- Our students are en- bers develop close-knit
ships to service projects, gaged in many activities so relationships with their
they will graduate with we stress the importance students as they help to
skills that employers find of maintaining balance and build a solid platform for a
valuable and that allow provide every student with successful career. Every
them to contribute posi- resources to do so. No major offers professional
tively to their companies matter what major they development opportunities,
and community right away. choose students can al- including coursework on
ways incorporate their careers, internships and
Our student leaders passions into their experi- externships, job shadowing
innovate, inspire and most ence —whether it’s athlet- and alumnae mentoring.
of all, take action. With ics, dance, theater, or even Students also connect with
growth opportunities a second major, we offer a their field through multiple
around every corner, Cedar customized academic networking opportunities
Crest students develop experience. We also pro- and field experience that
critical thinking skills, vide the Four-Year Guar- enables them to understand
communication abilities, anteed Graduation agree- and communicate the val-
and confidence. Whether ment to all qualified gradu- ue of a Cedar Crest educa-
ates enrolled in any of the tion.
A Cedar Crest education does more than provide
a degree. It empowers students to become
strong and inspiring leaders equipped to make
positive, lasting change in the world.