Page 2 - Education Guide
P. 2
Update or get
new job skills
Parents can help The last several years nicians also are needed.
ease the transition have seen a series of eco- The United States Depart-
into college studies. nomic ups and downs. ment of Labor lists services
Managing careers amid for the elderly and persons
Metro Creative such instability has been with disabilities, home
Connection challenging for many indi- healthcare services and
viduals, but professionals other health practitioner
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 How parents can simplify looking for more security positions among the fast-
the transition to college for students can take steps to find ca- est-growing career oppor-
reers that promise more tunities.
College is the first tasteSPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL upon moving into their use senior year of high Parents can encourage long-term stability.
of true independence many dorms, and getting them- school as an opportunity to their high school seniors to Computer Systems
young students experience. selves out of bed each show kids how to budget make their own medical Focusing a job search Computer systems ana-
Whereas mom and dad morning and off to class their money. If they don’t appointments. In addition, on industries that have
were always around to on time is one such have accounts already, take kids along on grocery shown strong growth and lysts and programming
make sure kids were out change. Parents worried open bank accounts in shopping trips, explaining the ability to ride out waves experts are highly coveted
the door on time and that their students will your youngster’s name, how to find sale items and of economic turmoil can tip in today’s digital world.
homework was done, that sleep in when mom and and insist that he or she which foods to buy and the odds in your favor. Many company operations
safety blanket is no longer dad isn’t around to remind start paying for his or her which to avoid. Nutrition Certain industries have are completely overseen by
there once kids move into them to wake up can start expenses via these ac- is not always foremost on better long-term employ- relatively autonomous
their dorm rooms. letting kids fly solo on counts. Resist the urge to the minds of college fresh- ment outlooks than others, computer systems. As
school day mornings dur- give high school kids gas men, but those who under- and men and women technology keeps chang-
The transition to college ing their final year of high money or money for shop- stand the importance of looking for more stability ing, employees who are
life can be exciting. But school. Let kids set their ping trips if they have healthy diets are more should consider these in- able to stay abreast of the
while students typically alarms, prepare their own already spent their allow- likely to buy nutritious dustries when pondering changes will only grow
welcome that transition breakfasts and get out the ances so they can learn meals than junk food. their next career moves. more valuable.
with open arms, parents door on time all on their how to effectively manage ■ Emphasize time man-
often worry about how own. By the time their money between paydays. agement. Today’s high Accounting Builders
their children will handle freshman year of college In addition, teach kids schoolers are busier than Thanks to ever-changing With more money in-
their suddenly more inde- arrives, kids will know about the right and wrong ever before, so many may
pendent life. Parents who how to handle their morn- ways to use credit cards, already be prepared for the financial policies and great- jected into the economy,
want to help their kids ings by themselves. including the importance juggling act that is college er scrutiny placed on lend- homes and businesses can
make as smooth a transi- ■ Teach kids how to of paying balances in full life. But college students ing practices and book- once again resume growth.
tion to college life as pos- develop budgets. Another and on time. have more free time than keeping, accounting jobs Laborers with skills in
sible can take steps during problem many first-year ■ Let kids handle more their high school counter- remain solid career construction, masonry and
their children’s senior year college students encounter standard responsibilities. parts, so parents can em- choices. Jobs in accounting residential building, and
of high school to help is an inability to effectively Adults tend to take more phasize the importance of can range from entry-level structure contractors can
them adjust to their new manage their money. mundane responsibilities managing that free time to more advanced (and count on steady employ-
surroundings and respon- Whether you plan to give like making doctor’s ap- wisely as opposed to more lucrative) positions ment.
sibilities more easily. kids an allowance while pointments or grocery spending it lounging on requiring certification or a
■ Let kids fly solo on they are in school or intend shopping for granted. But the couch or napping. secondary education. Environment
school day mornings. for them to work part-time kids likely have no idea Clean-energy and other
New college students have for their spending money, how to handle such tasks. Metro Creative Medicine
Financial health does environmental jobs may
2 to make many adjustments Connection currently make up a small
not safeguard people percentage of employment,
against illness, and health but reports from the Bureau
services are needed regard- of Labor Statistics indicate
less of the state of the jobs in this sector are grow-
economy. That makes ing much faster than other
medical careers some of fields, including healthcare.
the most coveted and stable Green jobs include work
around. Healthcare profes- that is primarily involved in
sions can be lucrative, and the production of green
careers in medicine are not goods and services, such as
restricted to doctors or renewable energy, pollution
nurses. Clinicians, medical reduction and recycling.
imaging personnel and
medical laboratory tech- Metro Creative
new job skills
Parents can help The last several years nicians also are needed.
ease the transition have seen a series of eco- The United States Depart-
into college studies. nomic ups and downs. ment of Labor lists services
Managing careers amid for the elderly and persons
Metro Creative such instability has been with disabilities, home
Connection challenging for many indi- healthcare services and
viduals, but professionals other health practitioner
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015 How parents can simplify looking for more security positions among the fast-
the transition to college for students can take steps to find ca- est-growing career oppor-
reers that promise more tunities.
College is the first tasteSPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL upon moving into their use senior year of high Parents can encourage long-term stability.
of true independence many dorms, and getting them- school as an opportunity to their high school seniors to Computer Systems
young students experience. selves out of bed each show kids how to budget make their own medical Focusing a job search Computer systems ana-
Whereas mom and dad morning and off to class their money. If they don’t appointments. In addition, on industries that have
were always around to on time is one such have accounts already, take kids along on grocery shown strong growth and lysts and programming
make sure kids were out change. Parents worried open bank accounts in shopping trips, explaining the ability to ride out waves experts are highly coveted
the door on time and that their students will your youngster’s name, how to find sale items and of economic turmoil can tip in today’s digital world.
homework was done, that sleep in when mom and and insist that he or she which foods to buy and the odds in your favor. Many company operations
safety blanket is no longer dad isn’t around to remind start paying for his or her which to avoid. Nutrition Certain industries have are completely overseen by
there once kids move into them to wake up can start expenses via these ac- is not always foremost on better long-term employ- relatively autonomous
their dorm rooms. letting kids fly solo on counts. Resist the urge to the minds of college fresh- ment outlooks than others, computer systems. As
school day mornings dur- give high school kids gas men, but those who under- and men and women technology keeps chang-
The transition to college ing their final year of high money or money for shop- stand the importance of looking for more stability ing, employees who are
life can be exciting. But school. Let kids set their ping trips if they have healthy diets are more should consider these in- able to stay abreast of the
while students typically alarms, prepare their own already spent their allow- likely to buy nutritious dustries when pondering changes will only grow
welcome that transition breakfasts and get out the ances so they can learn meals than junk food. their next career moves. more valuable.
with open arms, parents door on time all on their how to effectively manage ■ Emphasize time man-
often worry about how own. By the time their money between paydays. agement. Today’s high Accounting Builders
their children will handle freshman year of college In addition, teach kids schoolers are busier than Thanks to ever-changing With more money in-
their suddenly more inde- arrives, kids will know about the right and wrong ever before, so many may
pendent life. Parents who how to handle their morn- ways to use credit cards, already be prepared for the financial policies and great- jected into the economy,
want to help their kids ings by themselves. including the importance juggling act that is college er scrutiny placed on lend- homes and businesses can
make as smooth a transi- ■ Teach kids how to of paying balances in full life. But college students ing practices and book- once again resume growth.
tion to college life as pos- develop budgets. Another and on time. have more free time than keeping, accounting jobs Laborers with skills in
sible can take steps during problem many first-year ■ Let kids handle more their high school counter- remain solid career construction, masonry and
their children’s senior year college students encounter standard responsibilities. parts, so parents can em- choices. Jobs in accounting residential building, and
of high school to help is an inability to effectively Adults tend to take more phasize the importance of can range from entry-level structure contractors can
them adjust to their new manage their money. mundane responsibilities managing that free time to more advanced (and count on steady employ-
surroundings and respon- Whether you plan to give like making doctor’s ap- wisely as opposed to more lucrative) positions ment.
sibilities more easily. kids an allowance while pointments or grocery spending it lounging on requiring certification or a
■ Let kids fly solo on they are in school or intend shopping for granted. But the couch or napping. secondary education. Environment
school day mornings. for them to work part-time kids likely have no idea Clean-energy and other
New college students have for their spending money, how to handle such tasks. Metro Creative Medicine
Financial health does environmental jobs may
2 to make many adjustments Connection currently make up a small
not safeguard people percentage of employment,
against illness, and health but reports from the Bureau
services are needed regard- of Labor Statistics indicate
less of the state of the jobs in this sector are grow-
economy. That makes ing much faster than other
medical careers some of fields, including healthcare.
the most coveted and stable Green jobs include work
around. Healthcare profes- that is primarily involved in
sions can be lucrative, and the production of green
careers in medicine are not goods and services, such as
restricted to doctors or renewable energy, pollution
nurses. Clinicians, medical reduction and recycling.
imaging personnel and
medical laboratory tech- Metro Creative