Page 9 - Education Guide
P. 9
ose KU and choose to have it all
Kutztown University
F Or the last 150 Smaller class sizes means students can get more focussed attention from professors. Courtesy of Kutztown University viewed journals. KU’s SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
years, students who Social Work department
choose Kutztown cation, Elementary Educa- provides the full continu- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015
University become tion, Music Education, um of nationally accredited
part of a community de- Secondary Education, and social work educational
fined by bright, ambitious Special Education. KU’s programming: Bachelor of
students; brilliant, dedi- Special Education/Visual Social Work, Master of
cated faculty; and a di- Impairment program and Social Work, and new
verse, vibrant learning clinically-based Reading Doctor of Social Work.
atmosphere. program are two of the Other well-respected pro-
country’s preeminent pro- grams within the college
Kutztown University is grams of this nature. Also include criminal justice,
located 30 minutes from new this year, an Autism English, modern lan-
Allentown and Reading, 90 Endorsement prepares guages, political science
minutes from Philadelphia, teacher candidates to sup- and more, with computer
and two hours from New port the 1 in 68 children science and environmental
York City. Founded in diagnosed with an Autism and marine science pro-
1866, KU has nearly 9,200 Spectrum Disorder. grams receiving NSF
students, more than 100 ■ College of Liberal grants to support schol-
areas of study, 200 student Arts and Sciences: Phys- arships, research, and new
organizations and 21 ical Sciences, which in- and exciting internships.
NCAA Division II athletic clude Biochemistry, Chem- ■ College of Visual and
programs — all housed on istry, Geology, Marine Performing Arts: Accred-
a beautiful 289-acre cam- Science and Physics are ited undergraduate pro-
pus. distinguished by a commit- grams in Communication
ment to undergraduate Design, Crafts, Studio Art,
Find your perfect match research, giving students Music, Music Education
Choose from majors opportunities to serve as and Art Education, and our
co-authors of presentations EMMY Award-winning
and minors and prepare to at national meetings and of electronic media program
enter today’s fastest-grow- publications in peer-re- have national reputations.
ing fields. Whether you Students benefit from close
take part in one of our proximity to major world
nationally renowned Pro- art centers in Philadelphia,
grams of Distinction (Visu- New York City, and Wash-
al and Performing Arts, ington, D.C. The visual
Education, Physical Scien- and performing arts pro-
ces, and Social Work), or grams at Kutztown occupy
focus your studies in other newly renovated and ex-
areas, KU has what you’re panded state of the art
looking for. facilities.
■ College of Business:
Prepare to take on the Courtesy of Kutztown University Make the most of your
global challenges of to- Founded in 1866, KU has nearly 9,200 students, more than 100 areas of study, 200 student organiza- investment
day’s business environment tions, and 21 NCAA Division II athletic programs — all housed on a beautiful 289-acre campus.
through programs in ac- With numerous schol-
counting, finance, manage- the hallmark of excellence tionally. In addition, the (COSMA) in fall of 2015. arship, grant, loan, and 9
ment, marketing, sports in business education and Leisure and Sport Studies ■ College of Education: campus employment op-
management and lead- positions KU’s programs program expects to receive KU’s nationally recognized portunities; affordable
ership development. KU’s among the top 5 percent of its Commission on Sport and NCATE-accredited tuition; and highly suc-
Business Administration business schools interna- Management Accreditation programs include Art Edu- cessful student outcomes,
programs have earned the it’s easy to see the tremen-
prestigious Association to dous value that is Kutz-
Advance Collegiate town University.
Schools of Business
(AACSB) International. Choose KU and choose
AACSB accreditation is to have it all.
Kutztown University
F Or the last 150 Smaller class sizes means students can get more focussed attention from professors. Courtesy of Kutztown University viewed journals. KU’s SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OF THE MORNING CALL
years, students who Social Work department
choose Kutztown cation, Elementary Educa- provides the full continu- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015
University become tion, Music Education, um of nationally accredited
part of a community de- Secondary Education, and social work educational
fined by bright, ambitious Special Education. KU’s programming: Bachelor of
students; brilliant, dedi- Special Education/Visual Social Work, Master of
cated faculty; and a di- Impairment program and Social Work, and new
verse, vibrant learning clinically-based Reading Doctor of Social Work.
atmosphere. program are two of the Other well-respected pro-
country’s preeminent pro- grams within the college
Kutztown University is grams of this nature. Also include criminal justice,
located 30 minutes from new this year, an Autism English, modern lan-
Allentown and Reading, 90 Endorsement prepares guages, political science
minutes from Philadelphia, teacher candidates to sup- and more, with computer
and two hours from New port the 1 in 68 children science and environmental
York City. Founded in diagnosed with an Autism and marine science pro-
1866, KU has nearly 9,200 Spectrum Disorder. grams receiving NSF
students, more than 100 ■ College of Liberal grants to support schol-
areas of study, 200 student Arts and Sciences: Phys- arships, research, and new
organizations and 21 ical Sciences, which in- and exciting internships.
NCAA Division II athletic clude Biochemistry, Chem- ■ College of Visual and
programs — all housed on istry, Geology, Marine Performing Arts: Accred-
a beautiful 289-acre cam- Science and Physics are ited undergraduate pro-
pus. distinguished by a commit- grams in Communication
ment to undergraduate Design, Crafts, Studio Art,
Find your perfect match research, giving students Music, Music Education
Choose from majors opportunities to serve as and Art Education, and our
co-authors of presentations EMMY Award-winning
and minors and prepare to at national meetings and of electronic media program
enter today’s fastest-grow- publications in peer-re- have national reputations.
ing fields. Whether you Students benefit from close
take part in one of our proximity to major world
nationally renowned Pro- art centers in Philadelphia,
grams of Distinction (Visu- New York City, and Wash-
al and Performing Arts, ington, D.C. The visual
Education, Physical Scien- and performing arts pro-
ces, and Social Work), or grams at Kutztown occupy
focus your studies in other newly renovated and ex-
areas, KU has what you’re panded state of the art
looking for. facilities.
■ College of Business:
Prepare to take on the Courtesy of Kutztown University Make the most of your
global challenges of to- Founded in 1866, KU has nearly 9,200 students, more than 100 areas of study, 200 student organiza- investment
day’s business environment tions, and 21 NCAA Division II athletic programs — all housed on a beautiful 289-acre campus.
through programs in ac- With numerous schol-
counting, finance, manage- the hallmark of excellence tionally. In addition, the (COSMA) in fall of 2015. arship, grant, loan, and 9
ment, marketing, sports in business education and Leisure and Sport Studies ■ College of Education: campus employment op-
management and lead- positions KU’s programs program expects to receive KU’s nationally recognized portunities; affordable
ership development. KU’s among the top 5 percent of its Commission on Sport and NCATE-accredited tuition; and highly suc-
Business Administration business schools interna- Management Accreditation programs include Art Edu- cessful student outcomes,
programs have earned the it’s easy to see the tremen-
prestigious Association to dous value that is Kutz-
Advance Collegiate town University.
Schools of Business
(AACSB) International. Choose KU and choose
AACSB accreditation is to have it all.