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nsforming lives through lifelong learning

The Wescoe School of Muhlenberg College

By John I. Williams, Jr. truly valuable to that stu- School is widely recog-
President, Muhlenberg College dent. nized as a leader in con-
tinuing education. For
A s the new presi- The Wescoe School example, last year,
dent of Muhlen- provides its students the through this department’s
berg College, I opportunity to continue efforts on behalf of vet-
am constantly and enhance their educa- erans and active military,
assessing our strengths tion in ways specific to Muhlenberg College was
and challenges, opportuni- their position in life. ranked the No. 1 liberal
ties and barriers. The Classrooms are small and arts college for veterans
Wescoe School stands out full of energy and dis- by U.S. News & World
to me as one of Muhlen- cussion drawn from the Report.
berg’s unique strengths course materials as well as
and one of our greatest from the lives and work of I have met with several
opportunities. the students. The instruc- graduates of The Wescoe
tors have been teaching School already, and they
The Wescoe School is for years and know how to are all delighted with the
all about transforming and make the most of the stu- experience they had and
enriching lives. In my dents’ prior experiences. the education they re-
ceived. Most of all, they
The Wescoe School is widely are thrilled with the ways SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
recognized as a leader in continuing in which their lives have
been enriched.
education. For example, last year,
Muhlenberg College was ranked the I look forward to fur-
No. 1 liberal arts college for veterans by ther expansion of The
Wescoe School in the
U.S. News & World Report. years ahead, as we strive
to serve more and more
view, what truly sets The In turn, students take what students with a passion for SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015
Wescoe School apart is they learn in the class- learning and the determi-
the unwavering focus on room and apply it to the nation to make the most of Courtesy of Muhlenberg College
the adult learner. Many real world, to their per- life’s opportunities. There
staff members were adult sonal lives and to their is simply no substitute for On July 1, 2015, John I. Williams, Jr. took office as the 12th president of Muhlenberg College. 3
learners themselves and careers. the kind of education that
fully understand the ways will help you develop the
this population differs The Wescoe School tools needed for success
from traditional-age col- also benefits from being in today’s economy. The
lege students: the extra part of the larger College good news: it’s never too
planning, support and in many ways. Founded in late to start.
flexibility required to 1848, Muhlenberg has
balance a busy work and/ been educating students in Whether you are think-
or parenting schedule with the liberal arts tradition ing about attending col-
the pursuit of a college for almost 170 years. Far lege for the first time,
degree. The academic ahead of its time, Muhlen- returning to complete
advisers work with each berg saw a need for eve- your degree or venturing
student to custom-tailor a ning study in our commu- towardw a new one, The
program so that both the nity and began offering Wescoe School of Muh-
journey and the destina- adult education courses in lenberg College will help
tion are achievable and 1910. Today, well over a you go above and beyond.
century later, The Wescoe Get started by scheduling
a personal advisement
wescoe or 484-664-3300.
I look forward to seeing
you on our beautiful cam-
pus in the near future!
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